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If you have discovered it yet the fun in life is helping other people.
I don't care what you do whether you are a teacher
or an accountant.
or an attorney or whatever you do. The real fun in life is not how much money
can make it's how many people you can help are much better you can make their lives
you know i was growing up my dad told me the way to really do that is to be a Doctor.
You can help more people
by being a doctor than by doing anything else and i believed him
until i became a doctor.
Then what i found is what they taught me unfortunately, the intentions were
good but doctors get sidetracked by the drug industry and the other money industries.
And as a result i was given tools that plain and simple
do not work. You know that that's why your friends and relatives are still sick.
If it worked we wouldn't be having this conference
because everybody'd be well
uh... so i was fortunate enough to learn a different way of dealing with things
but along the way i've met some absolutely wonderful people
The dairy association
teaches a tremendous amount of dishonesty.
The nice thing is they're honest about the dishonesty so to speak.
if you go to the internet
you'll find a whole bunch of information about what the dairy association is up to.
Before i get into discussion though i want to make something absolutely clear.
That is when i am talking about milk i'm not talking about mother's milk.
I'm not talking about human breast milk.
Human breast milk is absolutely essential for human babies.
It's one of the three great big crimes against society that's going on.
right now and that is
depriving mothers not only here in this land but underdeveloped countries of
human breast milk. Instead feeding them formula
The other two crimes against society are the tobacco industry
criminals, the tobacco industry and also the meat and dairy industry
selling their goods, their poisons, their death. Not only home but abroad in
under-developed countries
Breast milk is absolutely essential for good health if you fail to breast feed
your child
You're causing some problems that
could be immediate, life threatening, and also
could be long-term.
And these are these are real problems in this country by the way
if you fail to breastfeed in underdeveloped countries like India
rural Africa, rural Asia
then you cause even more severe problems.
It's estimated that bottle feeding kills more than one million children a year across the world.
That would not have died if they would have had a message to breastfeed instead.
You have two to four times the risk of crib death if you bottle feed your baby.
You have 60 times more chance of that child developing pneumonia
in the first three months of life.
The child has a greater risk of going to the hospital during first year of life by about
ten to twelve times.
Reduced intelligence. The I.Q. is decreased if you
bottle feed that baby.
I often tell my mother. When she's sat in the audience even i'll say this
i'll say mother...
if you had breast fed me for more than three weeks i'd have had Larry King's job.
Behavioral and speech difficulties.
Problems early in life such as infections, asthma, eczema, type 1 diabetes,
Cancer including lymphomas and leukemias are increased early in life.
And then later on if you got a bad start in life later on when you become adults or
there are other problems associated with bottle feeding
and that is a greater risk of heart disease, obesity,
diabetes, multiple-sclorosis food allergies ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease.
So when i discuss the issues of milk, please do not get confused.
Human breast milk is the only acceptable food for human babies.
In fact if i was surgeon general of the United States
don't hold your breath
but if i was surgeon general the united states
One of the things that i would do is i would make formula a prescription item.
A doctor would not be allowed to write this prescription unless he or she
can justify it just like narcotics because we're talking about a
life-and-death situation here.
When i'm talking to you about dairy i want you to realize that i'm talking
about all kinds of dairy products. I'm talking about non-fat milk, i'm talking about
kefir, i'm talking about yoghurt, i'm talking about butter.
i'm talking about cheese, i'm talking about cottage cheese.
I'm talking about all the dairy products.
So there may be some differences in the message i'm giving.
Depending upon on the amount of fat
The amount of protein involved in these particular dairy products but
you can pretty much generalize the story.
The dairy industry, if you go to the internet, has a new campaign going.
It's called dairy checkoff 2003. You can look it up.
In fact i encourage you to look up some of the information up. Just jot some notes.
Look it up. See whether or not the things i'm telling you are easy to find.
You'll find that they're right there.
The dairy industry is supporting a 11 billion dollar milk business
and a 16 billion dollar a year cheese business.
And they have dedicated
165.7 milliion dollars this year, 2003.
to promoting
dairy products.
This is their statement:
['This ongoing program area
referring to the section -dairy image/confidence-
aims to protect and enhance consumer confidence in dairy products and the
dairy industry.
The major component involves conducting and communicating the results of dairy
nutrition research showing
the healthfulness of dairy products']
Understand what they're saying
They're going to pay with 167 million dollars
to get research to show benefits of their products. That's what they are
paying for that's what they'll get. They'll do anything
to get a those results and i will show you what they're doing
over the next few minutes.
And the other thing they're going to spend this money on is
issues and crisis management.
I am crisis management!
And they know that.
Now cow's milk, the basic problem is that cow's milk was designed over...
i don't know how long cows have been around.
Well let's just guess 20 million years cows have been around.
For 20 million years or their
predecessors, however long they were around
this evolution has gone on to develop this ideal food for baby cows called
cow's milk.
And they do a good job. They take grow baby cows very well.
and eventually a baby cow weighs
as an adult 1500 lbs (700kg) and stands about 4'6" tall
and their lots lots lots of cows in this country.
Like about 96 million cows.
So it's working out really well this cow's milk is for cows.
But cow's milk is not
the right food for people.
Milk is specifically designed for a species of animal.
And one of the qualities of the milk is that it has to fit the needs
related to growth.
So let's take a look at some figures here concerning the growth of an animal
compared to the protein content which is vital to growth you've got to have
protein involved in the growth process
let's take a look at the protein content
based upon rate of growth the rate of growth here is the amount of time
that is required to double the size the animal
so human breast milk has 1.2 grams per hundred milliliters
and the growth rate or doubling time is six months
horses 2.4g doubles in size in sixty days. Cows 3.3g
doubles in size in forty-seven days
Dog 7.1g doubles in size in eight days. And a rat
11.8 grams
per hundred cc
and it doubles in size in 4.5 days. You see the connection there?
this is a food that has a protein content ideal for an animal that
doubles in size about four times as fast as we do.
There are other nutritional qualities that fit ideally for a cow but differ greatly from us.
And that is the calcium content. For example the calcium content
of cow's milk is four times higher than calcium content of human breast milk.
Fits ideally for growing a cow but it was absolutely necessary to have that
kind of calcium load
to grow a person. If it was necessary than human breast milk would contain
that amount of calcium so it is with the other nutrients
cow's milk is supercharged
because of the fact that you need to grow this animal very rapidly to a very
large size. Makes sense.
Milk is sold to people in this country
as the ideal food to build strong bones.
I need to point out to you that originally milk was sold to you based upon
the calcium content and everybody in this room knows
that the reason though
build strong bones is because it's filled with calcium.
And of course bones have a lot of calcium and so it makes sense, right?
Well there was a problem that's developed and that is the scientists
started to think about this a little bit look at the research a little more
and even consumers have looked at this and
they've come to the conclusion that this really doesn't make a lot of sense.
The picture that you'd have to have in mind believing that calcium is so
important for bone growth
Is you have to have this kind of thought process going on
You'd have to think what i do to grow strong bones is I shove a lot of calcium in
past my lips
through my esophagus, into my intestine. And if i shove it fast enough and hard enough
I'll develop a high concentration in the intestine, which will push through
the intestinal wall into the bloodstream,
and build up a high concentration of calcium in the bloodstream.
And then it will get pushed into the bones and stuffed into the bones.
That's what you have to believe
you have to believe the gut is a passive sieve
You know what a sieve is.
Something that you drain your spaghetti with. The sieve.
by shoving this calcium and it goes right in
through the bones, into the bones.
Of course that's nonsense.
Not only will that never happened in nature but it would be deadly if it did.
Because if you consumed
the gallons of milk and the handfuls of calcium pills that are recommended you would die.
You would die from soft-tissue calcification. Your kidneys would be calcified,
your muscles would get calcified, your heart would be calcified. You would die!
So what we have instead of this passive sieve is we have a very intelligent gut wall.
It is so intelligent that when you do silly things like take these
large extraordinary amounts of calcium, it will block the calcium out and save your life.
If you do something that is the other extreme which is to take
a lower amount of calcium
say you just eat plant foods rice corn or potatoes and so on.
well it will do that got walls of law and reach out
into that food supply
it'll grad that cal simple that calcium in very efficiently into the blood and
it will
always meet your calcium needs
now how do i know what always meets calcium needs
because i have searched
the world health organization is searched
uh... the united states government has searched
for a single case of calcium deficiency caused by any low calcium diet and we
have all come up empty-handed
there has never been the case of dietary calcium deficiency ever reported in the
world literature
there is no such disease and yet
and yet
billions of people levant diets
they contain no dairy products no problems
no calcium pills
and they grow normally built skeletons how could they do that you wouldn't
believe that would be possible if you listen to the dairy industry the cal
simple industry would you
but but your own observations say
there with her teaching you cannot be true
so if you find a case of dietary calcium deficiency another was not enough
calcium a diet causes the disease i'm the first one that knows
please and so i get the report of medical journal become world-famous
okay so the calcium that didn't work right
so did dairy industry now has to figure out another way to tell you how
dairy products build strong bones
and all of you are a little more sophisticated in this in every read the
newspapers and
and some of the news articles are more importantly the medical journals you
will see
and now the dairy industry as well as the park in the beef industry
have figured out how their products build strong bones
what they're telling you is that the reason that these foods that are high in
protein build strong bones
is a direct effect of the protein on the bones
the police cause
the protein causes the bombs to grow stronger
and they have put names of dollars into that research to show you that
and names more into the media to get the
policy spin
so that the public on our part
let me talk to you about these two issues for a few minutes
the dairy industry now has a new campaign
it's called a three-day three a day for stronger bones three dairy products a
day for stronger bones do you know where they get that slogan from
you've heard the five a day program which is a really good legitimate
program is now going up to nine today because they know five a day
fruits and vegetables really is not but that's what they start
now they're up to tell you the united a pretty soon they'll do you tell you
something really radical like just eat fruits vegetables
because that's what the truth is okay so they have this three-day campaign look
at what their advertising this as one of their slogans
they're not just advertising scan on friday
they've got cheese
and mel
and yogurt and ice cream and whatever they just anything if you look at the
ads to tell you to build strong bones they're telling you
to consume
not just low fat products
but any other products
any ever ties that you see for us to process and you would stop and think
from a missing a listen
i see a little problem here
i hear at the heart association and other organizations
telling me that i should avoid these high fat high cholesterol foods
because they'll give me strokes heart attacks
adult type diabetes
colon cancer breast cancer
what eight during the rotten trick
to get a necessary nutrient calcium i have to respond life
and you start thinking maybe there's something wrong here
maybe by creator
didn't make a horrible mistake
you see the problem here
if you believe that
the human being was designed correctly
in an environment that is supposed to support the human being
that how could you have such truck on tradition diction exist
how could you have a recommendation
that will give you breast cancer and heart disease yet is necessary to grow
strong bones it makes no sense to us our creator out to lunch
would be at mcdonald's
maybe head get cerebral disease that s was talking about
okay so that's the new plant five a day
first thing i want to point out to you is that calcium is a mineral it comes
the ground always remember comes to prompt
tells him does not come from now
originally does not come for plants originally where it comes from is from
the ground all your minerals copper
manganese and potassium sodium
all these minerals that you're so busy talking about many of your taking
supplements for
all these minerals come from the ground
the way to get into all animals as they dissolve in water solutions
the roots of plants take these minerals up at the from these water solutions
incorporate the minerals in the roots leaves flowers stems
fruits leaves for instance
well the parts the plants
study another part
and what we do it as animals or other animals do as they go eat departs the
plants right
no animal it's prob
except for a two year old
cell what we want to do is we want to get
the minerals from the more gradual source for market economics so what's
the next rise
plants are so sufficient minerals
mineral deficiency is almost nonexistent in the world with two exceptions
and those are all right and efficiency
and in very rare cases sodium deficiency in maybe a third may be a very very very
rare cases
sink deficiency but nothing you can bring that to worry about
he's a very isolated situation for every more about the mineral
and the vitamin issue
in last month's newsletter on my white website i wrote about
vitamins and minerals and why i don't recommend them
okay so that's where the original source of calcium is from we should go to that
original source and as i mentioned you always get enough if you go to original
let's take a look at some of the recommendations that have been given in
the scientific literature for our calcium intake
just to help you focus on the problem here
if you look at the research that was done
the basic research in basic research if you look at science ru study design have
and i studied the science
well over a hundred years of science targeted research
what you find is that really basic stuff was done back in the nineteen twenties
thirties and forties
we build up on that but the basic research was done back then the basic
research shows that eight percent whether either person is nursing or
requires a hundred and fifty
to two hundred milligrams of calcium intake that's it
average calcium intake and i developed countries is three hundred to five
hundred milligrams a day
i remember some of these figures
tells an intake for the average americans fodder to six hundred
milligrams a day
world health organization world health organization is responsible for the
nutritional needs
of most people on this earth
four to five hundred milligrams a day
but dot
industry influenced organizations in this country recommend things amount
such as a thousand a thirty two milligrams a day from the u_s_ food
and attrition board
and the national institute health apos into fifteen hundred milligrams a day
ask yourself you see these figures you ask yourself
or what how in the world could we have a recommendation away from a hundred and
fifty to fifty hundred milligrams a day
how could such numbers exist
the only way such numbers could exist is if calcium intake
has little are nothing to do with the help of the bones
and that's what the truth is not show you how that works in just a second
the uh... dairy industry
has influenced
not accuse me let me set correctly the dairy industry has paid for
almost all the research study in the effects of calcium
on bone health
okay you'll find it if you look where ever i read study all tell you
the first thing that i do as i look for who funded it
and if you read the studies that are discussed
over the next few minutes and the ones that are in this particular paper which
is in the
september two thousand issue of the american journal clinical depression
and you've taken
all the studies of the library look at the funny you'll find almost every one
of the studies were paid for by the dairy industry
adi investigators that publish this paper in september two thousand american
journal of clinical depression
they found fifty seven studies that
talk about the benefits of dairy products and don't help
fifty seven that's all just fifty-seven
and what they looked at the uh... quality of study design they decided
that only
twenty one were worth really considering
twenty-one studies
on the affects of
dairy products
on bone health
you would have thought
that the bragging it's going on the the advertising
budget that goes
for terry pratchett fear that they have
thousands of studies that support the benefits we'll ship
know there are twenty one studies that were properly designed
to test the benefits of
cosmo on both help
all those studies
fifty seven blvd understand that they were paid for by the dairy industry yet
fifty-seven showed no benefit
from cows not on bone health
twenties nine
percent were favorable
and fourteen percent actually showed the cosmo hurt the bones
now there's a particularly
well-respected kind of study
among doctors and scientists it's called a randomized controlled study that's
where you take one group
of people that you have tried to make a similar as the other group of people
and you do something to this one group of tweak all the experimental group
and you don't do anything to the other group
so we have a control here
and we do something experimentally to this one group
there are only seven studies that have been published
in the literature on the effect of cosmo that use this design
seven studies
almost seven studies only one
tested the effect
a fluid house now
on post-menopausal women
which are
two subjects that are most likely
to develop osteoporosis
and that one study
which was published in nineteen eighty-five shows that house now hurts
the bombs
and it was paid for
the national dairy industry
it was published
american chuckling confession
in february of nineteen eighty five
to go look it up you can read the funding geary to study agreed to stay
very carefully
uh... doctor also said he brought me a copy to study
yesterday he said you know i'd look at the study and
and uh... i'd like you point out the different areas that you're talking
about these you've been very period
verbose a critical this particular study
you have to understand who pay for the study you'll have to understand that was
employees at the dairy industry that did the study
so when they woke up the did the particular language in the study they
did the best they could to cover up
the bad news
so what you have to do is you have to as i pointed out he actually has the study
with him
i don't know maybe sanders road we had it with him yesterday
and and i just went through a circle all the areas they're they're there's the
facts as the data we have to do is look at the daddy you just can't retrieve the
nonsense that went on the study
and by the way i'm not the only one i can read the study you'll see the
colleagues of returning any also to read the study they were very critical of
in the same time zone to tell you about right now there are very critical of
them if you read the letters to the editor
so what record he needed is a date they set up a study with the took
postmenopausal women why postmenopausal women their most what like liked likely
wants to get foster process right
and then what they did is they fed them three eight-ounce glasses of milk a day
three eight-ounce glasses a skim milk a day twice kim not because they didn't
want them to die of heart disease before the experiment was over
and then they measured
the outcome
and what they found was the average
uh... amount of calcium consumed was over fourteen hundred milligrams a day
you know as high as anybody recommends
they found that these women consuming the supplemented not the three
eight-ounce glasses came out today
were still in negative calcium balance that means they lost more calcium in
their urine in their feces and they're sort of a got
and that when you look at the charts at the end all of the study you find that
those who got the milk lost twice as much bone
as those who didn't
they will never
do that study again
it's been twenty years since the study was done
and they will never ever do it again
now record haney they say the following things in their particular article i
just want to go over these two statements break is a very predictable
gonna talk about in just a minute
they said the a protein content of the not supplement
may have a negative affect on calcium balance possibly through an increase in
kidney losses of calcium or through a direct effect on bone resorption
focus on those words
protein having eight detrimental effect
on the calcium
don't forget those words
is the dairy industries for god
this may have been due to an average
thirty percent increase in protein intake during the milk supplementation
says right there in their paper
what causes osteoporosis
the bones are designed to last a lifetime your bones are designed to
dissolve when you're forty fifty or sixty years old they're designed to last
year for eighty five years
strong carry around
to draw the activities that are normal woman or man supposed to do
so this would have to be a disease there has to be something wrong
we have to be living by the wrong set of rules the wrong set of rules is the fact
that we are you gonna diet not intended for human beings
this is a diet that we did not me falta pon has been discussed by all of the the
people that you've heard over the last over the last two days
it is a diet that has qualities
that may be fit fortier
gap or a
around a source racks or maybe a darker but it certainly is not fit for human
being and one of the
more serious problems with this kind of diet is that this followed asset
if you take food and you grind it up
yeah grinder and you take
a ph tester some way to test the asa base talents
uh... neutral seven
below neutral is answered above neutral is alkaline
so you stake your leader in there you measure the acid the food you find it
certain foods are very acidic these are things like cheese
parmesan cheese is the most acidic all foods commonly consumed
seafood of various kinds
all your animal products are loaded with acid
your alkaline foods
are your fruits and vegetables grains are a tiny bit of city people trade only
grains 'cause they're acid
just a little bit of silicon people living brain diets by the way do very
well as far as bone strength is concerned but i
i won't get off on that particular attacking us we have to later
so what happens is that we eat all of this acid on the american diet now the
body maintains a slightly alkaline ph
were a little bit above seventy if you measure the dvd
the bloody acid
well we eat acid what happens is the body has to neutralize that acid why
because ph test be maintained
priests i sleep it isn't that other chemical reactions the by don't work you
get very sick
so the body maintains ph in it does it by neutralizing all that acid wahaan
symbolize the acid
the primary battery system the bodies the bombs the bombs to solve their
by carbon it's and other kinds of neutral
birch evening alkalinity rials which neutralize the *** and that's how you
luger bones
you uh... essentially pour acid on them
and uh... they dissolve
when we look around the world what we find is a direct correlation between
animal protein intake and hip fractures
e_c_ countries they consume a very oakland diet very vegetarian kind of
like in the papua new guinea your role africans or people in asian countries
have a real hips of heavy recive hip fracture
as you move off
the economic scale and you look at
countries that are wealthier you see higher protein intakes and higher hip
fracture rates
we've been taught that the problems not
protein fact proteins never mentioned
except now in a positive tone
we're taught the problem is
now enough calcium let's take a look at the world wide picture
and you see if you look at increasing calcium intake worldwide the more
calcium consumed in the country
the higher the raid hip fractures
the only way that that data can exist is if calcium has little or nothing to do
with the strength of the bones
and that's what the truth is
you cannot get around the steady you cannot deny this day you cannot argue
against this data
we've been doing experiments on
for many years on the subject but they really got a tense about it in the early
and all the basic experiments done on
bone strength
in terms of buga calcium intake and protein were done in the early eighties
so i think is a set up various research projects of the and first column there
you see the initials of the principal investigator casual look at the particu
and uh... in the city and the second policy the amount of calcium that was
consumed by the subject that study and then what they did is they put them
either on a low protein or high-protein diet
when they put the subject of a low protein diet which is about eighty five
grams of protein a day
we eat about
you know of seventy five eighty five maybe ninety five grams of protein
despot in our area protein
plus by the way our protein intake is very alkaline
event date do the calcium balance is what what they do is it just made the
calcium in the air and in the feces
and they subtract that from you on a calcium a treat
and you get calcium balance well when you're on a low protein diet urine
positive calcium balance on a diet of five hundred dollar gaza calcium
is still a possibility belts on forty nine milligrams of calcium
if you eat a high protein diet which is typical americans this the printers were
a hundred and forty two hundred fifty grams of protein a day
even when you're consuming fourteen hundred milligrams of calcium a day
you're still a negative calcium ballots they
more of the story is no matter how much calcium you consume
you will not correct the problem into you deal with the cause
which is the high-protein high acid america dot
all the mechanism mechanisms for this or worked out
fantasy report and not national geographic in nineteen eighty seven in
their opportunities cv effects of
of protein on bone health
appeal the lived many years ago there were a couple women who work
said in a hot
five centuries ago a nice full fell on top of them in and preserve them for
five hundred years
they discover these ladies and
in alaska estimated their age was twenty in forty years of age
on autopsy they found
that they showed
signs of severe aust your perot sys
and also they suffered from atherosclerosis in in the national
geographic article they say this was
the resolve of a heavy diet of wales seal barber
this is no mystery
and this is not a problem of modern society
the eskimo that was studied a traditionalist more study again and
uh... the results were published in american journal of clinical depression
about thirty years ago in nineteen seventy four they looked at the estamos
and they check their their bone density and they found that uh... after the age
of forty
consumed arrest most had ten to fifty percent or greater bone loss then
than americans of compare voyage
and uh... that's in the face the fact that the asked most consuming all those
fish bones eat on the average twenty five hundred milligrams of calcium a day
but they also need two hundred and fifty four grams of protein a day in the form
a whale seal fish
and other animal products
what is the dairy industry going to do what they're going to do is the kind of
proper all of this negative publicity on protein
because it's absolutely crystal clear
a hundred years of research is absolutely crystal clear that protein
and the acid associated with the protein is what's damaging in destroying the
so they've got to counter it
so what they've done is they've set up their own experiments
then these experiments start without an initial observations
and that is that in our society
people who eat diets lo and dairy products have the worst bones
now were those people we diets low in dairy products they are the less
fortunate people our society who live on
sodas and other unhealthy foods
they're they're very unhealthy very overweight of six people our society
and so they make a conclusion or they try to get you to believe based on this
they'd be most unfortunate people our society who also happened to consume
less dairy products
also have the worst bones and that's why you're to believe
that the problem is like a dairy products and they also
go on to say well that's because of elec approaching
saw how do they set up experiments to prove this to you and there are bought
twelve experiments so far published
annual noticed on the right hand corner paid for by the national dairy
or the pork industry or the livestock industry arsov please note that when you
read study
this is the way you do it by the way this was published for you if you want
to read how it's done
was published for you in the american journal of clinical trish in may of two
thousand three
this is no mystery to my colleagues
scientists know all of these shenanigans
what you do is you set up an experiment we look at a population of people who
eats lots and lots and lots of extra balls
an eight protein to
and that what you find is those who eat a little bit more protein head a little
stronger bones
almost that's the bulls what they do is the neutralizing acid in the diet of
these people
and any other way set up your spam it issue take groups of people you put him
in a house you put him in a laboratory situation
and you feed these people various amounts of protein which also feed them
antacids like sector cal
and you neutralize the acid from the protein
and know what you find is more protein causes more bone growth
they finally got it on time
but starr is incomplete less they can tell at all
and so
what they've had to do is they've had to figure out a way that that protein
stimulates bone growth missus touched on by doctor bernard on friday night
uh... what they have brought into plays a factor called insulin-like growth
factor one
and so i crossed back to what is a very powerful growth hormone that's what's
responsible for growth throughout our entire life
and anti-growth factor one will promote bone growth
when you feed protein
what happens is you increase the amount of insulin-like growth factor one
in their bodies and you increase bone growth
and you can actually see that
only if u neutralize the acid first
you can also increases the likelihood factor one even more by increasing the
amount of uh... recumbent
growth factor recumbent bovine growth factor
that they put in the milk and they do that is coming in on a very concerned
they put it in melb to increase milk production
so when you put this into the columns in the production process
the melt that they produce also has more i_d_f_ one dance like growth factor one
and by the way it is not destroyed by pasteurization
the end result is
published actually into studies doctrine are charge about one of them directly to
post studies published one on adolescent girls
and the other one was published as he told you about last friday night on
uh... on post-menopausal women
well it's a show as when you feed not
two women either adolescents are post-menopausal
you increase their it's like growth factor one levels by ten percent so now
the dairy industry has the mechanism
for bone growth
by feeding dairy products
but i can't tell you all the details like uh... neutralize the acid for
smooth and now they got it
unfortunately unfortunately there are people of the people like myself and
some of the other folks here we're gonna tell you the rest of the story
and arrest the story is that it's like growth factor was the strongest cancer
promoter of the people of the den if i'd not only do you grow old
body tissue but you also grow cancer with hits like growth factor one
the crows breast and colon and prostate lung cancer tremendously
they prevent cell death which you don't want to happen we are growing cancer
cells and increases cell proliferation
it is a very powerful
cancer stimulator
when we talk about milk one of the things that your friends will say is
okay i understand it knocks not good for me understand that uh... it's not good
for me 'cause bryan fat i solve that problem
i have not consumed are changed by mike assumption from regular mail too
low fat not the scandal
and they feel real good about that if you like to solve their problems they've
taken the fat out a lot of cholesterol but let's look at what they've really
actually done if you look at this
these figures up here you see when you switch from hold now
to low-fat milk you change the fact content from fifty percent
two thirty one percent
is that how can it be it's not fifty percent over the card i got the story
the card says no
three-and-a-half percent fat homail three-and-a-half percent fat
well that's three-and-a-half percent fat by weight
not these are just up in just a whole gala water and and by weight
three-and-a-half percent was fat but nobody eats food by weight
ninety-two five-pound diet
you two thousand calorie diet
the jam nominate her for all discussions the science of nutrition is it
is calories now wait
so all of the calories in the mail kaplan-meier fat and home ill
and low fat now which is two percent now
thirty percent a mark that
and we did on the skin out there actually really low in fat
but what do you do the other
the other substances the milk when you take the fat out whenever you have to
alternately end up with a hundred percent as far as the total calories
so what happens to the relative concentrations of the other nutrients
and not the other mackerel entrance for the protein goes from twenty one
twenty-eight forty one percent protein
so what you've done as you may have helped the orders you may have you
really have a don't get to those in a minute
you may have helped the arteries a little bit but you've of course damage
the bones
and you've created a situation where you get kidney stones those bonds by the way
that you've lost
the dayton pass on the bike to the kidneys as some of the finance or you
kidney stones
and also you increase the amount of carbohydrate diet from thirty percent
two fifty seven percent when you go from whole note to the scandal
the dairy industry has departed children
and this is one of the way is the one of the areas that we're gonna go after them
is then their efforts to target children concerning our
importance of cosmetic tell you it's necessary for growth
it's nicer for bones it actually is essential and can you imagine
raising a child without cosmo
there you'll get criticism from uh... from from grandma from
your mother-in-law
for your pediatrician i'm not joking you will
you if you could even be accused of child abuse
to raise your child without house no
and i'm sure some of you hesitate i'm sure you do
assure you know
you know better not only because of what you are hearing from you today but what
you've heard before
emotional impact is so great the the brainwashing is
is assault dominant
that that
they've changed our minds to even when we know the facts
we still got down inside we know that we have to consume this cosmo for our
children's health and
were afraid to take him off the cosmo
that that's at that
deadly kind of thinking
and i'll try and
show you why and hopefully give you enough information so that when those
emotions come up you'll be able to fight them a little bit he'll build into the
right thing for your children grandchildren
from the dairy industry on the internet
the goal is to guide school-age children to become life-long consumers of dairy
products two thousand three activities will target students parents and gators
in school food service professionals
similar words that have been said by
the tobacco industry you've heard the exact statement
workout welcome when they're young
now we're gonna keep them on for a life
and that's what they're doing
they tell you right there on the internet
and no food no consumption among kids six to twelve increase to twenty eight
gallons per capita highest level in ten years
children under eighteen consume forty seven percent forty six percent of mel
in this country
let's talk about some of the problems
well once i like to start about one of the problems i like to start about is
just how
lily-white the stuff that is
you know not all white collar comes from the calcium
some of comes from the white blood cells
white blood cells are coming on as
costs cells
okay that the cells of the car
when you get a posh on your hand the called white blood cells
though the dairy industry date dot standards
the standards are published in nineteen ninety-three is that you cannot have
more than seven hundred and fifty thousand posso sp
percy cml greg can sell it
don't take good
in new york the milk was analyzed a couple years ago and they found that the
average us three hundred sixty three thousand huh cells per cccc by the way
is a third of adults
and uh... they had twenty four thousand bacteria per cc
truth in advertising would demand that when one of those movie stars or sports
appeared in an ad with a milk mustache that they had an aeroplane ported sales
saint contains
a quarter million plus sells and twenty five thousand bacteria
they won't do it
uh... dairy products where the foods most often recall but the u_s_ food and
drug administration
from the period october first nineteen ninety three through six september
thirtieth nineteen ninety eight
for our problems such as salmonella staphylococcal
uh... listeria deadly e_ coli you know when the kills the kids
and some adults
uh... mycobacterium pair tuberculosis which some people believe causes crohn's
but a lot of talk to you
yeah i want to get your emotional juices golan
i want you to leave here really thinking about some of the things
that are really disgusting
because threatening it with obesity heart disease and diabetes just hasn't
worked so far
so i'm just going to have to get real rotten here
and i'm going to talk to you about some of them
problems that i see there never discussed
but you can look this up just go to the internet go to the national ivory
dairy cattle in
western countries are infected
well all over the world not just western countries with two very interesting
virus as they're called
bulan ini deficiency virus
which is also known as bovine aids virus
and also bovine leukemia virus is let's look at some of this test it's here
in the united states results show on average forty percent of the person
sixty four percent of the dairy herds are infected with
bovine immunity immunodeficiency virus
now that's an orthodontist prior twenty years old this that's much higher now
probably similar to these figures in canada
infection rate is seventy percent in argentina the rate is eighty four
percent for the leukemia virus in their cattle
herds infected with uh...
b_i_ p are usually infected with the alfie
by the reason is is because of the the care of the cattle
they use the same people running instruments
stays the same syringes from colin powell
they fooled the they feed them pulled colostrum
in other words they take the that the early malcolm the policy
nixon big that's from a whole bunch of cows if you get a whole bunch chaos
and that one practice that i found rather interesting
it was uh... u_s_a_ today article about two months ago front page
u_s_a_ today front page
uh... they talked about the uh... mad cow issue and
in united states
we banned feeding awful
to collison or awful is this not a deadly f u l sample well
okay we don't feed awful to house anymore awful is dead cows a seventy
percent of the california study dead cows
we don't do it anymore because oprah winfrey
she uh... chichi she made a big stink about this in course the howard lyman
cattlemen sued followed and so on
but one of the deposito upshot services ltd against the rules
feed etc housed house
but g
it is still feeding cows chickens
if he's dead cows to pigs
and of course you can take the the extra excrement from the chechans
and uh... you can scoop it up and make outside and feed it to the cows
and whatever goes through the check in and spills out of chickens mouth lands
in the calyx where you can
you can you can thank the pills on that to mean for you to the cows pellets
and i know it's not doesn't exclude albums out our blood either you go to
slaughter house
and you ten scoop of the blood from slaughterhouse
and you make formula for the baby cows out of the blood
from accounts
that's u_s_a_ today front page
anyway that's hard to get such
such high rates of infection with these viruses
bob both viruses can cross species lines that's affecting other animals for
example you can
take the viruses and you can feed into goat cheese chimpanzees they get
infected they get sick
are still not a radio show one year
many years ago
i was in the land of georgia and there was a the scientists on with me and i
was talking about this kind of research he said you know we did this is an emory
university we did this
so you know that darndest thing
it take these viruses i like house no
injected into that chimpanzee here that gold or whatever
and they don't get sick
you gotta give it my mouth
to make an infected
as he blessed darndest thing
five nationwide worldwide looking is more common a higher dairy consuming
and therefore studies that are published showing increased and i was far as i
know no studies show the offset and increased instant leukemia has been
found among dairy farmers in
in four different studies
uh... be ivy infection as we've reported in one person
why just one person
well who's looking for it
one model ac
you know if they cut a hundred of them on the money spent to try to be into
that cosmo is good for your bones
misspent that looking for people infected with bovine leukemia and bovine
aids virus
you might find and today really startling results
but you won't not know in the near future
by the ball i looking empires has been the classified the same group says uh...
human team cell leukemia length
uh... let the tropic viruses
which are known to cause leukemia lymphoma some people
saying classification
and dot
bulan ini deficiency virus destruction genetically closely related
to human immunodeficiency virus
for a while they couldn't tell that to a park
there's this will close
uh... pasteurization kills many types of microorganisms not foolproof you see
are sometimes the no escapes pasteurization
and there's also concern this cancer which ten interesting
uh... the way these viruses worth a call retroviruses and incorporate into your
genetic material into your d_n_a_
figure our name d_n_a_
so these uh... these retroviruses that are in in the leukemia
uh... the the are native to leukemia virus
what they're worried about is that when you pasteurized milk
you break those are in a
uh... chains into smaller fragments that are now more infectious
work easily incorporated into your own d_n_a_
that's one of the concerts
you've all heard about feline leukemia virus you this is not surprise you you
take your cat
to the veterinarian to get in immunization for feline leukemia virus
why should surprise you that leukemia and humans can be an infectious disease
it's all too obvious
now has been proved
doesn't approve nelda nobody's looking at it now is research and nobody's
really all that interested in it
it serves a point to tell you about it
next time you co
if you pour your child a grandchild of twelve cool class of leukemia virus
here but i think about me
ne c'est promoted to children
an interesting study published in the new england journal of medicine
back in october of nineteen ninety-eight really brought the point something i
used to see is a general practitioner back before i became an internist and
that was all the sufferings kids were third through in terms of ball function
i see these kids come and visit me always brought by their mother
and a mother with freemen usually 'cause they had bloody bowel movements of
and i start question mother about the balkans was kids has been noticed i
passed it
just had plans to it well
tell me about the ball font was normal often shes normal cut i'm a little more
about what you know about batman
oh well you know just like me you know i get to read you know three for stories
reader's digest it
terrible terrible what happens to these kids here magic
the poor little children i saw an ad those you are physicians and and those
your parents
have seen the children suffer and with
pain fisher's mcdonnell pain
and bloody bomb movements
cannot give you
because these things including the headaches the arthritis in the acne
and the obesity
if you cause these things to children with a stick
they throw you in jail
but because people cause them with a fork and spoon it's okay
but the pain is just as real
so anyway st dot look at these kids him
and uh... sixty-five kid severely cost but how do they cast by severe trustee
we had a ball of every three fifteen days
with the help of a laxative hoffman
an awful axes were ineffective
every three fifteen days they took the child in a couple moscow's now
uh... sixty eight percent on phone company really for the constipation by
going off cosmo
stayed by acid the ball the contents of the formation of the ball that bonnie l
figures pain
and then he put the kids back in the past malcolm
and that was eight to twelve months later and within five to ten days
all of the children became severely constipated
and how this isn't just sixty eight children the studies of the kids in your
that have these problems
sposato a dozen ear infections
you look around the neighborhood in the kids are going to the doctor every month
to hear your infections
snotty nose
they also had gastro south of jewelry fluxes asthma
examines all kinds of problems are caused by the dairy products
why because is a natural thing to consume cause not going to get allergic
kind of reactions
now those interesting allergic kinda reactions is not as
acutely painful as constipation
no it's not as sab
as obvious as uh... snotty nose
but it's certainly a lot more devastating that's type one diabetes
that's where the child's tankers as destroy you want to talk about a
nightmare for a family
you know you do this to a family cause one child
to have type one diabetes nitrile now
has taken so an everyday
the rush to the hospital
quite often because of low but your reactions you worried and i dot the
child with child eats
went out of the insulin
anonymous child dying because these kids don't do well
when they lay out their alive but uh... within eleven seventeen years most of
them suffer major complications like
kidney failure heart disease is not a great life
in part because they're diabetic and there we can people but in part because
the recommendations from the american dietetic association
and almost every physician is countries defeated diet the kills people about
diabetes to diabetics
and that's all part of her around this rate
okay so all of the information concerning type one diabetes
and uh... cosmo consumption has uh... really gotten to the point where the
american academy of pediatrics has made
a statement on this so you know it has to gun great the evidence
and you read this evidence of one of my previous newsletters if you want to find
all of the
all the facts to support this button
the american academy of pediatrics wrote uh... a policy statement from other
in nineteen ninety four which still stands today
and that is early exposure dempster cow's milk protein may be important
factor in the initiation of beta cell
destructive processes that means the in some prison cells the bankers and some
and the boys at house no protein in the first few for several months of life
they're reducing later development and slim
type diabetes
or delay the onset susceptible people
you take the uh... the the the fat out of the milk we still have to deal with
the prototype go through system
some of the diseases that you can find it caused by
or contributed to our associated with
dairy products particularly gary protein
and you can go to the national i bring to you when you leave here today go home
you go to the national library medicine which is uh... w_w_w_ of course dot
and the ellam for national library medicine dot n_i_h_
for national stats of health dot g_o_p_
and you just put in house now
and one of these problems
pulp articles about this
built up articles are parked on
loss of appetite
growth retardation canker sores reflux problems
uh... bloody painful bomb of us we talked all sort of colitis crohn's
hill pulp articles about snotty noses aneer infection geopolitical is about
rheumatoid arthritis juvenile remit arthur's web uh... on a nice lady in
here came up and
talked me she's been on a program
of no animal products for three weeks
assures cripple three weeks go with rheumatoid arthritis
and uh... swollen joints uh... unable to function in
made really do anything for nikki's our car
should three weeks now she's almost
fully pain-free
that's great for an adult by take care a lot lots of adults i talked about
seventy percent of people
the we take care of a reader curator dramatically review approved
and not just published by our work but others work
which artists who a m started
but his juvenile rheumatoid arthritis basically the same disease
he's ok as they get so sick that jackets on plan they don't crawl
and so they end up about this big they look like refugees from a working up
and uh... they're usually wheelchairs and we'll tell you choose in their own
triple dot
and they live about twenty years
and i had two cases of those children that i simply took them off the mountain
but i'm a healthy diet
and they were completely cured of the disease
uh... various kinds of
progress hasn't seen as
nervous system problems like multiple sclerosis up parkinson's artisans gets
fan i know you think this is too much to believe go to the national library
look at the they look at the studies
up problems like better waiting this is a fun one to treat i get
bladders all the time about this
but i'll hear stories about how they have been faithfully taking their child
to the psychiatrist every month
to correct this problem
of bed wetting this probably related some *** activity and remember curry
with the child
you know some some mishandling or something
terrible killed in the family
this goes on five six eight ten twelve twenty years sometimes child what's his
or her bed
what's happening here is the cosmo goes through the got well into the
bloodstream and is excreted
through the kidney system into the bladder in the bladder the cosmo causes
a reaction like a hive
the inside line of the blatter swells
you now have a swampy dennis platter
walt that is insensitive
such aisle canfield the your own buildup in the blessed trial goes to bed at
everything's fine
neck sent out notices wet bed sheets because they never had the urge to get
up to go to the bathroom
they never knew the bladder was full
because of the swelling occurs due to the dairy price
take it often l
the problem thus although i can't tell you i think i got
i would have been hard pressed to tell you the number children die have seen
with this kind of approach so you want to cut psychiatric bills to zero
take 'em off the cosmo
other kinds of problems like the product syndrome command afraid as a talked
about says it goes on
and on and on
but that doesn't face the dairy industry the dairy industry is busy
building their marketing scheme in fact they have the american school fun
service association working with them
to sell more house milk products is working
it's working they have
they have now the school not pilot test program what they're trying to do is
sell more milk kids the kids are not drink enough now
so what do they do they make it strawberry melted chocolate that
princess di cartons and a
they do everything they can to get the kids to drink more melt and it's
they tell you that take the coke machines out of the schools dot
but where they replacing them with something worse
which is
the milk machines
thoughts radical
okay let's talk about the weight loss campaign for that by the national dairy
industry this is just a really fun one
all right
hob doctor greg miller some of you know doctor greg miller dr greg miller is a
p_h_d_ doctor of nutrition
here's the uh...
here's the uh... him
the p_r_ person
for the dairy industry
he's the big honcho craig miller is unknown greg miller for moved fifteen
years assoc
first time i met him he was on my uh... television show
uh... what happened is i had virtual whole summer show first virgil horses a
p_h_d_ m_d_
uh... head up up he was up to me a terrier milken specter for state
and that we started talking about the leukemia name
aids virus is fifteen years ago
about the mad cow disease that we heard about mad cow that we're talking about
mad cow the other problems with
with uh... dairy products
well the dairy industry got little upset this was a national tv show
and so they uh... called up and said we'd like to have our equal time they my
producer said fine but mcdougal will be on the set with you
so they sent make greg miller down there
and so greg miller comes and and ob
uh... to give us presentation i was there i just got through the whole rap
you know the d_n_c_ mother heart disease the cancer of the team you at all you
know whole thing
and the rice waiting first response he's thinking nothing just kind of shaking
his head
about ten minutes into the presentation he uh... reaches into his park in polls
says the chemical over here
look at this
see those those are my two kids
to think that there was bad activity my kids
that was his entire argument for half an hour
i kid you not
we show by the way it's it's it's it's at our clinic we show those to t_v_
lots of folks like to show the madre bares vegetarian organization show them
because uh...
date they watch one one stroll with virtual wholesome and the city has to be
a response from the dairy industry
they come back the next week to see the response really shaking their heads
they can't do any better than that but okay let's look at what greg miller says
about dairy products and wait
the new campaign is dairy products are designed for weight loss
independent research confirming terry's rolled weight loss reduction as marty
says greg miller this helps to position dairy foods as part of the solution of
america's growing to be city epidemic informing the public that they rear
dairies role in fight against obesity will help increase consumption of milk
cheese yogurt
amount other dairy products
winded cosmo become
and hand-held anti-peace drug passbook is designed to grow a call from sixty
pounds the six hundred pounds
but all of a sudden it's designed to cause weight loss but let's look at the
research this research was reported by the dairy industry one of the national
here's the publication
one a seventy randomized studies found weight loss of people taking calcium
and other nine randomized studies that were fluid milk was added to to show
significant weight gain
but significant weight loss
it one study funded by a grant from international dairy foods association
two hundred foreign four healthy men and women
were asked to increase their intake a skin for one percent not by three cups a
day for twelve weeks
those consuming the extra mile gained an average of one point three two pounds
that's can't know what i think that the other things like bread maker
acknowledge talking about the cheese in the ice cream
they've blown up like
like house
at uh... gerry management corporation sponsored meeting in orleans in two
thousand two this symposium for dairy product components and wait regulation
this is the conclusion from suzanne bar
employee of the dairy industry
and conclusion the data available for randomized trials of dairy products inc
alston supplementation provide little support for defective reducing body
weight or fat mass
but i guarantee you that you will hear advertisement after advertiser baja good
dairy products are for weight loss
it's a line
all right now they're just gonna throw everything out the window everything
once people once believed on attrition is not false accorded the dairy industry
fat and cholesterol cure heart disease
fat and salt lower blood pressure and fat
and or fiber cure cancer i'm not taking it
you find us on the internet go look it up
this is material from the dairy industry the dairy industry has teamed up with
the national medical association to write articles about the role of darien
helping reduce the risk of heart disease
hypertension other serious diseases
the question i have three as for the national dairy association who are who
are these people
who's the national medical association i want to know that i want to look what
they were
the national medical association
promotes the collective interests of physicians and patients
of african descent
they promote
the interests
of african-americans
who are lactose intolerant
ninety percent of get diarrhea stomach cramps and gas from the drink milk
how in the world today team up
with the dairy industry
unr believable
by this is published by the dairy industry in america draw hypertension
sixty-seven studies done forty seven through four th review
the average dropped blood pressure with dairy products with one point four
millimeters systolic point eight four millimeters diastolic that's it
in our work work at our clinic we get an average drop of blood pressure was
similar elevations about pressure twenty three or forty millimeter zimmer creek
in about forty eight hours
goalie cancer complete nonsense
worldwide everyone agrees colon cancers is disease high-fat i need to take
they're trying to make a story about how calcium in the mail combines with that
and uh... bile acids produced by the high-fat american diet in the gate
the cause of colon cancer tall fair percolation
milk is so bad
that i would have to come
collette liquid meat
and i can't do that with with justification just uncivil nutrition
if you look at the
the nutritional content the macro nutrients of a milk and one of the
leading dairy products cheese
you see that sixty-seventh sixty eight percent the calories from
from ground chuck are from fattened seven three percent the calories from
cheddar cheese are from fat
there about the same a protein in there about the same a cholesterol it's just
likud meat that's all it is
did you notice this together those that's it's women have trouble getting
up there
it's a big about need i think so but i'll take on the unfair
i don't think i'm particularly be intended by some observers
women have trouble given up that they're either choose their ice cream the yogurt
that's not a motherly thing you know that knocked stuff
kind of a home type thing
it whereas a few minutes different is that your awesome and we can give up the
meat but
not nor the dairy price but not to meet no meeting meteors just off of me on
it's for hunting
and torturing in killeen
and aggressive behaviour give you the psychological studies show this
va relatives and strengthen and passion an aggressive behavior
that's what real men do don't they will mainly be for you've got it
so we can't give up our meat
there is a particular after comical discussion about
men that i want to go into with you for a moment
you've heard about how meat eaters have a certain anatomical physics
uh... qualities like this sharp teeth in
the jaws in the stock size new test in size and
so on about
about how about mediators
yeah sharp teeth and so on players have flatly you heard the horn let me just
take it one other level and that has to do with a very important mail
it's about macho men
real men dual realmente it's about performance
and i really hate to get so basic with me but it's the end of the program super
forget this
but part of performance fox's volume
and potency
and violent potency have to do with a couple organs that are attached
uh... to the prostate call the seminal vesicles
so that's where you store this email in the seminal vesicles
listen to me carefully
newman men
are the only meet eating animals that have seminal vesicles
on their animals and nature
they have some of the schools are vegetarians
we have violated
millions of years of evolution
there's a seminal vesicles attached to the prostate right out of the bladder
only vegetarians have seminal vesicles
except for me demand
with some of you assume shouldn't be a vegetarian but
in this group i think most of you know better
all right
so what's the consequence of the violating nature well
if your mother violates nature
and she eats a lot of meat what happens is because of the chemicals the meats
and some of the other hormone produced mastectomy what happens is she
raises you grows you win uterus in a very estrogenic environment as a result
as a smaller and your testicles are smaller
and in many cases theory throughout
which is where the earnest carrie does no longer and and at the tip of the
*** events at the base of the ***
i post baby it's called
and often you're born with one tested on the center which is script or kissing
does if your mother
takes me display
now if you think he is good
what interesting thing happens is that your uh... each akulatraxas has
decreased dramatically
here *** count and has dropped to about a third of what it should be
your art *** have shortened life span or motel the genetic damage you suffer
from more infertility
testosterone which is what really makes a man interested
is thirteen percent hiren vegans than it is
immediate here's an eight percent higher inoculum october fitzgerald octave
you know what i said
and then as you get all of what happens
the prostate closes down you can hear in a timely meets really good for you right
now you can't urinate and then you get prostate cancer
and then delete the by the little blue pills
gives you can't get interaction
now is it me a manly thing to do
your employment
your impotent
your infernal
as a consequence of at barrett eating habits
it's kind of put elsie out pastor folks
thank you very much