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The constellations in the sky were not put there to bore us.
There's Antlia, Andromeda, Aquarius, and Taurus, And Apus, Leo, Lepus, Ara, Aries, and Centaurus,
Carina, Crater, Cancer, Canis Major/Minor, Corvus,
And Aquila, Auriga, Leo Minor, and Monoceros, Columba, Libra, Lyra, Lynx, and Caelum, Cygnus,
Circinus, Corona Borealis, Cetus, Crux, Oh! do not scorn
us When you learn we fondly love the likes of
Horologium and Hydra, Hydrus, Indus, Microscopium, And Cepheus, Bootes, Eridanus, Telescopium,
Chamaelion and Hercules, Dorado, Draco, Delphinus, Norma, Octans, Lupus, Musca, Pyxis, Grus,
and Scorpius.
There's Coma Berenices, Fornax, Pavo, Puppis, Perseus,
Corona Australis, Tucana, places like Equuleus, Sagittarius and Sagitta, both north and south
Triangulum, And Scutum, Sculptor, Sextens, Serpens, Mensa
and Reticulum. Lacerta, Ophiuchus, Pictor, Gemini and Pisces
Is where we hope to find a cloud of interstellar ices.
Orion, Piscis Austrinis, in Phoenix, and in Pegasus is
Where the clouds are dense enough and each then coalesces.
* Towards Cassiopeia, towards the Giraffe, and
also towards the Hunting Dogs We find the stars and galaxies and scribble
in our nightly logs. Ursa Major/Minor, Vela, Virgo, Volans, and
Vulpecula Is where we plan to aim tonight with million
dollar specula.
To lofty mountains off we go in confident reliance,
In hot pursuit of photons there and world beating science.