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>>Paul Larson: Financial Planning for Doctors is very unique. There is this sense of delayed
gratification that often kicks in. Doctors, as they are beginning their practice, are
not quite sure how much they should they be saving or how quickly they should they pay
off their debt. So often financial advisors do not have the specialization to be able
to help address the needs that doctors have, and what ends up happening is they are giving
financial advice that is not geared towards or suited specifically for physicians. \par
What makes Larson Financial Group unique is that we have created the infrastructure to
be able to serve doctors in a way that is comprehensive. We have different departments
coming along side a doctor, and specifically helping in the areas of insurance, investing
for doctors, and tax planning. We have all of these different areas of expertise, streamlined
through the advice of an advisor to a doctor, to help these physicians be able to clearly
make decisions. \par It is really exciting to be working with this
team at Larson Financial Group. As I have looked out into the industry, I really have
not seen any other company that specially works with doctors in the capacity that we
do. We are currently the largest financial planning firm that exclusively works for physicians.
We are excited to be able to come alongside doctors and help them accomplish the goals
that they have set forth by helping them reduce their taxes, save enough so they can retire
from medicine, and protect what it is that they have worked so hard to save. \line\line
Welcome to Larson Financial Group, we thank you for your time and look forward to meeting
you in the near future.\lang9\f1\par }