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\f0\fs24 \cf0 I know
dark secluded place\ A place where no one knows your face.\
A glass of wine, a fast embrace.\ It's called Hernando's Hideaway. Ole!\
\ All you see are silhouettes\
And all you hear are castanets\ And no one cares how late it gets\
Not at Hernando's Hideaway. Ole!\ \
At the golden finger bowl or anyplace you go\
\ You'll meet your uncle Max
and everyone you know\ \
But if you are
sitting close
and making love
to me\ you may
take my heart, you may take my soul, but not my key\
\ Just knock three times and whisper low\
That you and I were sent
by Joe \ Then strike a match and you
will know \ You're in Hernando's Hideaway. Ole!\