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Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our Chancellor,
His Highness the Aga Khan,
who has led ...
***Subtitle Encoded by*** ***FAIZAN ANWER ALI RUPANI***
... our Chancellor, His Highness the Aga Khan, who has led us
to the summit upon which we stand today
and who has never ceased to focus
on the still higher peaks that remain to be surmounted.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr Rasul.
May I request the Chancellor,
His Highness the Aga Khan, to please address the Convocation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
His Highness the Aga Khan.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim.
His Excellency,
Dr Ishrat Ul Ebad Khan, the Governor of Sindh,
His Excellency,
Qaim Ali Shah, the Chief Minister of Sindh;
Acting Chairman, Dr Robert Buchanan and Members of the Board of Trustees;
President Firoz Rasul;
Provost, Deans, Faculty and Staff from the University;
Members of the Diplomatic Corps;
Members of the National and Provincial Assemblies;
Parents, supporters and distinguished guests;
and Graduands:
Assalamu alaikum.
It is truly a great pleasure for me
to celebrate this milestone moment
with all of you today.
It is a significant time
for our university and for this country
As Chancellor,
I'm delighted first of all, to extend my warmest congratulations
to our graduands
and to your families.
We wish you enormous success in your future careers,
knowing that your success will be a mark of our success.
I earnestly hope, however,
that you will not think of this convocation
as a farewell ceremony.
We look forward, rather,
to your continuing participation
in university life.
Perhaps, like many graduates,
you may become members of our faculty
or senior staff as time goes by,
or participants in continuing education programmes
or alumni groups
or sponsors of special programmes,
including scholarships for students
of promising ability but scarce material resources.
As graduands you will be joining an illustrious
family of earlier graduates.
Many of our alumni are here today
and I'm pleased to extend to them as well
my heartfelt greetings.
When you first came
as students to AKU,
you did not know us
and we did not know you,
and yet we came to have great faith in one another.
And you have fully justified that faith,
using your education for good and great purposes.
The academic heart of the University of course, is our Faculty,
and I know I speak for all of you in paying special tribute
to them today.
The exemplary devotion of our faculty,
both to their students and to their disciplines,
is the bedrock on which our university is built.
Another constituency that I'm proud to salute today
are the donors
who have shared the goals of this young institution,
and have assisted it so much in their accomplishment.
University success stories down through history,
in the Islamic world and the West,
have depended, inevitably,
on a variety of external resources,
and we are indebted to those who have provided such resources for AKU.
Those resources, let me add,
include not only material gifts
but also the great gift of time and knowledge
that so many contribute to our progress.
The University's management, of course,
also deserve special thanks,
as it works daily to coordinate our energies
and sustain our functioning,
not only here in Karachi,
but uniquely, on multiple
international campuses.
Finally, let me mention the immense good fortune we have enjoyed
through the work of our distinguished trustees.
From the start,
they have been leaders of exceptional competence and dedication,
bringing to us the fruit of their distinctive personal experiences,
as well as their wise global perspective.
Each of our trustees
over the past 30 years
has left a lasting imprint on the University
All of you from these and other constituencies
have provided the energies and the talents,
the dreams and the discipline,
that drives this institution forward.
And, as we go forward,
we will take continuing strength
from one another.
At the same time, on a day like this,
we can also take renewed strength from our past,
and from a great legacy of Islamic accomplishment
in pursuing educational excellence.
That legacy has been long
and it has been an inspiration to me,
even from the time when I succeeded my late grandfather
as Imam in 1957
when I was a university student at Harvard.
That's some time ago!
My grandfather, Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan,
was deeply aware of Islam's rich
intellectual heritage.
Of equal significance,
he was also convinced to the enormous importance
of higher education for the future of the Ummah around the world.
He had engaged personally in developing educational opportunities
for Muslims in pre-partition India
and was largely responsible for creating Aligarh University.
He saw that effort
as fulfilling a tradition going back
one thousand years,
to the role of his predecessors,
the Fatimids, in founding the Al-Azhar University
and the Dar ul-Ilm in Cairo,
known through the ages as "The House of Knowledge."
He knew as well about
other great Muslim institutions of scholarship and culture
which flourished over many centuries,
serving the whole of the Ummah
and much of the known world,
engaging the most advanced thinking
from many cultures,
ethnic groups
and faith communities.
It was true of the Fatimids a thousand years ago
and of the Abbasids in Baghdad even earlier.
It was true of the Mughal emperor Akbar
in the 16th century
as well as the Ottoman Sultans,
including Mehmed the Conqueror
and Sulayman the Magnificent.
And there were many others
the Safavid ruler
Shah Abbasin Sifahan in Iran,
and the great Timurid Sultan,
Ulugh Beg,
who built the world's greatest observatory
in Samarkand.
You've just heard about some other great
intellects who flourished under these auspices.
and wherever it may have been,
in the Middle East,
or South or Central Asia,
or Northern Africa,
the most brilliant periods in Islamic history
were marked by an expansive quest
for intellectual excellence.
It was this tradition
that I inherited from my grandfather
and it was not a static tradition,
but one that was built
around the power of new knowledge
and the great adventure
of learning how to go on learning.
Now, of course, we also know that the institutions of higher learning
are very costly,
we know, too, that as the industrialized world grew economically,
and as the Ottoman Empire faded,
prominent centers of knowledge emerged
most rapidly in the west.
Meanwhile, the Universities in the Muslim world,
with some exceptions,
generally tended to tread water.
It was this situation
that confronted us
as we began to plan AKU.
We had high hopes,
but, to be candid,
we also felt some trepidation.
Was higher education
still a central pillar around which
to build the quest for human development?
Where the costs justifiable when compared to other priorities?
If we went forward,
could we find appropriate allies,
including a distinguished faculty?
would graduates emigrate
to developed societies
rather than staying to serve their home communities?
The fundamental question, in sum,
was whether a new university
in the developing world,
in this day and age,
could achieve sufficient levels of excellence
as measured by global standards
to bring genuine value
to those we were committed to serve.
We felt that we answered these questions successfully,
but preliminarily if not conclusively,
when we began this great adventure.
And I think we can fairly say that the University has performed well
when measured against our original goals.
Simply in quantitative terms,
AKU expanded over the years \
into eight different countries,
opening unique opportunities for combined study
in Asia and in Africa.
We created two degree or diploma programmes in the 1980's,
two more in the 1990's,
and another 21 programmes since the year 2000,
reflecting ...
... reflecting expanding arcs of knowledge.
These programmes have now graduated over ten thousand students.
But this growth in numbers would mean little,
in fact it would have been impossible,
without an uncompromising commitment to quality.
Happily, as we heard earlier,
the quality AKU's performance has been widely affirmed,
by the Joint Commission,
by the World Health Organization,
and by governmental and educational bodies
in Pakistan and elsewhere.
We are proud, too, that our graduates are consistently judged
to be among the best when they take licensing exams
or apply to other leading institutions,
or assume growing career responsibilities.
A key ingredient in this story
has been our open access philosophy,
enabling us to enroll students, on merit,
from a vast array of backgrounds;
some 70 percent of current students
receive some form of financial support.
And another critical standard, of course,
has been AKU's resolute commitment
to social relevance,
to addressing real problems
and improving the quality of daily life.
For all these reasons
we can say that our recent past,
like our distant past,
has been one of proud accomplishment.
And it is upon these accomplishments
that we now seek to build
the University's future.
As we do so. we are sharply aware
that the pace of change is accelerating,
that our global neighborhood is shrinking,
and that the best prediction about the future
is that it is highly unpredictable.
In such a world,
creativity and flexibility will be essential to our success.
Our founding blueprint
for AKU embraced this understanding
and an evolving development process.
It called for concentrating,
in AKU's first years,
in the fields of health care and education,
responding to the most pressing national
and regional needs.
But it also anticipated the University's expansion
into new geographic areas
and into new fields of knowledge.
In fulfilling that vision
AKU has become a multi-campus university,
indeed a multi-continental one,
launching new programmes in Kenya,
in Tanzania and Uganda,
countries with significant Muslim populations.
In addition,
the trustees have also embraced
a second great challenge --
the challenge of becoming
a distinguished liberal arts university.
We are planning now to build
new undergraduate faculties of Arts and Sciences,
one in Karachi
and one in Arusha in Tanzania.
We plan to achieve this goal
progressively as circumstances and resources allow
Yes, it will be time, a time-consuming exercise,
but our planning has been advancing
very quickly indeed.
Again, developing a liberal arts capacity
will not only fulfil AKU's founding vision,
but it will also follow in the tradition
of the great Islamic universities of past centuries
and their effort to expand,
and to integrate, a wide array of knowledge.
At that time, of course,
comprehending the full expansive knowledge
was seen as an achievable goal;
the explosion of knowledge seems overwhelming.
But the knowledge explosion is
precisely what makes a liberal arts platform
even more valuable.
The Liberal Arts, I believe,
can provide an ideal context for
fostering inter-disciplinary learning,
nurturing critical thinking,
inculcating ethical values,
and helping students to learn
how to go on learning
about our ever-evolving universe.
A liberal arts orientation will also help prepare students
for leadership in a world
where the forces of civil society
will play an increasingly pivotal role.
By civil society I mean a complex array of organizations
that operate on a private, voluntary basis,
but the driven by public motivations.
They include institutions dedicated to culture,
education and the environment,
they embrace commercial, labour,
professional, scientific and ethnic associations,
as well as institutions of religion and the media.
We have seen the growing role of civil society in many places --
in the industrialized West,
in the developing societies have Africa,
and through the Islamic world as well,
from Egypt and Tunisia
to Iran and Bangladesh
In places where government has been ineffective,
or in post-conflict situations,
civil society has demonstrated
its potential value
for maintaining,
and even enhancing, the quality
of human life.
But civil society
requires leaders who possess
not only well-honed the specialized skills,
but also a welcoming attitude to a broad
array of disciplines and outlooks.
This is why we believe
that an investment in liberal arts education
is also an investment
in strengthening civil society.
And this is also true
of another, complementary investment
we will be making at AKU --
the creation of seven new graduate professional schools.
These schools will work in fields of particular relevance
to developing societies.
Through their degree programmes,
through their research,
and through continuing education,
they will also develop
able and ethical leaders
who can strengthen the role of civil society
among the people we seek to serve.
To guide our planning for these schools,
we have set up special Thinking Groups
in each of these fields,
drawing on global expertise and best practice experience.
Our planning has been deeply enriched
by their remarkable analyses.
These new graduate schools are exciting.
Our new School of Media and Communications
is already building capacity in Nairobi
to help lift the quality of media industries
in the developing world,
engaging with new technologies
and with appropriately educated proprietors,
manages and practitioners.
The School of Leadership and Management
will develop the capacity of its students to guide business organizations,
but also social enterprises
and civil society institutions
amid the complex challenges that face developing countries.
The Leisure and Tourism Programme,
meanwhile, will focus on the broad tourism value chain,
from public policy to infrastructure
to cultural assets,
while helping to fill an important research gap
in this critical field.
The School of Architecture & Human Settlements,
on the other hand,
will build enhanced design professionalism,
emphasizing functionality and cultural sensitivity,
in urban an rural environments,
recognizing the profound impact\\of the built environment
on the quality of life.
The School of Government, Public Policy and Civil Society
will prepare and empower professionals
to formulate and implement
public policies in developing societies,
while our new School of Law
will focus on subjects such as constitutional devolution,
international law,
dispute resolution,
intellectual and real property,
and the management of capital markets.
Finally, a programme in Economic Growth and Development
will respond to the particular needs of developing economies,
including fields such as agriculture and horticulture,
tourism and leisure,
the extractive industries,
and digital arts and services.
We intended that each of these schools
should work closely with our existing faculties,
in nursing, medicine and education,
while coordinating effectively with our new Faculties of Arts and Sciences,
and indeed with one another,
sharing perspectives
and inter-disciplinary opportunities.
Meanwhile, we also expect
to continue our geographic expansion
and to build new partnerships with universities in the West,
in the East
and the Global South.
This is an outline then
of what AKU
may look like
thirty years from now.
These will seem to be ambitious goals
some may say
that they are too ambitious
But I disagree.
Our Goals were ambitious, after all,
back in 1983.
And yet, if we could have glimpsed into the future then
-- if we could have forecast what this day would look like --
I think we would have been very happy
with the way the story has unfolded.
And so it is that we see ourselves today in the context
of a rich historical tradition,
and a recent past
filled with genuine achievement.
For that, I want to express again,
to all of you
the deep sense of joy and gratitude
that I feel
as I join you for this celebration,
and as we look together to our challenging,
promising future.
Than you.
Thank you, Your Highness.