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@how us...
@(----Nat snd-----)"I can')t thw
@onderful people enough for
@what theyve done for me"
@(-----VO----------)Ralph Talbof
@our veterans who say they got
@their lives back because of
@their service dogs....Talbot i
@s a disabled Vietnam War v
@eteran and for years he')s b
@een unable to be around crowds
@or loud noises that remind of
@combat but his dog "honey" has
@helped him deal with his
@"She knows when I')m excited
@she keeps me calm. I think the
@2nd night I had her there was
@a siren where we were she knew
@I was upset and started l
@icking my face like its
@alright calm down"
@Wednesday night 4 veterans and
@their service dogs graduated f
@rom the "Project Heal" program
@in hastings....it')s a
@program providing specially t
@rained service dogs to wounded
@Marine Shane Walton fought in
@Iraq and suffers from Post
@traumatic stress d
@isorder...He')s only had his
@dog "Tucker" for a couple of w
@eeks and already notices the d
@(------Sot--------)"He')s chanI
@wasn')t able to go out in p
@ublic alot especially mall &
@concerts grocery store d
@ifferent things like that &
@now it doesn')t cure you but
@helps you"
@(-------vo---------)Lu Picard f
@Project Heal...She says the v
@eterans deserve to have these
@"these people have put their l
@ives on the line for us, our f
@reedom the least I can do is
@give them back a little bit of
@Project Heal organizers say t
@hat veterans have already done
@enough for their country so t
@hey provide their service dogs
@free of charge because they w
@ant to make their lives more
@In Hastings on Hudson