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nepal has got much more progressive when it comes to their laws regarding
transgendered individuals in fact there now issuing uh... citizenship
that will list affair and gender as opposed to just male or female so really
interesting history when it comes to this topic in nepal
back in two thousand seven their supreme court voted
to uh... incorrect equal rights
to homosexuals and transgender individuals prior to that they
considered homosexuality as bad as *** they continue they considered
just as backhand and unnatural
sell as a result they had a lot of their rights taken away from them
faithfully you know about the homosexual community and the transgendered
community fought against uh... all of these inequalities as a result you're
seeing a much more progressive nepal unselfish i wanted i think it's great
and it shows that you know that type of progressivism is
possible as long as you do fight for what you believe well first of all but
their previous cecil evolve out it was just know paula
habit of e_j_
if we go to the police
all people of the poem knows
nepalese safety
might be nurses screaming through this
of seven but not all
are you would say
yeah i think it's great and you know it's a very very difficult to pinpoint
the exact number of and transgendered individuals living there
but apparently there about two hundred thousand transgender people in the fall
and uh... that's according to the lab lou diamond society which has studies
these issues within the country another nasser proceed on on the border networks
no don't do it have a new book involved we know
and yesterday million
while seated no without having to be in quality
out of four million
are appreciated individual
that's almost one percent
yeah i think it's uh... point six percent
point zero six percent none of us three point six x okay i did a great battle
one past
not get transgender women
fascinates but called prism easing payments