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I elevate down three layers
to the subterranean transport hub.
The platform seems unusually people free.
The carriage mimics a temple entrance,
with its dual layer spirit doors.
I hesitate before entering,
suspicious of the intention behind
the meticulously Hello Kitty covered surfaces.
Once inside I search for a clue.
Everything appears normal,
But then, I spot a young woman
standing alone by the doors
dressed as a Gothic Lolita.
Concentrating on the
bright pink plastic portable game
held between her active fingers,
she seems oblivious to her surroundings.
Is this Hello Kitty carriage decoration her doing?
Are my fellow travellers impervious to her magic
or are they skilfully hiding their fear as one
does when confronted by a vicious animal?
I decide to assume the role of provocateur,
pull out my camera and cavort around the carriage.
As expected nobody flinches.
The Lolita continues her manipulation
and the train rolls on……….