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\f0\fs24 \cf0 [music]\uc0\u8232 \u8232 \b 00:14 Shane Conlan:
\b0 Gidday knuckleheads! Uncle Knackers here with a really cool trick on how to drill a
wall tile without cracking it. Let's check it out. Let me explain what I mean. You're
drilling through your tile and you're exerting a lot of pressure in the back of your drill
and you're drilling through, you're getting through slowly, slowly, slowly, you're getting
through it. And you get to the end, and *** the back of the tile bursts out and because
you're exerting a lot of pressure on the back of your drill, your drill plunges forward
and ***! Bangs into that tile with that metal chuck right on the end there. With a ceramic
surface or porcelain surface and the metal chuck, there's a real risk of a splinter breaking
off around that hole or even cracking a tile. Not happy Jan. So, how can you prevent this
from happening? Can somebody provide me with a drum roll please? \uc0\u8232 \u8232 [drum
roll]\u8232 \u8232 \b 01:24 SC:
\b0 Yeah, thank you.\uc0\u8232 \u8232 \b 01:28 SC:
\b0 This is a secret, but you got to promise me, don't tell your mates. It's between us
okay, us. The secret's this. Go to your toolbox, rummage around in there, and find an old roofing
screw. Okay, just find an old roofing screw, one that has that little rubber bit, that
rubber seal and take that seal off. [02:09] ____ off, it pulls it off. And this is the
secret source. This is what's gonna prevent your tile from cracking from your drill bursting
through that tile. I'll show you what to do with it. Grab your drill, get your little
rubber seal, and put it over the end of your drill and seal it right there. That's gonna
acts as a shock absorber so that as your drill goes through the tile, it's gonna hit that
shock absorber and absorb the shock. Hence, no cracking. That is an absolute ripper. Great
tip, knuckleheads! Oh yeah, don't forget please, if you have thought this tip was useful, please
click the as per the usual the like button, comment on the video, share it, and please
subscribe to my channel which is shaneconlan1, all one word. Thanks for that, much appreciated
Cheers! \uc0\u8232 \u8232 [music]\ }