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So I hope, out of today
you'll walk away with a couple
a couple of stories,
a couple of threads.
One of them is a little bit about
the history of space lab.
How it got going. What the expectations were,
what the realities were.
So that's one major story.
The other story is
one that is about innovation.
We're now in the new era.
Suddenly turn the key, and we're going left instead of right,
and innovation, breakthrough, et cetera
you know our language and terms that show up.
Um, I thought it would be useful
to try to use the story of SIR-C a little bit
to talk about
an instance of innovation
as an example.
So you know there is, there is this ongoing
I would say legend that's
science and human space flight don't
don't somehow interact at all,
and if there's anything that has strong opinions about
it is that. There is a community
and you've heard from members of that community
who have learned how to harvest
you know tremendous
value out of the
opportunities that human space flight
places in front of the science community.
There are also those who feel very
very uncomfortable with the sort of
environment and the infrastructure,
and it's not like being in the
lab and you know everything is completely
is not under your control,
and I think that there are members of the community
that feel very uncomfortable
in an environment like that.
But, the clever ones
the ones who are
innovative and
can see opportunity,
and there are many in the science community, and I think
have learned how to
how to take
advantage of the
capabilities that human space flight puts on the table.
It's not the universal answer for all
your ills by any stretch of the imagination,
but it certainly does open up
some, some doors that
haven't been opened before and
and I think what you'll hear
in the next few minutes is
is an instance of that.
So you might recall
that the Nixon administration
was approached at the end of Apollo
with some ideas for
for a combination of something like a shuttle
and a space station,
and the agency had to go through a great
deal of pain and bargaining
and interacting with OMB. Does this sound
familiar? [ Laughter ] To
to find a
permission to get a go-ahead to build what
is now coming to unfortunately an end,
the shuttle program.
So there was, however, a little 'but' attached to it
that permission. You say "ok, you
want the shuttle? Fine. You can have the shuttle.
want it so much. You got it.
Uh, but by the way, you can't
have any other launch
vehicles to go with it.
If that's the machine
you want NASA, that's fine, but all these
other rockets have got to be put in the barn
and forget about those."
And so the
agency actually agreed,
and Lou Allen who passed away not too
long ago, one of my bosses
and boss of many people in the Air Force for many years,
was actually the person who signed
on behalf of the Air Force that
that yes the Air Force would be using the shuttle
for its launches.
So there was now an
expectation set that this
very capable system, the shuttle,
you know, would be literally
the universal answer for all your ills.
All of those of you who are interested in
expendables would be going up in the
shuttle, and then of course the shuttle opens up doors
to those who really wouldn't have an opportunity
in an expendable flight system environment.
Um, European Space Agency signed on
board, and their contribution was the space
lab, and they had two agendas.
Agenda number one
was to learn about human space flight.
And I'd say they accomplished that, you know,
very, very well.
We have dramatic evidence
in the space station
And agenda number two is
they wanted to sell space labs
because of the illusion,
delusion, we can only say that in retrospect,
that there was going to be about a shuttle launched every week.
If you miss the 1:47, I can
get you on the 3:52 that
next Wednesday.
Fifty flights a week. That was
sort of a year. That was sort of
the basis, the flight model,
and it was in that spirit
that Office of Space Science went ahead
and sent out a solicitation.
AO78-1 I think was the
number, and
got a huge response, many
many ideas about how to use the shuttle
and to use the space labs.
Well now Europe I believe at that time was
the biggest single international
contribution any
engineering undertaking. It was really
So, space lab shows up. Shuttle shows up.
The flight rate. I came to NASA headquarters
late 1979. At that point,
projections on the flight rate had
begun to slope down fairly
Um, by the time the shuttle actually
started flying regularly
instead of roughly twenty space flights a year
based on the fifty flights per year model.
We ended up right around
six, and that number held, five or six,
that number held for a number of years.
So flight rate versus the
later realities was one of those lessons.
It's not unique to the human space
flight program.
If you sit down with any group
of folks planning a robotic mission
there's always this burst of excitement
and enthusiasm, and
we can do this, and
then as the mission realities become apparent,
and the costs begin to climb,
you know, that scope begins to shrink until
finally isotonically approaches
what eventually ends up getting built and launched.
So this isn't about a, you know, a problem
unique to human space flight. I think it's
the character of all of us. We're
engineers. We're scientists.
We want to build things. We want to be
successful. We want to show how
we can make some changes on this planet,
and I think that energy is really a huge
huge asset for the agency.
But this whole process
of focusing on what eventually
becomes real is
an important thing to keep in mind.
As the flight rate expectations
and projections began shrinking
suddenly every mission became
more and more precious.
There's a supply and demand
issue, and then
as it became clear that the agency
itself was learning. It was learning
how to build the shuttle. It was
learning how to fly the shuttle.
It was learning, you know, what good practices
were. It was learning about the complexities
of building payloads inside that environment.
What was safe, what was not safe.
So there was a whole
body of experience and knowledge that was building up.
That eventually began surrounding,
um, the instruments and experiments that were
flying, so that
what was once advertised as
that we have standard nineteen inch racks
just pull it out of your lab.
Bolt it in. Plug it in, and you're
good to go.
That story changed pretty dramatically
with time.
And that wasn't, I think
you know in any
ill-will. I think that was
a process of people just learning
how this amazing system really
worked as opposed to
the hopes and dreams
in the early to mid 1970s.
So there was this whole
gradual emergence of what is the
reality of
doing science inside the space lab
We also
space science put up three
put together, the notion of three test flights.
Space labs one, two and three.
And the principle behind those flights
was to
push the shuttle and space lab's
system to the maximum.
So let's see. What's wrong with this
picture? The first time you go up
you fly fifty experiments
on seven different disciplines
just to test the boundary conditions
on the first flight.
Anything, any problems with that approach?
Well of course, so space lab one,
while it became actually a landmark event
because it accompanied, you know, it was the first flight
major contribution by the European Space
Agency, and it represented essentially
heralding a new era in science,
it was overly complicated.
It should have been, perhaps, executed
a little bit more of the way
an aircraft is tested.
You know, you start by just taxiing down the runway.
Taxiing a little faster. Then
maybe lift off a little bit,
and you gradually expand the envelope.
I think one lesson here was that there was too much built in
to the program too early.
We executed the flights. They were in fact
very successful.
All of the experiments got
useful data
but, um, the pain
of integrating fifty-two experiments
both in a timeline, as well as physically
and testing them and validating them through
the flow down in the ONC building
that was a major
learning experience, and perhaps
pushing the system too hard, too early.
Um, there's also the
notion early in the program
that since everyone's expectation
was this was the universal answer
to all your ills
that all sorts of experiments needed to fly,
and in fact, on one of the space labs
Marshalls, I recall, put together
a small cryogenic telescope
to test what was
it like to do infrared astronomy
from the shuttle.
It turns out it wasn't that expensive of an experiment,
but it was a very important experiment to fly
because it showed that the shuttle had
around it a cloud of water vapor
that basically blocked out infrared
radiation up to around a hundred microns.
So that in fact was a successful
experiment in the sense that it showed
one of the limitations and
certainly didn't have to,
you know, continue thinking about doing
infrared astronomy from
the shuttle.
So that's an example, I think,
of trying to force a science
into an environment where simply
in retrospect wasn't appropriate.
But there are other
sciences, and you've heard a couple of examples.
I'm going to give you one more.
Where you can actually exploit
the human space flight system
by simply respecting what it can do
and paying careful attention to what it cannot do,
and you can do absolutely amazing things.
Another important lesson I think that
we learned as the number of opportunities
reduced, each flight became more and more
precious, and more and more time
and energy was spent
to make sure that every experiment would
be optimized.
And as a result,
there was sort of an ongoing
push pull
between the community whose job
was to a
was to protect the infrastructure,
and the infrastructure in this case is the shuttle
and the space lab system,
and those flying experiments.
So there was always a tension, I think
between those, between those communities,
and it was only, I think, as experience
built up in the science community
that that become less of a problem
as the agency began to understand what really
what made sense to do in the shuttle and what
didn't. There's also, however,
an attitudinal shift that
eventually broke its way, you know,
into this, and that was
those who were integrating the experiments had to
take the attitude that their job was to help
the PIs be successful
instead of protecting the system from
the PIs.
And that was, you know,
perhaps a little subtle, but
it was very, very important, and it makes a huge
difference, I think, to the individual
investigators to be able to
interact with someone whose job is to
help them be successful
instead of the job is to
protect the system from the
principal investigator.
The other problem, and I think we
see this today in
the station is that the
agency put stunning amounts of
money into building the shuttle, building
the infrastructure to support the shuttle,
keeping the shuttle going. All
appropriate. Same thing with the space lab.
And then you compare that to the money that the country
put into actually using them.
I mean, it's hardly a balance at all.
And here we see the same thing today
with the space station.
We have this incredible machine
a hundred billion dollar machine orbiting
and the uses, it's hardly
used as compared to what its capability
actually is.
Just recently, Mark Urand
sent out an opportunity to, you know,
to the NASA centers to provide some
ideas. I think he got eighty-nine
responses in the matter of
a few weeks.
There are plenty of ideas how to use
the space station, but
again, the resources that are available across
agency to put experiments
into the space station are relatively
are extremely small, almost invisible by comparison
to the resources available
that, you know, are necessary to keep the infrastructure going.
So I happened to go by the Air and Space Museum
by the Dulles Airport
and found there the space lab.
Those are my pictures, so there it is.
Unfortunately, resting in a museum rather than
being actively used in the shuttle, but
it's an important step I think
in a learning step
in the use of
matching science undertakings with
human space flight.
So now let me talk a little bit about
one adventure we've
all had in using the shuttle.
My boss Charles Elachi has
a background as a radar scientist. In fact, he and a few folks
were some of the first people
to actually shine a radar from a
rocket and look at the back scatter
of the earth, and that was
done by a community of folks who thought radar
could actually be useful as an earth
observing instrument. There are very, very
few people who actually believe that.
But, you know, like many investigators you start
with a rocket and radar, and
you get a minute of two of data, and
you take another step and another step,
and that's the story I want to tell a little bit
because it slides right into what the shuttle
and eventually what was done with the shuttle.
So on the second flight
you recall that there were four test flights
of the shuttle. After which, it was declared
operational and ready to rock,
and on the second test flight
Charles, being a reasonably assertive man,
found that the
cargo bay of the shuttle was actually underutilized.
It had in the back a very large
fairly complicated instrumentation
the vehicle had a lot of
sensors built into it right at the beginning just to understand
how it responded in those first
during that engineering test flight period.
So Charles was allowed to put together
a radar made out of spare parts
from SeaSAT, which was actually the first
civilian radar in space.
And we flew a
SIR-A in the cargo bay of the shuttle
in '81, and then in
'84 and they flew twice in
1994. The idea being to look at
the earth at two different seasons.
Originally, we actually had three flights to
look at three different seasons, but
again economic pressures suggested
the two was pretty good.
I think this may be one of the few
things that has, you know, flown twice
in one year.
And out of that was
a mission that's actually a milestone mission.
Not too many people really appreciate how profoundly
the shuttle radar topography mission
has affected all of our
lives. So we went
from, um, a series of rocket launches
back here in the mid '60s
up into some aircraft.
We flew SeaSAT.
Then SIR-A on the shuttle.
SIR-B on the shuttle.
There was then the more advanced
radar that was put into
a DC-8 that actually
the aircraft burned, as I recall,
and the radar went with it, and then
it got rebuilt,
and it was sort of a laboratory testbed.
In the meantime, right after
1985, right after the first shuttle accident, we
we had started talking to the Europeans
about a very elegant mission that
is what became the SIRC/XSAR
joint mission. The Italians, the Germans combined to build the
XSAR. The US built the SIRC,
which was actually four radars,
and flew in a
twice in 1995.
One of the interesting discoveries out of the early SARs
you might recall
discovering a lost city in
the Saudi Arabian peninsula Ubar
was actually discovered by looking
at imagery from the
SIR-B, I believe it was. Ubar
happened to be noticed because
the radar's very sensitive to texture.
And in looking at the images of the
Saudi Arabian peninsula, it was noted
that there were many trails, many
lines that seemed to converge on one
spot, and that turned out to actually be
The Lost City of Ubar.
The lines were camel paths that had been
stomped over the millennia,
flattened, and the texture was very different from
the surrounding texture of the terrain.
And it turns out that
frankincense is the sap, dried sap
of a very unusual
scrubby looking bush that
is almost unique to that part of Saudi Arabia,
and, you know, is an incense.
Very, very, I mean, far more valuable
than gold in, you know,
in the years before Christ.
So there was a trade
routes established, and the city of Ubar
happened to be sitting on a
water cistern, and therefore, was a stop off for
the camel caravans.
They eventually, Charles and
some of his colleagues went, found Ubar.
Turns out it had been missing because
so much water had been taken out of the
cistern that it collapsed, and half the city
collapsed into, into this
well. So this was
one of the discoveries,
one of the first discoveries,
and one of the first signs that
the radar is really a powerful tool.
So, um, these are just some images
This is SIR-A being loaded
in the cargo bay, and the
other interesting discovery here
was that people noticed
all these drainage channels in North Africa.
And again people trying
to get some ground truth went there and said,
"There are sand dunes here. There's no stinking
drainage channels. What's going on?"
Well it turns out there were drainage channels.
They were buried underneath the sand.
And that's when people came to the realization
that under certain conditions, mainly
very, very dry soils, the radar
actually penetrates, and eventually
on SIR-C, they put together a map of North
Africa. They had enough data to
put together a fairly thorough map, and there
was a general sense that many of these drainage
channels went east-west instead of north-south
suggesting maybe North Africa at one
point had a tilt to it
that it doesn't have today.
Alright, so now here's
just some imagery taken from SIR-C.
Um, the radar
is about the size of a Greyhound bus.
Here is the X-band radar,
which was produced by
Germany and Italy.
It was actually moved mechanically
like they were on a wing
and SIR-C was a C-band
and L-band radar. Here are the big
L-band panels and the C-band panels.
And so we were flying basically three
different frequencies.
X-band steered mechanically, and
and the SIR-C radar steered
electronically, so we could sweep
the beam by just adjusting the phase
of the various amplifiers on the radar.
Just to give you a sense of the scale,
this is what was in the cargo bay of the
shuttle up here on SIR-C.
And now let me spend a few minutes talking
about an a-ha.
So SIR-C flew. It flew very well.
In fact, it flew
well enough, so that some of the mission team
were starting to get a little bit bored and wandering,
and one of them, an engineer named Ed Karo,
one of the engineers who helped Charles
with the first rocket radars, was
wandering around the halls of Building 30,
and he saw a model of the space station, and he
started looking at the model and said, you know,
he noticed the mast
that was now used to fly the solar rays
on the station. And he
asked around, "Who's in charge of those masts?"
And some people mentioned and pointed him to
someone, and he asked, "Gee, are there any
spares of those masts around?"
And the gentleman said, "Yeah, we
built eleven of them. A couple
have been tested to death, but yeah,
if you promise to return it, we could probably
make one available. We only need so many
for the station construction."
So Ed's idea
was to convert
the SIR-C radar into a radar
interferometer. What that means is you basically
send a radar pulse
out from the main radar here,
and then you receive that pulse
by that radar. That's just the way SIR-C worked.
But then you build another antenna
out here that also receives the
pulse, and between the two you basically
have a radar interferometer.
With a radar interferometer, you can then
do topography of the earth.
So Ed's idea was to take
the X-band radar
and stick it out here at the end of a mast
and he found the mast
from the station that he could use, so
he was thinking during the course of the mission
so here's this kit. This is the next
flight of this hardware.
So we get back to the lab
Radar returns, and a
we start looking at what one could do
with such a radar, and the answer was well
the X-band radar is high frequency
and has a very narrow beam,
so you could in the course of a shuttle mission
wind sort of a spiral pattern. The
ground track would be sort of a spiral pattern
around the Earth, but you couldn't get
global coverage. And the science community
said, "Well, fun thing to do,
but what's really important is global coverage."
So idea number two.
One of the team members, a scientist
named Mike Kobrick, said, "You know
instead of using the X-band, let's use the
C-band radar," and he had done this
simple little bit of geometry and discovered that
operating in one of the particular modes
electronic scanning modes of the radar
at an altitude of 233 kilometers
you would just cover the entire globe from the
57 north to 60 south
with the C-band, and so
that's, wow, that was
a gift from heaven. That was
a great idea.
Now we needed a customer. [ Audience laughter ]
So a gentlemen named Nevin Bryant
had been working for one of the other government agencies
at JPL called the Defense Mapping Agency.
And the Defense Mapping Agency had been for
decades been trying to get a topographic map.
You can imagine the Department of Defense
has to be able to find a war anytime, anyplace
and was having a lot of difficulty getting a good
topographic map of the Earth.
So Nevin called some of his friends in the
Defense Mapping Agency and said, "Hey
would you guys like to have a topographic
map all done in eleven days
with the following kind of metrics on
its quality?" And you could just about
hear the cheers from California.
They had been located near Washington
So they were very, very excited of course
when in eighteen months went from an idea
to all the approvals through the entire Pentagon,
and then the four-star commands to
actually get the money set aside, so we then
showed up to NASA
with a check for $150 million [ laughter ]
a radar that had already flown twice
and a design for an extension of that radar that
would turn it into this fairly amazing instrument.
And a year and a half after that
we actually got approval to fly it in the shuttle
So this third kind of unexpected
innovation driven flight of the
radar has really given all of us
now a data set that
has been desired, sort of the dream data set
for many, many years. When you go to Google
and you ask for a topographic map of something,
you're seeing actually SRTM data
and you can go to the USGS
data center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
and download as much of it as you want.
And the Department of Defense has been using
it. I mean literally they were pulling data
out of our hands because
at that time there were several bad things
happening in the Middle East, and they
put that data set to use
virtually instantly. So
here's a confluence
of some things that resulted in a
in a product that was just enormously
useful, and I frankly don't think
that the shuttle has been given I think
the kudos the shuttle system and the
teams that support it, the appropriate kudos
for enabling this marvelous
So this is some of the imagery.
This is the
boom in the end of the canister that unfolded at the end of the radar.
By the way, this as an example of
I think, about how to go about doing something like this
you look at a 200 foot mast sticking out the side of the
shuttle, and you wonder what is
what are these people thinking. I mean that is
that will never get past the safety board,
but as it turns out
we had flown twice on the shuttle.
We called down to JSC and said, "Hey could we
have an informal double lot
review of this? Just us
boys around a table with this idea
and if it's a crazy idea and you think
it's nuts, we'll go home quietly.
But if it isn't, could you give us some advice
on how to make this a flyable system?
You know a system you would feel comfortable flying."
And that one meeting was
I think a tide turner because
they said, "Hey, no problem. This looks very, very
cool. Just rig this so that if you
push a button, it goes away."
And that made sense, so we
spent a lot of time and energy making sure
that there was a button in the crew cabin
and the right pry-roads so if this thing
if for some reason, you know, didn't retract
inside the mole line and save itself
we could get rid of it, and that simple advice
I think was almost enabling, was enabling
for this mission. So you can see many
of these scenes. Here's the San Andreas fault
for example. Just very
vivid, you know, when you look at it as
a 3-D topographic projection.
Many places around the globe here
is the Chicaloo impact crater
which is actually buried under 500 feet of
sediment, but you can see an outline of it.
A little bit distinct, but there is an outline
and that outline is actually the
result of springs that are adding up
from sort of the lip of the crater
because the lip of the crater's only about 500
feet below the surface of
it's only got about 500 feet of sediment above it.
This is all that remains of SRTM.
It's also hanging in the Air and Space Museum.
And this is the product of that
mission, 1.5 tera points
of topographic information. Each point
being about the size of a baseball diamond.
And the entire planet as you see here has been
broken up into baseball diamond size patches
and we know the altitude of each patch
to an absolute accuracy
of about three meters.
It's a really remarkable data set.
So just to wrap it up
bottom line, early expectations can be misleading
Again, it's not unique to human space flight. It's
true also in robotic space flight, but
in planning missions and in thinking
one's got to get real fairly fast, or you're going to
waste a lot of time and energy.
There are folks I think who have been extremely successful
in exploiting human space flight flight opportunities.
They do so by understanding
what they're flying in. They really need to
understand the context in which the
hybrid is flying. The systems they built
are maximally self-reliant. Don't tax the
space flight systems to do a lot of
things that aren't absolutely necessary.
Leverage the presence of human beings
and then also respect the presence of human
beings. Make sure that what you're building is
a reasonable, reasonably built.
And there are enormous capabilities that
clever people can leverage.
It also requires tenacity.
Typically in space lab an investigator
would spend about a year of
his career or her career
for every day they got in orbit.
That's sort of a sobering number.
Also the notion that really
the systems need to mature before you
exploit them. Take it a step at a time.
And if you do things right, the potential
is absolutely amazing. It just
requires ingenuity.
So, questions?
[ Audience applause ]