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歡迎來到世界最偉大的城市之一,倫敦。 Welcome to one of the greatest cities in the world, London.
這裏是英國的首都, 而且,有人說是英語語言的世界。 It is the capital of the United Kingdom and, some say, the English-speaking world.
在這裏,歷史的印跡和英國的傳統 Here, historic landmarks and British traditions
與最新時尚潮流和多彩的混合文化交相輝映。 blend with the latest fashion trends and a colourful mix of cultures.
這是令人驚歎的學習英語的激情城市。 It is an incredibly exciting city for learning English.
在倫敦市中心, In the heart of London,
距離西區西敏寺大笨鐘和倫敦眼 only a few minutes away from the West End, Big Ben,
僅數分鐘路程,便是 EF 國際語言中心。 Westminster Abbey and the London Eye, is the EF International School of English.
學生選擇 EF 倫敦不僅是因為 這裏是他們學習英語、提高英語水準的地方, Students choose EF London because it’s an amazing place
而且這裏也是 to not only study English, improve their English,
飽覽英國首都城市文化的理想之地。 but to explore the culture of the UK’s capital city.
EF國際語言中心設於迷人的維多利亞大廈, The EF school is set in a charming Victorian building,
是熙攘大都市中的一片寧靜綠洲。 a peaceful oasis in the bustle of the big city.
舒適的教室、現代化的語音室和覆蓋全校的無線 Wi-Fi上網服務 Comfortable classrooms, modern language labs, and Wi-Fi internet access
確保為學生提供最佳的學習環境。 throughout the school ensure an optimal learning environment for students.
校內咖啡館提供英國和國際化食物。 The on-site café serves both British and international food.
綠樹成蔭的庭院是 The tree-lined courtyard is a popular place
吸引來自全球各地同學和朋友們最受歡迎的地方。 to catch up with classmates and friends from all corners of the world.
在 EF 學校,學生們可以參加從兩週到全學年的課程學習。 At EF's schools, students can study from two weeks to up to a full academic year.
所有課程均由具有相關資質的本地英語語言教師授課。 All of our courses are taught by qualified native English speaking teachers.
他們運用 EF 的專有教學方法,Efekta 學習系統進行授課。 They teach using EF's exlusive teaching method, the Efekta System.
Efekta 學習系統是獨特的書本和電腦實驗教學相結合的 The Efekta System is a unique combination of books
教學方法。 and computer lab.
學生們在課堂上完成所有學習內容,他們可以在電腦室 Everything the students do in the class they can repeat and revise
重複和溫習,這意味著他們可以 in the computer lab which means they can absorb
更快地吸收所學內容。 the material much more quickly.
EF 倫敦提供覆蓋學生不同學習目標的各類課程, EF London offers a wide range of courses, covering the different goals of our students,
包括內容從完善發音或官方英語測試應試學習到 from perfecting their pronunciation or passing an official English exam,
進行專業實習均可提供。 to doing a professional internship.
針對希望繼續在英國深造的學生, For students who wish to pursue their higher education in the UK,
我們的大學選課顧問可以協助設計學習計畫, our University Placement Advisors can help devise a study plan,
目的在於確定切實可行的適當水準的課程安排。 with the aim of being accepted into a suitable degree programme.
在倫敦學習期間,學生們可以選擇 When studying in London, students can choose to stay
與能夠讓您在大都市里有回家的感覺的 EF 寄宿家庭一起居住。 with an EF host family, who will help you feel at home in the large city.
我們的寄住家庭聯絡員會拜訪所有家庭 Our accommodations staff visit all families
並仔細選擇最合適的家庭。 and carefully select the most suitable ones.
您還可以選擇與來自全球各地的其他學生一起 You can also choose to stay with other students from all over the world
居住在市中心的某一 EF 學生市區居所內。 at one of EF's student residences in the city centre.
倫敦是您在享受閒暇時光及練習英文 London is a fantastic city to practise your English
的絕佳城市! while enjoying your free time!
EF 學校設立有活動室,提供各種精彩的活動項目。 The EF school has an Activities Office, so there's always something going on.
嗨,我是Joe,是您在倫敦學校的活動統籌員。 Hi, I'm Joe and I'm your Activities Officer here in London.
課餘時間您可以過來找我 When you’re not studying you can come and see me
看看您想在空閒時間做些什麼。 about what you’d like to do in your spare time.
我可以協助您組織各項活動,例如體育運動、 去倫敦旅遊勝地的日常活動 I can help you organize activities such as sports, daily activities to London's
和週末英國及國外的短途旅行。 tourist attractions and weekend excursions around the UK and abroad.
晚上,在West End觀看世界著名的歌舞電影。 In the evening, catch a world-famous musical in the West End.
或者遊覽時尚的蘇活區、激情四溢的West End或新潮 且必去的倫敦東部。 Or go clubbing in trendy Soho, the glamorous West End or the hip and upcoming East London.
觀覽倫敦無與倫比的博物館、公園、宮殿和世界著名的旅遊勝地。 Explore London's unrivalled museums, parks, palaces and world-famous attractions.
在華麗的百貨公司如Harrod's和Harvey Nichols購物。 Shop in the posh department stores like Harrod's and Harvey Nichols.
或在前衛的集市閒逛。 Or stroll through the funky street markets.
歷史、文化、皇室、世界著名的勝地和博物館 History, culture, royalty, world famous landmarks and museums
- 倫敦是真正與眾不同的城市。 - London is a truly outstanding city.
實現您的英語學習目標並在這座偉大的首都城市生活居住的同時 Achieve your goal of learning English, and make friends for life
交往人生中的摯友。 while living in this great capital city.
歡迎來到 EF 倫敦! Welcome to EF London!