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Good morning welcome again as we just walk through the Bible together
We had a wonderful time in Israel we pray that you enjoyed all of our videos from
there. But let's just get back into our daily work now.
For our devotional thought today I want to come from the Book of Proverbs
Chapter [12] twelve
Verse [11] eleven
The great secret
of abundance.
If i were to look at you and say:
"Do you really want abundance?"
Everybody would shout "Yes!"
If I said "Do you want abundance for your family?" All of you would shout "Yes!"
If i told you one simple thing that would bring abundance to your life
would you do it?
"Oh, yes Pastor, tell me what to give
tell me the one thing I can do."
Well, it's really not one thing you can do, its
something that you get up and do
You go, to work.
Proverbs 12:11
"He who works his land
will have abundant food,
but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment."
"He who works his land will have abundant food."
Do you want to have abundance for your family?
It takes more than just sowing one seed.
It takes more than simply paying tithes.
You say "But P-Pastor… we, we…" Yes,
I teach about tithing and yes, I teach you about giving
but too often in the church in the world today we,
we hear pastors that only teach about giving and they only teach about tithing
the Message of Prosperity is so much larger than that
You, you can
you can sow seed until you turn purple
but if you don't work the Bible says,
"You shall not eat."
Now, man do you want abundance for your family? Then get up and go to work
everyday. It may not be fancy and please forgive me it may not even be fun
and please forgive me it may be really hard
and you may get really dirty. But,
it's all right to get dirty and it's all right to work hard
when you see those little kids sit around the table at night
just goin' after the
food and laughing, and rejoicing because there's abundance in the home.
Do you really want abundance?
Then get up
and go to work every day
I know that doesn't sound exciting
I know that doesn't sound really spiritual
But that is one of the greatest secrets to abundance;
that you just get up
and go to work