When is a good time for a startup to hire a marketing manager? And it's an interesting question and one we're gonna go over in today's video. I'll go through three stages and how you should think about who you should hire and what order you should hire them in. We've gotten to a point, at Experiment 27, where I feel like we've gone through the initial early business cycles so we've got a sales team now and now we have an internal marketing person. 1. Do all sales es yourself until you can support a team (10k MRR) [0:36] 2. Once you're at 10,000 a month, then hire an outbound sales team to book meetings for you [1:04] You wanna hire two salespeople at the same time following Jason Lemkin's advice. Source: ****** The way that I think about building a marketing funnel is there's inbound and outbound. Inbound are the type of leads that are just gonna be coming in to your company. They are easier to close, but you have less power of the type of people that you're targeting. And then outbound are the leads that you're chasing. You're identifying an ideal customer, sending cold emails, doing cold calls to get them on the phone. You can spin up an outbound campaign within 45 to 90 days. So ideally what you wanna do is build up your outbound funnel and then while that's going or as soon as that starts paying for itself, then start investing in inbound and outbound will continue to pay for itself while inbound takes about six months to ramp up. 3. Hire marketing to increase inbound leads (30k MRR ) [2:23] So number three is hire marketing to increase leads and remember that it could take about six months so think about that when you're planning. So that's the way that I would frame hiring a marketing manager and the order that I would do it if I had to do it again and actually the order that I did it in. ---------Support the channel: Support this channel: ****** SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this: ****** Check out our Digital Agency Marketing Podcast: ****** Need lead generation or marketing support for your agency? Check out ******