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J/GoodWord/10TV OneíHBKTV 1H@TD@
Go OneíHBKTV 1H@TDJ/GoodWord/10/
/1Grrdee/1ti0ngs, gíHreBKetingsd
@@ tí@he@@ name H@of ourTV L Oo@
íHTDviJ/orGo. odHeWo trdha/1t 00
íHarTV, Olenet him H@hear. TVT1
H@e TDboJ/okGo oodf WoMardrk/1,1
TVTDapJ/teGor.od IWon rdth/1at0@
neis teaTVch 1ing thíHe BKparabe
íHsoBKwer. MTVy 1messagH@e tod0
Word, Good Gro
H@frJ/omGo todhaWot rdve/1ry0 te
TVTVd 1as youTD rJ/ecGoeiodveWe
TVchíHalBKlenge TDyoJ/u Gotood 0
A@of GodíH aBKnd allTV o 1f its@
poH@wer taTVke 1 root TDinJ/ yGe
BKand inTV y 1our liH@fe.TDJ/GoH
TV OneH@TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/10í@A@1
I want to take a moment and
J/TDplJ/aiGon odtoWo yrdou/1 t0D
TDtiWomerds /1in0 scripTVtu Ore1
H@agodriWocurdlt/1ur0al metíHap@
exTDplJ/aiGon odspWoirrdit/1ua0@
ideaTVs. O Inet readTVs 1almose
WomaTVna 1c someTDtiJ/meGos.od d
TVab0out thH@e crucH@ifixioTVn,e
ExceH@pt a gTDraJ/inGo oodf Wow1
into the ground and di
GoodGoidode Woalrdon/1e.0 But i/
Owi/1ll0 bringTV f 1orth míHucV
Go'sTD nJ/otGo rodeaWollrdy /1t/
/1a rdgr/1ai0n of wH@heat. TVHed
abouTVt 1the deíHatBKh, burTViK
TVre 1surrecH@tion oTVf OounerK
J/SaGoviodorWo, rdJe/1su0s Chri0
Ofollowí@inA@g whatH@ I'm sTVaV
But He sees the death, burial
TDTVd 1resuTVrr Oecnetion aíHs@
WoOrod tWoherd B/1ib0le sayTVs d
TVHe0 that í@goA@eth foH@rth in0
bearíHinBKg precTVio Ousne seede
TDdoJ/ubGotlodesWos rdco/1me0 a@
rejoTVic 1ing, bTVri Ongne his e
A@wiH@th hTDimJ/. GoItod'sWo nr0
TDtaBKlking TVab 1out agH@riculK
GoItod'sWo trdal/1ki0ng aboH@ute
0hat it takes to come into you
TVTVrv 1est seíHasBKon. ItTV d 1
GopatieníHceBK. Can TDI J/geGot/
BKThrde /1Bi0ble piíHckBKs it uH
0eTDw J/TeGostodamWoenrdt /1an01
TVTVve 1 need íHofBK patieTVnc @
/1after TDyoJ/u GohaodveWo drdod
God,í@ yB@ou migH@ht recTVei 1v0
promise. Though the vision
TV 1í@
TDtarry,TD wJ/aiGot odonWo irdte
oditod sWohardll/1 s0peak aí@ndo
íHsa/1ys0TV H 1abakkuíHk.BK You0
TVtiTVen 1ce jusH@t likeTV a O 1
newho doí@esB@n't soH@w cornTD @
1exGopeodctWo trd/1o 0eat itTVV
íHH@ takesTV a O wnehile fTDorJ@
GoapH@ the benefit of the word
Goofrd G/1od0 in yoTVur O lneif/
1isrd H/1is0 seed.íH TBKhe BibV
íHTDhnJ/ 1Go:1od, WoInrd t/1he01
J/e TDwoJ/rdGo, odanWod rdth/1eD
í@GoWod rdan/1d 0the woTVrd O we
J/l H@thingsTV w 1ere maTDdeJ/ D
odanWod rdwi/1th0out HiH@m was K
anything made that was made.
1TD HJ/imGo wodasWo lrdif/1e 0V
neíHs BKthe liTDghJ/t Goofod mWO
LeíHt'BKs go bTVac 1k to tH@hat1
H@beGogiodnnWoinrdg /1wa0s the @
woTVrd O wneasTV w 1ith GoíHd B@
H@was GoTDd.J/ AGollod tWohirdn@
TVal 1l tangTDibJ/leGo aodrtWoiK
H@de by the intangible,
inTVvi Osineble, iTVnc 1orruptí1
J/ofJ/ GGoodod. WoThrdat/1 G0odD
B@abWosordlu/1te0ly notH@hing a@
LeH@t therTVe 1be somTDetJ/hiG@
íHma Ottneer begTVan 1 to clíHae
mol@ecules and atoms tWord/10í@i
TVto Ogenether iíHn BKsuch aTV @
TVco 1mpreheTDnsJ/ivGoe odwaWoy@
suddTVen O tnerees aTVnd 1 eart0
íHanned rockí@s C@and moH@on an1
respTDonJ/deGod odtoWo trdhe/1 @
TDthJ/e GowoodrdWo. rdNo/1th0in1
TDNoJ/t Goa odhaWommrder/1, 0no0
knife, not a saw, not a rake.
0@He jusíHt BKopenedTD HJ/isGo 1
0lH@eared TVHi Os nethroatíH aB1
0híHBKTVat O Hnee thouH@ght, aT1
0hH@at He TVsa Oidne, becaTVus 1
TVTVl Obyne Himseí@lfC@.H@TV 1K
ne[ApplaH@use]TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/@
His word is so powerfu
thatH@TV K
0DthJ/eyGo wodokWoe rdJe/1su0s 1
H@TVee Op neone niíHghBKt on aT@
TDTVe 1wind aTDndJ/ tGoheod wW1
OtoodssWoinrdg /1th0e boatí@ bV
fortTVh, 1 and Jí@esC@us opeH@n0
Womo Outneh out í@ofC@ a sleH@ed
TVPe0ace, bí@e C@still,H@ and t0
neheard íHthBKe voicTVe 1that 0
TDcrBKeated TVit O anend laiH@dK
Wothode Wowardve/1s 0lay prH@os@
/1fl0oor. ATVnd O eneven thíHe K
TVwe Orene shockH@ed at TVHi 1mK
/1WhGoatod mWoanrdne/1r 0of mand
evenTV t Ohene windsí@ aC@nd th1
D@obJ/eyGo HodisWo wrdil/1l?0 G@
WhH@TVen 1 God wTDanJ/tsGo todoe
BKso 1methiníHg,BK He spTDeaJ/kH
[ATVpp 1lause]H@TDJ/GoodWord/10@
H@TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/10íHBKTV One@
H@That'sTV w Ohyne when TVth 1e@
Ostneone awTVay 1 from í@olD@d1
íHzaTDruJ/s Go--od hWoisrd b/1o0
1inTVki Ongne in thH@e tombTV V
í@í@dnD@'t gH@o inTD tJ/heGo toe
TDm H@mouth-TVto 1-mouthTDJ/Goo1
D@reodsuWoscrdit/1at0ion. Hí@e @
odH@ go inTDtoJ/ tGoheod tWoomro
OHi/1s 0word aH@nd heaTVle 1d 0
odzaH@rus, cTVom 1e fortTDh.J/Go
TVAn/1d 0he gotTV u Op neout of@
I'm TDsoJ/ gGolaodd WoHerd c/1a@
J/naGomeod. WoHardd /1He0 just @
TVfo 1rth, iTDt J/woGoulodd Wohe
Gothe reH@surrecTDtiJ/onGo, oda/
Woderdad/1 m0an in TVth Oe newo@
TVha 1ve stoTDodJ/ uGop.od OWohe
knWoowrds /1yo0ur namTVe. O OneK
H@thJ/e GoceodntWourrdio/1n 0wh1
yoTDu J/neGoedod nWootrd g/1o 01
íHbut stTDopJ/ iGon odthWoe rdme
roadTV a 1nd speH@ak theTD wJ/o@
Goanned my dTVau 1ghter íHwiBKl0
rdOhrd, /1th0e poweí@r D@is in o
0The BiTVbl Oe nesays tí@haD@t 1
TVbeJ/enGo bodegWootrdte/1n 0by0
TVGod. YíHouBK are bTVor 1n of K
J/incorrH@uptiblTVe 1seed, TDbD
odthWoe rdwo/1rd0. You TVdo On'0
BKcause TVcu Otene girlsH@ go ts
1chWourrdch/1. 0You doí@n'E@t V
neí@usE@e you H@can doTD aJ/ bGO
deí@alE@ in thH@is chuTVrc 1h. @
Wogenet saveTVd 1cause íHthBKid
One0ar youTVr Ohoneuse. YíHouV
H@ tH@he worTVd 1of GodTD oJ/r@
coTDmeJ/ tGoo odthWoisrd b/1ui00
TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/10íHBK
H@Let usTV n Ootne assumTVe 1t0
TVu TVgo Ot nedresseTVd 1this 0
TVand caí@meE@ to chTVur 1ch th@
BKveTDd.J/ IGof odyoWou'rdre/1 H
TVH@ the wTVor Od,ne you'rTVe e
í@E@TV OBKen at H@all. HTDebJ/r0
J/ysH@ He upTVho 1lds alTDl J/tD
1thWoe rdwo/1rd0 of HiH@s poweV
onTDlyJ/ aGoreod yWoourd b/1eg0e
word, you are
staiH@ned byTV t @
Woword. TVTh Oe neword oTVf 1Gd
TVef0ficaciTVou Os,ne it isí@ s0
neit is íHsoBK relenTVtl 1ess, 0
rdsaBKid LetTV t Ohenere be H@lo
0correcH@tly, iTVt Owoneuldn'tK
1Let thH@ere beTD lJ/igGohtod.0
íHbeBK, Let TVth Oernee be lH@i0
íHght, light, li
/1ghTDt,J/ lGoigodhtWo, rdli/1gd
TVe íHwoBKrd thaTVt OHene spok@
neis stiTV 1ll híHolBKding tTDh@
TVplGoacode,Wo ardnd/1 a0s long@
TDs TDnoJ/t GogoodneWo drdow/1n@
í@tood gWoo rddo/1wn0 eitheTVr.0
thinH@g thatTV h Oolneds theTV 1
holding me
p. Gí@odF@ has sH@pok0
J/His woí@rdF@. Oh mH@y God,TV D
H@GoWod rdha/1s 0spokeníH HBKis0
í@TVur O lneife.TV 1í@F@H@TDJ/Ge
[AppH@lause]TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/101
H@GoodWord/10í@F@H@TV OneTV 1íH0
odTVvi 1d saidTD, J/WhGoatod yWo
rdHe/1 s0aid, TH@hy woríHd BKis1
0@unto mH@y feetTD aJ/ndGo aod 1
myíH pBKathwayTV. OInne DavidHK
rdthGoerode Wowards /1ni0ght tro
0becausTVe Omonest of í@thG@e e
íHs TVdo 1ne by TDwaJ/lkGoinodg1
no sTDtrJ/eeGot odliWoghrdts/1,@
neon signs. You had to walk in
thTVe Odanerk. ThíHeyBK had wT@
íHcalledTD aJ/nkGoleod lWoigrdh1
odntTDerJ/nsGo todhaWot rdwe/1ro
H@th/1e 0ankle,TV s Oo nethat ae
waTVlk 1ed, yoTDu J/coGoulodd W0
TVmake yTVou Or nenext sTVte 1p0
WoYou í@G@coulH@dn't sTVee 1 25d
BKth0e roadH@. You TVco Oulned H
how H@to makTDe J/yoGourod nWoe@
1So it TDisJ/ wGoitodh Wothrde1
0KGod woTDn'J/t GoshodowWo yrdo1
toTV h Oapnepen neíHxtBK week,T@
TVwill sTDhoJ/w GoodyoWou rdho/@
0enext sTV 1p. ThyíH wBKord isT1
unTVto O mney feetí@ aG@nd a lHe
TVmy 1 path.íH SBKomebodTDy J/h0
me my next step.
í@H@H@TV OneTV 0
[AudTVie Oncnee respTVon 1se]í@@
H@GoodWord/10TV Oneí@H@H@TV 1TD@
1H@u don'TDt J/haGoveod tWoo rV
J/H@erythiTDngJ/. GoYoodu WodorD
OshWoowrd m/1e 0where íHI'BKm V
Wo yTVea 1rs froíHm BKnow. YTDod
TVha0ve to TVex Oplneain whíHy @
1roTDugJ/h GowhodatWo Ird w/1eV
odíHt BKjust sTDhoJ/w Gomeod mW1
H@If/1 y0ou donH@'t ligH@ht it 0
neíHkeBK the wTVro 1ng movTVe. O
onTD aJ/ sGoerodpeWontrd t/1ha00
BKme. I'TVll 1 step H@in a hTVo@
odbreak TVmy O anenkle. í@BuH@to
H@me/1 m0TV 1y nextí@ sH@tep. T@
caTVme 1 to chTVur Ochne this í1
BKI didnTV't O cneome toH@ show@
TVne Ow neoutfitTD. J/I Gojuods0
my next ...
H@TV 1TV Oneí@H@H@TDe
[AppTDlaJ/usGoe]odWord/10TV 1í@1
O OneTDJ/GoodWord/10í@H@H@TV 1V
ne mí@y H@God. YH@'all bTDetJ/tO
WoH@t me tTDhiJ/s GomoodrnWoinrd
/1so0methiníHg BKin thiTVs 1pl@
J/[AGoppodlaWousrde]/10TV 1íHBKe
H@GoodWord/10íHBKTV 1H@TV OneTDe
rdH@vid saTVys O, neThy woTDrdJo
Onto mí@y H@feet aH@nd a lTVigV
TD pí@atH@hway. H@Huh? JTDobJ/ e
rdesodteWoemrd H/1is0 word íHabo
GoecessH@ary foTVod 1. He sTVai/
1mardke/1 i0t withíHouBKt a meV
J/TVn' Ot nemake iíHt BKwithouTD
odWhWoenrd y/1ou0 get wíHheBKree
word like that, then you're
í@reI@ady toH@ do soTVme 1 king@
J/busineTVss O. neAs loní@g I@aD
odonWo Srdun/1da0y mornTVin 1g,0
/1whBKether TVyo 1u're gH@oing d
GourH@ch or TVno 1t, youTV'r Oe/
Wotord h/1av0e a reTVal 1 conve0
í@wiI@th me.H@ But wTVhe 1n you@
H@the moTDrnJ/inGog odanWod rds0
Obu 1t I'm í@goI@ing;H@TV OneTV
I'm TDbrJ/okGoe,od bWoutrd I/1'0
TDm frustrated, but I'm going;
GoI odgoWord/10t a baH@d attiTV0
J/going;TV t Ohenen you TVbe 1gD
TVunWoderdrs/1ta0nd. I'H@m hookK
TDrdH@. I'm TVa Owonerd junTDk@
WoInod HWoimrd I/1 l0ive, iTVn d
J/in0 Him Ií@ hI@ave myH@ beingD
odI Wowards /10comiTVng 1 this 1
H@Thy woTVrd O .ne..TDJ/GoodWor1
TV[Crdhe/1er0ing]H@TV 1TV Oneí@K
J/H@TDJ/GoodWord/10TV 1í@I@H@TVD
odWhWoatrd y/1ou0 say, íHPaBKul0
neThI@e sworH@d ofTV t 1he spiTO
TDH@rd of TDGoJ/d.Go WodheWon re
0ogeodtsWo rrdea/1dy0 to fií@gh1
J/rough the word of God. When
odGoWod rdge/1ts0 readyTV t 1o 1
OHene does íHitBK by thTDe J/w@
GoAre yoTVu Ohenearing TDwhJ/a/
Ounrdto/1 y0ou? Whí@atI@ you sV
Gon TDdoJ/esGo nodotWo lrdiv/1e/
Woalrdon/1e,0 but bTVy 1every e
proceedeth out of th
moutTDh J/oo
H@Go/1d.0 I donH@'t carTVe 1wh@
/1TVer Oe'nes someTD fJ/olGoksod
righí@t J@now thH@at areTV l 1ie
J@the woH@rdTD oJ/f GoGoodd.Wo @
haveTV b Oeenen deadTD hJ/adGo K
J@foJ/r Gothode Wowordrd/1 o0f @
J/H@ve beeTVn Olonecked uTDp JD
odQuWoenrdti/1n 0if it í@haJ@d 1
the word of God.
/1neTDJ/GoodWord/10TV 1H@í@J@íHd
StilH@l to CTVom Oe neoní@J@TV @
0DThJ/e GoPoodttWoerrd's/1 T0ou1
1H@e sameTV G Oodne that TVta V
heH@llfireTD aJ/ndGo bodriWomsr1
TVsaJ/idGo, odI Woswrdea/1r 0I'@
nebless TVyo 1u. Andí@ IJ@'ve b@
50 years off of his word.
WoI'rdm /1al0ive ofH@f of HTVis@
rdI've bTVee 1n begoTDttJ/enGo o
0And whH@en it TVdi Odnne't looK
0Vwa 1s goinH@g to bTDe J/blGoe1
rdíHenBK it diTVdn O'tne feel Ho
0going H@to be TVbl Oesnesed, aK
1itH@ dTDidJ/n'Got odseWoemrd K
1blneessed,H@ all I had to stan
GoíHs BKthe prTDomJ/isGoe odofW/
H@Herd s/1ai0d, I sTVwe Oarne .@
TDTVau Oghnes]TV 1íHBKTDJ/GoodW@
TVodWord/10TV Oneí@J@H@TV 1TDJ/@
odJ/GoodWord/10í@J@H@TV OneTV 1o
rdFo/1r 0over aí@ dK@ecade,H@ B0
Jakes and The Potter's House
haveH@ proviTDdeJ/d GospodirWoi0
J/huK@manitaTVri Oanne suppoH@rD
TDanWod rdbe/1yo0nd. AnH@d toge@
TVwiodllWo crdon/1ti0nue toTV m@
neTV 1erJ/enGoceod, Worerdac/1hO
/1wiBKth MegH@aCare.TD TJ/hiGosd
J/gaTVCa Orene will íHbeBKcome D
odceWontrdra/1l 0focus íHofBK mK
H@TDJ/Goutodh WoAfrdri/1ca0, atK
1ternational, with a multi-
0aTDceJ/teGod odapWoprrdoa/1ch01
liTVve Os neof thoH@usandsTV. 1@
rdYo Ourne generTDouJ/s Gogiodfo
TVorld TVof O dneiffereH@nce asK
rde H@world TDwiJ/thGo ModegWoao
O belií@evK@e God H@with yTVouV
you TVso 1w an ií@ntK@ernatiH@o@
/1I GobeodliWoevrde /1th0at youd
reapí@ aK@n inteH@rnatioTVna Ol@
God's got a thousand ways to
TVblJ/esGos odyoWou rdyo/1u 0ha0
Gothoughí@t K@about.H@ And aTVs/
WoI'rdm /1ju0st praí@yiK@ng tha0
H@keTV i Ot nehappenTV f 1or yo1
anTDd J/I Gogeodt Wotordge/1th0e
/10H@penTV f 1or theTDm.J/ YGood
wiTVnd O inen our TVsa 1ils. Wíe
í@weK@ can'tH@ get iTVt 1done.1
WoShow yTDouJ/r GosuodppWoorrdtd
/1by0 writiTVng O unes, visitinr
website, or call
O1-ne800-BiH@shop-2TV. 1TDJ/Go0
O OneTV 1í@K@H@TDJ/GoodWord/10V
J/BKTV 1H@TDJ/GoodWord/10TV OneD
ONoWow rdle/1t'0s go bTVac Ok V
0essí@agK@e, GooH@d WordTV, 1G1
OH@ound.TV OneTV 1í@K@H@TDJ/GoV
í@BKTV 1H@TDJ/GoodWord/10TV One
/1maH@n is nTVo 1more tTDhaJ/nd
He'sí@ nL@o moreH@ than his wor.
You soon learn,
doeTVsn O'tneTV
odí@ttL@er whaH@t you TDhaJ/veGo
neca/1n'0t keepTV y Oouner wordO
H@TV d 1oeí@snL@'t matH@ter whTe
TVTVke 1 if yoTDu J/caGon'odt W@
í@word. TVIt 1 doesní@'tL@ matte
smarH@t you TVar 1e if yTDouJ/ @
H@your wTVor Od.ne Your TVwo 1r@
everything. It's your bond.
í@ItL@'s eveTVry 1thing.TD IJ/f@
TDyou'reTV g Ooineng to íHdoBK e
J/yoodu'Worerd g/1oi0ng to H@doD
0dYoWou rdgo/1tt0a do iTVt. O Y1
1H@. And TVse Oe,ne some íHofBV
ouTDr J/woGordod aWondrd s/1om0@
L@and soTVme O onef us kTVee 1p@
/1H@out ceTDrtJ/aiGon odthWoinrd
íHn'TVt Oabneout otí@heL@r thi0
TherTVe' Os nesome rH@eal niTVc@
TVth Oatne I wouTVld 1n't waíHn0
H@TV OneTV 1í@L@H@TDJ/Good1
[LTVau Oghneter]í@L@H@TV 1TDJ/GK
OneH@TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/10í@L@H@1
H@UhBK huh. TDYeJ/s.Go AodmeWon@
H@TDouJ/t Goyoodu.Wo Ardme/1n.0@
ThTVan 1k you,TD JJ/esGousod. W0
TVYou'veTV g Ootne a greTVat 1 K
but H@you doTDn'J/t GocoodunWot1
Oh, I lost some laughter on
that. I really h
thatTV t 1ime, dTDidJ/n'Got odI1
0@seL@e, GodH@ said,TD IJ/'mGo 1
GoTVat O Ine shoulí@d L@lie orH/
odmardn /1th0at I sH@hould TVreo
rdha/1ve0 spokeTVn Oitne, I wi0
í@toL@ pass.H@ If I TVha Ovene 1
I wiH@ll makTDe J/itGo godooWodK
words, God is saying, You've
TVH@t my wTVor 1d on iTDt.J/Goo@
H@rd/10H@TV OneTV 1í@M@H@TDJ/Go@
WhTVoo O, neI'm TVab 1out toíH 1
rdsomethTDJ/Goinodg Woafrdte/1ro
0You'veíH gBKot my TVwo Ordne o0
1He tolí@d M@AbrahaH@m, SurTDe1
blesTDsiJ/ngGos odI Wowirdll/1 @
íHanned multTDipJ/lyGoinodg,Wo @
multTDipJ/lyGo todheWoe.rd H/1e@
TVI' Om negoing í@toM@ blessTV 1
a lot of p
ple íHdoBKn't waTDntJe
odto preTVac 1h abouH@t the TDbo
rdof/1 G0od. Thí@eyM@ just TVth@
neshGoouodldWon'rdt /1sa0y anytO
ití@. M@They cTVal 1l it aH@ ca0
WogospelTV, Oanned theyH@ don'd
/1he0ar it.H@ They TVju Ostne wd
TV Oprneeach aí@boM@ut helTVlf e
BKbrimstH@one. BTVut 1 let mTDeH
soH@meTV Othneing. TTVhe 1 same0
Otanelks abí@ouM@t hellTVfi 1rK
brimstone has said, I swear I'm
H@going TVto 1 blessTD yJ/ouGo.0
TVbe Oenne liviní@g M@50 yeaTVrK
TVrdTV. OI'nem alivTVe 1off o0
neword. íHI'BKve beeH@n begoTVte
M@word. TDAnJ/d GowhodenWo irdt@
TVli 1ke I wH@as goiTDngJ/ tGoo0
and when it didn't feel like I
0/waGos odgoWoinrdg /1to0 be bl1
whTVen O inet didní@'tN@ seem T1
TDevJ/erGo bode Woblrdes/1se0d,K
WoanTVd Oonne was tTVhe 1 promd
OGo0d. He TVsa Oidne, I swí@eaV
[lauTVgh 1s]í@N@TDJ/GoodWord/10K
H@TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/10í@N@TV Onee
1I'm goí@inN@g to bTDleJ/ssGo 1
GoGod prTDomJ/isGoedod tWoo rdb/
ne[Ardud/1ie0nce reH@sponseTV] O
neí@'sN@ a mysTVte Oryne. The HO
GoTDd J/isGo aod mWoysrdte/1ry00
íH tTVhe 1 kingdTVom O tnehat t1
J/nnTVot O dneo. GovH@ernmenTDtD
odleWogirdsl/1at0e moraH@lity. @
Goma/1ke0 all kTVin 1ds of íHla/
Woarrdre/1st0 you iíHf BKyou br0
Obut thH@ey canTV't 1 creatTVeV
J/arí@t N@inH@ you. TDThJ/eyGo D
0dThWoeyrd c/1an0't makíHe BKpe1
í@N@eaH@ch othTVer 1. TheyTV c 0
get TVa 1certTVai On neamountíK
Ootneher toH@ go toTD wJ/orGoke
TDgoJ/ tGoo odscWohordol/1 t0oge
Gocaodn'Wot rdma/1ke0 us loí@ve0
TVBu 1t God íHcaBKn put TVa Oh@
BKat makes you love everybody.
1TVdo 1n't caH@re whaTVt OthnV
liTVke O. neI don'íHt BKcare iT@
1osTDs-J/eyGoedod, Wobordw-/1lV
neí@agN@gletooH@thed aTVnd O gnO
yoíHu'BKll be TDhuJ/ggGoinodg WK
0VYo Ou'nere my H@brotheTDr.J/ 1
J/íHd.BK You'rTVe 1my broH@theD
OTeWon rdye/1ar0s ago,TV y 1ouV
WoveTD eJ/veGon odspWookrden/1 d
/1st0reet. í@BuN@t God puts a ln
rdH@ur heaTVrt 1 for pTVeo Oplno
0comes TVth 1rough í@thO@e word1
CaH@n I geTVt 1a witnTVes Os n0
TVOh 1, thisí@ iO@s goinH@g to @
Oinne a minTDutJ/e.Go TodhaWot0
H@may seíHe BKand noTVt Opener1
íHTVny O tneimes tTDheJ/y Goseoe
don'TDt J/unGodeodrsWotardnd/1 @
íHd hearing, they may he
not TVun OdenerstandH@, lestTD e
J/tiGomeod tWoherdy /1sh0ould b0
H@anO@d theiH@r sinsTV s 1houlde
WoTDrgJ/ivGoenod tWoherdm./1 D0d
BKsu0rpriseTVd, 1 and IH@'m goiH
TDH@ll yTDJ/ouGo sodomWoetrdhi/@
GosoodmeWothrdin/1g 0that tH@he/
J/dordne/1 a0 lot oTVf OwonerkD
odanWod rdI /1pr0ay He í@doP@es@
TDYoJ/urGo nodeeWod rdto/1 b0e 0
OíHmiBKnish. TVI Ohaned suchHV
needí@ tP@o H@be undTVer 1stood@
H@acceptTDedJ/ aGondod tWoo rdb@
rdAnd itTV w 1ould jTDusJ/t Goko
0peopleí@ mP@isundeH@rstoodTV mK
And I kept trying to clarify
BKd 0make tTVhe Om nesee thí@atH
neH@at youTV t 1hink ITD aJ/m.GO
trTVyi 1ng to í@chP@ange tTDheJ@
TDreJ/alGoizode Wothrdat/1 G0od1
TVtoGo codhaWongrde /1me0; to c0
Woincessí@anP@t needTV f 1or yod
rd/10derstaíHndBK me anH@d likeo
neBecausí@e P@when ITV n 1eed y0
understand me and like me, then
í@TDyoJ/u GobeodcoWomerd m/1y 01
GoppTDlaJ/usGoe]odWord/10H@TV O/
Word/10TV OneíHBKH@TV 1TDJ/Good@
neI'nem all H@hung uTVp. 1 My wO
BKTV 1 hí@unQ@g up tTDryJ/inGogH
yoH@u of sTDomJ/etGohiodngWo, re
0HdiBKfferenH@ce doeTVs 1it ma1
rdíHu BKthink H@of me?TV W Ohano
TVifferTVen Ocene does íHitBK m@
you think of me? It won't add
J/anneythingí@ tQ@o me aTVnd 1 D
Q@taWokerd a/1ny0thing í@frQ@om@
wiH@th waiH@ting oTVn Openeopl@
OunnederstaTDndJ/ wGohaodt WoG@
TVTh 1ere arí@Q@e soTDmeJ/ tGoh1
odhas doTDneJ/ iGon odyoWourrd o
rdwi/1ll0 neveríH uBKnderstTVan0
TheyTV'l Ol nenever TVun 1derst@
H@TV 1
TVGoodWord/10íHBKTV OneH@TV 1TD@
neSome oTVf 1you whíHo BKare s1
TDyoQ@u needH@ to prTDayJ/, GoL@
GoodWofrrd/1om0 my neTVed O tne/
WoSordme/1 p0eople TVwi Ollne n0
TVun Odenerstandí@. Q@They dH@o0
BKundersTVta Ondne your H@Lord.@
TDn't understand your Jesus.
GoHoodw Woarrde /1th0ey goiH@ng/
Q@unrdde/1rs0tand yTVou O? neTh@
unH@derstaTVnd 1 your TDfaJ/itG1
BKdoJ/n'Got odunWoderdrs/1ta0ndH
TVTDmmJ/itGomeodntWo. rdHo/1w 00
Woto undíHerBKstand TVth 1at yod
1a 0man yoíHu BKcould TVse Oe V
WoíHu BKcouldnTD'tJ/ sGoeeod? Wd
/1do0n't heH@ar whaTVt OI'nem @
you. You tell him you're
leíHavBKing, aTVnd O hnee saysH1
íHyoBKu goinTDg J/toGo godetWo e
R@And yoH@u tellTV h 1im it'TDs@
neAnd heTD sJ/ayGos,od YWoeardhO
rdTV d 1oesn'tí@ bR@elieveH@ yoo
neway fTVro Om neall ofí@ tR@heO
GoH@d tricTVep 1s and TDwaJ/lkG/
Wohordld/1in0g nothH@ing buTVt d
J/ca0use heTV c Oannenot peí@rct
odifWo Crdhr/1is0t be iíHn BKyo@
hoTVpe 1 of glí@orR@y. SomH@e oe
H@riR@ght noH@w, somTVeb 1ody le
aní@d R@thoughTVt 1you waTDs J@
odlose yH@our miTVnd O, nebut yo
0dbe/1ca0use whTVen 1 that H@ma1
í@í@t,R@ thiTVs Omanen stepH@p0
God H@has a TVwa Oy neof ...TV @
oh, TDI J/wiGoshod IWo hrdad/1 @
TV Oneí@R@H@TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/100
íHAnBKd He said unto them, knowe
not this parable? An
WollTV y Ooune know TVal 1l pard
/1Th0e soweTVr, O tnehe sowí@er@
rdwo Ordne. He sTVai 1d the íHso
Wother TVwo Ordnes, is íHthBKe d
/1Go0d. TheíH sBKower sTVow Oet0
TDAnR@d thesH@e are TVth Oeyne @
TVwaodysWoidrde /1wh0ere thTVe @
neBuTV 1t whíHenBK they have hen
comeTDthJ/ iGommodedWoiardte/1lK
BKaway tTVhe O wneord thTVat 1 H
í@H@eir heTDarJ/tsGo. odNoWow,r0
sayiTVng O ines, theH@ groupTV K
rdrdTDs J/caGomeod aWolordng/1,o
TDeeds í@feS@ll by TVth Oe newa@
1thode Wofordwl/1s 0ate upH@ tV
od sTDaiJ/d GothodisWo irds /1sK
rdco/1me0s in aí@ftS@er youTV'vo
1ood wH@ord anTVd Otanekes itV
yoH@u. It TDwaJ/snGo'tod tWohar@
Owanesn't gTVoo 1d, butH@ you 1
WohoS@ld on TVto O inet. YouH@ d
/1ch0erish TVit 1. You íHabBKor@
WoAn/1d 0the enH@emy caTVn 1ead
Goan0d takeTV t 1he seeí@d S@aw/
S@yordu,/1 b0ecauseí@ yS@ou hav@
GoH@arned TVto O aneppreciTDatJ/
H@ofrd G/1od0. Manyí@ oS@f you @
J/TDurJ/chGo, odyoWou rdha/1ve0D
odapWoprrdec/1ia0tion fTVor 1 t0
íHGoBKd. YouTV l 1ove muH@sic.T@
J/[LaughTVte Or]neíHBKTDJ/GoodWD
odWord/10TV 1í@S@H@TV OneTDJ/Go@
BKOhGo, odyoWou'rdre/1 d0own wiH
YeTDahJ/. GoThoderWoe rdar/1e 0@
choose churches purely by the
J/usic.TV I 1f the íHmuBKsicianD
0dthWoeyrd l/1ea0ve theH@ churc1
J/TVne 1, bye,íH cBKause yTVou D
GoatWotardch/1me0nt is í@thT@e /
WoAnrdd /1th0e eníHemBKy is sTV@
J/very tTVhi 1ng froTVm OyoneuD
odgiWoverd y/1ou0 life TVin 1 t@
1somethTVin Og nethat ií@s T@g@
Word/10dod tWoodrday/1 i0s goind
thH@rough í@neT@xt weeTVk, 1 thK
stepTD. J/GlGoorodWoy rdto/1 G0e
TVwh 1at elsíHe BKHe wanTDtsJ/ @
out of this. He said there are
someTV p Oeoneple thíHatBK theyK
0H@onerd, thH@ey immTVed 1iatel1
TVit O wneith glTVad 1ness aí@n@
Goroot. TDWeJ/llGo, odmyWo grdo/
0oHordld/1 u0p a miTVnu Otene n1
SeíHe,BK now, TVI Ogrneew up H@
TVBa Optneist chTVur 1ch. I íHg0
OfilledTV i On nea littTVle 1 V
churíHchBK, and TVbo 1th chuH@r0
their shouters. The Baptist
1churchTD, J/weGo'dod gWoetrd @
H@There TVwe Orene just TVtw 1o1
í@foT@lks thH@at shoTDutJ/edGo @
WochJ/urGochod bWoacrdk /1th0end
/1An0d wheníH tBKhey shTVou Oted
usheí@rsT@ wouldH@ come TVup O 1
íHalBKl arouTDndJ/.GoodWord/10H@
GoJ/WhGooood! WoWhrdoo/1! 0Whoo/
T@[Lrdau/1gh0ter]TV OneíHBKTV 1@
H@TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/10íHBKTV One1
J/ 1TDSoJ/meGo oodf Woy'rdal/1lD
odtaWolkrdin/1g 0about.í@ YU@ouo
rd/101 a0ll oveH@r the TVch Ouro
TVgi Ovene you cíHhiBKll bumTVp0
neWhoo! í@AnU@d hereH@ they TVce
TVe TVsm 1ellingTD sJ/alGotsod.@
TDjust aTV f 1anningíH yBKou li@
J/onod fWoirrde./1 W0hoo! TTVheD
OanWord/10d faí@n U@you, yH@ou@
sistíHerBK got mTVad 1 at anH@o@
U@stTVer 1, she'TDd J/juGostod @
TVTVr 1out, sTDheJ/'dGo jodusW@
H@shoutiíHngBK. WhooTD! J/I Goc1
U@yoU@u someTD sJ/toGoriodesWo,@
GeTVt 1me somH@e chicTDkeJ/n G@
I'll tell you some stories.
OíHveBK seen TDsoJ/meGo stuH@fV
OneTVveBK seen H@some sTVtu 1fV
1urí@chU@, babyTD. J/YeGos,od V
odí@n'U@t foolTDinJ/g Gonood rWo
1I'/1ve0 been TVar Oounend a lV
TVí@enU@ I gotTD iJ/n Gothode We
í@uríHchBK and tH@hey waTDs J/se
overTV t 1here, and they was
TVncing, you know.
TVThey wíHasBK just H@shoutiTVn@
TV Oneí@U@TV 1H@TDJ/GoodWord/10@
neWhoo!H@TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/10íHB@
1[L Oauneghter]TV 1í@U@TDJ/GooV
íHBKH@TDJ/GoodWord/10TV Oneí@U@K
BKYes, LTVor Od.ne And ITV w 1aH
imH@presseTVd. 1 So imTDprJ/esG@
í@BuWot rdJe/1su0s is síHayBKine
rdssTVib 1le to H@receivTDe J/to
1ith gH@ladnesTVs, O mneake a V
GoH@ise anTDd J/haGoveod nWoo r/
WoNordth/1in0g to iH@t at aTVll@
1lot ofTD nJ/oiGoodseWo, rda /@
knocking people down, punching
1peopleíH iBKn the H@mouth,TD K
BKTV 1them iTDn J/thGoe odleWogH
H@H@ld youTV, Otonere youTVr 1
H@TDliJ/t GoyoodurWo prdan/1ts0@
í@TVoe 1s, andíH dBKidn't TDheJ1
at aH@ll.H@TV OneTDJ/GoodWord/11
OneH@íHBKTV 1TDJ/GoodWord/10H@K
/1SoBK He's TVwa 1rning H@us nod
mistíHakBKe emotTVio Onanel rea1
nespJ/irGoitoduaWol rdde/1pt0h,O
peH@ople hTVav 1e a biTDg J/emG1
íHreBKaction, but no spiritual
í@depth.TD TJ/heGoy oddoWo ardle
J/ouH@ting, TVan 1d thenTD wJ/hD
rddoWoctrdor/1 s0ays thí@erV@e'o
Oour lH@ungs, TVno Ow nethey'rV
1 cí@omV@mit suH@icide.TV W 1eV
mií@nuV@te. I H@thoughTDt J/yoG1
GoliTDevJ/inGog odGoWod,rd a/1n/
Goyordu,/1 a0nd youíH gBKot the/
WoNord r/1oo0t. No í@roV@ot. Noe
GoyiH@ng thaTVt 1you woTDn'J/t/
H@dordub/1ts0 and fí@eaV@rs and0
íHli Okene that.TV B 1ut seeí@,e
oddeTVrs 1tand tH@hat thTDe J/wo
Oth/1at0 you'ríHe BKreceivTVinV
/1 bTVe 1testedíH iBKn yourTD d
TVe TVen Oemney's noí@t W@goingK
neyou heH@ar thiTVs 1word aTDnO
agTVai 1nst yoíHu BKin somTDe J@
/1urTD lJ/ifGoe odtoWo srdee/1 d
realTVly O gneot anyí@ rW@oot d0
you. You're not just going to
í@saW@il youH@r way TVin Otone 1
TDnot coH@me up TDunJ/deGor oda@
GoIfod hWoe rddo/1n'0t attaTVckK
íHgo Oinneg to aH@ttack TVyo 1u1
If hTDe J/doGon'odt Woatrdta/1c@
J/chGoiloddrWoenrd, /1he0's goi@
odyoGourod sWopordus/1e.0 If heo
0dco/1me0 againíHstBK your TVsp1
GoH@ing toTV c Oomnee agaiTVns /
WoIfrd h/1e 0doesn'TVt 1come a@
TDjo 1b, he'í@s W@going íHtoBK @
GoyoodurWo hrdou/1se0. And TVyoe
í@enW@ough root that you say,
Though He slay me,
et wTVil 1l I@
rdtr 1ust HiTDm.J/ GGoloodryWo o
BKHBKyour nTVei Oghnebor, sH@ayH
/1TDinJ/g Gomeod tWohirds /1fa0d
TV Oneí@W@H@TV 1TDJ/GoodWord/10@
neI'm soTV e 1xcitedíH aBKbout O
J/TVss 1age. Ií@ kW@now itH@ caD
0changeTV y Oouner lifeí@ aW@nd0
TVspW@irit. This is a must-have
resoíHurBKce andTD tJ/hiGos odi0
can íHatBKtain iTVt. 1H@TDJ/Goo@
1TDJ/GoodWord/10í@W@H@TV OneTVK
Word/10 GowoodrdWo frdro/1m 0God
TVre OvonelutioníHizBKe yourTV 0
OYou neTVed O Gneood WoH@rd, GV
1omTV B 1ishop í@T.W@ D. JaH@kV
JeTDsuJ/s GoopodenWoedrd H/1is0@
H@sleep TVan Od nesaid, TVPe 1a@
still, and the winds heard the
TVvoice TVth 1at hadH@ creatTDe@
nelaid dTVow 1n, andíH tBKhe wa0
OprneostratíHe BKin theTV f 1l@
/1You neTDedJ/ fGoaiodthWo frdod
BKelH@ings rTVun O oneut andTV H
TVTVng 1ing byH@ the wTDayJ/siGK
GoSoonerH@ or laTVte 1r, theTD /
Woisrd g/1oi0ng tH@o comeTV, O1
íHttTDa J/coGomeod oWonerd s/1t@
J/e TVwo Ordne thaH@t He spokeTD
/1isWo srdti/1ll0 holdiTVng O td
TDací@e,X@ and aTVs Oloneng as@
Wohaods Wonordt /1go0ne dowTVn,d
H@to0 go doH@wn eití@heX@r.TV 10
J/TVr Othnee sameTV t 1hing tHD
1thWoe rdsu/1n 0up is H@holdinV
GoH@d has TVsp Ookneen HisTD wJ0
/1God's íHwoBKrds foTVrm Oedne d
H@t íHthBKem traTVns 1form yH@o0
0oTVod 1 Word,TV G Oooned Grouí1
neTVai 1lable í@onX@ CD orH@ DVO
0iíHsiBKt TDJ/ouGor odweWobsrdi1
X@ 1í@X@H@TV OneTDJ/GoodWord/10@
H@TV 1TV OneíHBKTDJ/GoodWord/10e
H@fore you make a life decision
yoTDu J/miGoghodt Worerdgr/1et00
1Be 1fore Yí@ouX@ Do.H@TV OneTV
0oTVu Ogonet a neíHw BKpersonT1
íHTVto 1 a lifíHesBKtyle tTVha 0
X@reTVad 1y set H@full oTVf Oj@
yoH@u wantTD oJ/utGo, odbuWot r@
rdhow toTV g Oetne out.TDJ/Goodo
H@TV'reí@ nX@ot jusH@t marrTVyi0
TVouTVse O, nebut yoí@u'X@re maK
newhole H@familyTD. J/I'Goveod 1
crazy folks in my pathway since
WoTVma Orrneied thTDisJ/ bGoeaod
/1he0re.í@X@H@TV 1TV OneíHBKTDJd
You H@are feTVel 1ing liTVke O 1
TVthere,TV b Outne you aH@re li@
/1you'reTD rJ/igGohtod hWoerrded
BKyiH@ng to TVge 1t thosTVe OtH
neTVme O tneogetheH@r.TDJ/GoodWO
odTDu J/leGoadod bWoy rdex/1am0o
rddo/1in0g the í@riY@ght thH@in1
í@yoneur cirí@clY@e of iH@nflue1
neceH@ you gTVet O 'neem goiTDnO
goTDodJ/, GothodeyWo'rrde /1ju0n
TDch other to take a breath, so
TVthodeyWo crdan/1 g0et theH@ nK
1EverybH@ody's TDtaJ/lkGoinodgV
noH@body'sTV l OisneteningTD.J/0
TDTh 1ere isíH sBKomethiTVng O e
íHseodgmWoenrdt /1of0 your íHli1
needTV t Oo nethink TDabJ/ouGot0
1ReceivTVe 1T. D. H@Jakes'TD V
boí@okZ@. Add TVto O tnehat thHK
messages on CD or add them on
rdTVD 1when yTVou O vneisit oío
0or calTVl 1...íHBKH@TV OneTDJ@
1TV Oneí@Z@TDJ/GoodWord/10H@TV1
rdneíHBKH@TDJ/GoodWord/10TV 1í@o
TVy bíHBKody H@may beTV r 1acke1
Wopain, íHmyBK enemiH@es mayTD d
neme0, therTVe 1may beíH aBKmbO
whTDenJ/ IGo godWoetrd h/1om0e,K
TVTDstJ/ilGol odbeWolirdev/1e 0@
0t'sTV b Oulneldog, íHteBKnacio1
neí@***@ntlessTV f 1aith, H@wheO
Z@í@nkZ@ your TDteJ/etGoh odinW@
H@TVak Oe neit untH@il it TDgiJ1
odTVu Odonen't neTDedJ/ mGoonoo
rdsu/1cc0eed. YH@ou neeTVd 1a @
J/coGonnodecWotirdon/1 t0o reles
TDplJ/anGos odfoWor rdyo/1ur0 l@
0VI 1live!TV Oneí@Z@TDJ/GoodWo1
TDíHitBKh doesH@ not dTVem 1and@
TVDoodn'Wot rdke/1ep0 discuTVss@
H@your iTDssJ/Goueod. WoWhrden/o
GoTV, 1just dTVo Oitne.í@[@TD/
íHMordre/1 t0han wií@ll[@ power0
BKscH@iplineTV, 1you neTVed O H
OH@od, TDJ/Goa odwiWonnrdin/1gV
tougTDheJ/stGo fodigWohtrds./1 @
1meJ/ssGoagodesWo ardre/1 a0vaV
neTVD Owhneen youTD vJ/isGoitoO
orH@ call.TD..J/GoodWord/10í@[@@
TV 1í@[@
H@ OneH@TDJ/GoodWord/10íHBKTV 10
TDTVxt 1 Week TVon O Tnehe Potí@
GoSeode,Wo wrde'/1re0 not sTVup@
1moneney. WTDe'J/reGo sodupWopV
thH@e kingTVdo Om,ne and iTDf J0
1the kií@ng[@dom, tH@he monTVe@
seek you. If ye seek ye first
Othnee kingTDdoJ/m Goofod GWoo@
TVri 1ghteouTVsn Oesnes, theí@ne
and TDevJ/erGoytodhiWongrd e/1lK
TVru 1nning H@after TVyo Ou.neT@
1TV Oneí@[@H@TDJ/GoodWord/10TVK
OI'nem deliH@ghted TDtoJ/ sGohV
rd GTDodJ/ wGoitodh Woyordu./1 o
0joy toí@ b[@e withH@ you. TVI 1
TVto O pneause fí@or[@ a momH@ee
you an opportunity
if yTDouJ/ hG0
J/not reí@ce[@ived CH@hrist TViD
1heWoarrdt,/1 t0o seizí@e [@thV
GoíHspBKiratioTVn Oasne a poiH/
TVderdci/1si0on to íHtuBKrn you@
toTV One Him. í@Saé@y goodH@bye@
Gopast. TVWa Olkne into TDyoJ/u/
íHAnrdd /1th0e firsH@t stepTVs 1
attaTVin Oedne when H@you juTDs@
Jesus, I want you to come into
odmy heaTVrt O anend in TDmyJ/ o
í@Fo/1rg0ive meTV o 1f my síHin1
rdshH@ me inTV t Ohene bloodTD.o
0serve í@yoé@u the H@rest oTVf 1
TVPi Ockne up thí@e é@phone H@a@
H@ofGo mody Woprrday/1er0 team 1
J/TVey O wneill heTDlpJ/ yGoouoD
odfiWorsrdt /1st0eps coH@unt. Ge
é@yoBKu. HavTDe J/a GogrodeaWot@
I'íHllBK see yH@ou nexTDt J/tiG0
here on The Po
er'sTV T Oounech.e
1BKTV 1H@TDJ/GoodWord/10TV OneV
TDJ/GoodWord/10í@é@H@TV OneTV 1V
♪@I BK♪H@GAC/Inve
TV 1