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[French accent]
I am Jean Paul The Annoying Frenchman.
I lost my voice, screaming lots of French words.
Merde! Uhhh.
As Jean Paul The Annoying Frenchman, I like to run around and do annoying things.
What kind of annoying things? Shh. I'll tell you. Come in real close.
[Air Horn]
That's annoying.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
How am I annoying?
I break into your house and I drink the milk from the carton.
Isn't that annoying?
You know what else are annoying?
Mimes are annoying.
Do you know what is worse then an annoying mime?
An annoying French mime.
[Miming] [Miming]
[Miming] [Miming]
[Miming] [Miming]
[Miming] [Miming]
[Miming] [Miming]
[Miming] [Miming]
Those were annoying French invisible mime stairs.
Do you know what is more annoying then an annoying French mime?
When I'm standing in line behind you at the movies.
I stand too close.
Isn't that annoying?
Even when you turn around and you go
[American accent]
Hey, excuse me, can you back up a little bit?
[French accent]
No. I say, Je ne comprends pas.
That means I don't know what you're saying.
But I know what you're saying.
I'm being The Annoying Frenchman.
You know what else is annoying?
My French accent is very bad.
I'll speak to you in a little bit in French so you, so it makes my accent sound more real.
Je suis Jean Paul Le Frenchman Annoying.
See, I'm such an annoying Frenchman, I only took French one.
If this character ever takes off, I really need to take French two, just for my accent.
L'un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze,
quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt, vingt l'un.
I think I forgot fifteen or sixteen. I skipped a number.
Ou sont le bibliotheque?
Comment on this video of things that you thing are annoying.
Maybe I'll do your annoying comment.
Examples of annoying things you might suggest.
Loud noises are annoying.
You know what else is annoying?
This is not a beret.
You know what else is annoying?
This striped shirt is not very French.
I will tell you more of my back story in the next video.