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uh... seeking truth about the world I heard lots of interesting truths from so
called spiritual people
but then saw their lives never match their truths
and then as I started it all to realize that science
was where I would go find my truths about life and so I was not a spiritual
person at all, god not in science
and was course and grain with the conventional beliefs of Darwinian
biology and genes control life and
genetic automatons, biochemical machines all that kind of stuff
and uh... and I had a great
of uh... getting my PHD at the University of Virginia under a you know
of brilliant scientist by the name of Ervin Koningsberg
and he was one of the first people
to clone stem cells.
So I actually was doing stem cell cultures
in 1967, so that´s 40 years ago what people think
stem cells is brand new things. No, no, stem cells have been around for a long
time except
very exclusive uh...
club studying them
and the beautiful part about my stem cell research was as I started doing
this and I was cloning genetically identical cells
I started to realize that
if i would take these genetically identical cells and put them in a
separate Petri dishes and then change the environment in those dishes
than in one dish it will form muscle, in another it will form bone, yet in a third
they would form fat by changing the conditions. You stop for a second
realize, oh wait
they are all genetically identical
so what is it that controlled
why they became muscle or bone or fat? Answer was very obvious,
it was like
information from the environment.
So this started to lean on a different trail than all my colleagues who were
focused on genome and you know building up the background to
create the genome project while I was doing this. So I was taking
the road less traveled at that time.
I was looking into the role of how the environment
influences expression of cells when everyone else was looking how genes
control cells
and yet my papers were published uh... and and
on very prestigious journals
and uh... uh... the results were very clear wasn't even ambiguous. It was that
the fate of the cells was primarily determined by the environment
that sells find themselves in.
So when I published this uh... I was ofcourse excited about that but then found
myself to be in a very small crowd of one in my community
because I had violated,
what was called the central dogma.
The central dogma is the pillar
of modern biomedicine today.
It was a concept that was coined by
Francis Crick
the guy who one of the co-discoverers with Jim Watson of the DNA double
helix and
the central dogma simply says this and you you're very familiar with it is:
that the flow of information biology goes from DNA to RNA
to protein.
And this is establishing in all the textbooks but it is still in every textbook at
this very moment so it says information flows from DNA down
and uh... therefore since you're a body which is made out of protein
and the proteins are coded for by the DNA then we have bought the belief as
that dogma says that:
your faith in your lot in life is determined by the genes you received
that uh...
so we become uh... you know
victims of our heredity in the sense if you understand it from this point that
you didn't pick your genes
and you can't change your genes and to change control your life there and
you're a victim to those particular genes, that is the message
the conventional science has been teaching.
And the issue is
that's that's totally false.
When I got out of medicine
and I actually look backwards and I said you know an ever really looked up the
word dogma and I looked it up in a in a
dictionary and I was shocked
because the definition for the word dogma is
- a truth based on religious persuasion and not scientific fact.
Challenging the dogma officially makes me a erratic
and what was called science
but by definition now is more religion.
Quantum physics and quantum mechanics or newtonian physics and newtonian
mechanics, what you see is that physics and mechanics are synonyms, the physics
really means the mechanisms by which the universe operate. The new physics, Quantum
physics was something that I really wasn't into more were any of my
colleagues in the medical school we were all trained in newtonian physics
and the difference between the two is very profound. Newtonian physics says
the world that we live in, the universe we live in
is a machine made out of mechanical parts,
if you want to know how it works, take it into parts,
study the pieces,
change the pieces, change the operation. That's the basis of medicine we look at
human body it's a machine made out of physical part was not working right
change the parts by buying chemicals and drugs
and that's the way that conventional medicine operates.
When I started to read the quantum physics I realized oh my goodness the
the whole foundation of the universe is not based on a mechanical, physical
universe, it´s based on the invisible energy called the Field.
So let's say
if I hold the magnet right here in front of you and you can see the magnet but
what you can see is the invisible magnetic field
and so what it says is well that we are physical things in our world like
physical bodies
we are emerged in fields: electromagnetic field, magnetic fields itself,
are all kinds of fields like telephone, cell phone fields, television fields
radio fields
whole ranges.
What is the difference between the Newtonian physics and quantum
physics is this: Newtonian physics focus on the particles, quantum physics says
when you won't understand why the particles take their shape
then you have to understand the field
it's the field
that controls biology, it's the invisible forces.
There's a great quote by Albert Einstein
and it´s simple, it goes:
The Field
is the sole
governing agency of the particle.
In other words in the world of invisible things fields and particles matter.
It's the field
that gives shape to the matter.
This becomes relevant it says
okay here's the physical particles of my body why aren´t they in a healthy state
or why could they be in a sick state, that's the physical expression
and the answer is:
well, to understand that don't look at the body you have to understand the
invisible forces in the field. And it´s fun because if you think about it
and when you were young at some point you must've had like
iron filings and sprinkle it around the magnet and all the said he saw the iron
filings format that pattern of the magnetic field
well quantum physics would look at this pattern
and try to explain how come all the iron filings fell in this pattern
without recognizing that the field exist, another words
can you explain why the iron filings have the shape. If you don't
recognize a magnetic field the answers
absolutely not.
The body and its cells are like iron filings
medicine is trying to understand the nature of the body by looking at the iron
and quantum physics says if you don´t understand that invisible field you can´t
understand what's happening in body. Max Planck one of the founders of quantum
physics talked about this invisible shaping field and gave it the name the
and that of course you can use in the movie
and and and in fact there are people talk about this uh...
matrix some people referred to as the devine matrix uh... my friend Greg
Braden who wrote a book about that
not only is this the invisible feel the energy field but it equivalent to many
people what is god and spirit.
Invisible forces with the use of physical context and talk about the
forces as fields
or use in a spiritual context just as invisible forces are spirit. The spirit
and field
at least represents same thing in modern science.
so science is bringing
spiritual concept of invisible forces
into play into the physical world that was left out by Newtonian physics.