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\f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 STROFA 1\ You think that the real problem\
Is a kamicaze who blows himself up in the air somewhere in this hemisphere\
Ask the black pope ask who told you stories above the gospel\
Ask real things\ Breathe poison arsenic in place of oxygen
free no one is truly free\ We have made robots with a single thought
sleeping consciences under the same sky\ The average man\
Work 50 years and expects his discharge accustomed to the routine house work and meters\
They invent problems on you from above and then find the remedy as the cancer is treated
with chemotherapy\ The energy in my body is more powerful than
hiroshima\ Of those four half-truths 'thrown down Featured
falsehood' here is the only doctrine\ And I do not stain consciousness to go to
the top\ \
RIT\ And here in front of you is just another stray
dog who speaks' cause he's tired of seeing here\
That my generation is pretending not to know and believe everything they tell\
Wake up before the night if no steps to get you and you will live well while you sleep\
Will you give your life in the hands of four *** ask why 'wonder why all your wil\
\ \
Young people full of whims more interested in comments on photos that have components
of chemtrails this is my world\ Who rules you can 'decide to kill and he knows
hide the truth' every day\ Poison the food and then sell to you quality
'suppress the voices of those who do not is\ You sleep in a nightmare all my life and I'm
not afraid to put censorship but I do not hide\
This is an era of questionable ethics people have the black on the caul loves war and blood,
but then pray on Sundays believes in freedom 'but does not have the right of reply\
Under the control of the great america\ The seeing eye is everywhere, it is useless
to deny\ They taught us to kill innocent people for
their country like john wayne\ And to comply with their codes and prohibitions\
\ \
RIT\ \
And here in front of you is just another stray dog who speaks' cause he's tired of seeing
here\ That my generation is pretending not to know
and believe everything they tell\ Wake up before the night if no steps to get
you and you will live well while you sleep\ Will you give your life in the hands of four
*** ask why 'wonder why all your wil\ \
Ask of HAARP ask the monarch wonder why you pay so much a dirty note\
People are slave to fashion drugs poisoned from childhood in their social slogan\
All in the social imbalance so that link to the complete mental programming but\
Here there are still those who remain standing by weight and most of all soul\
\ RIT\
And here in front of you is just another stray dog who speaks' cause he's tired of seeing
here\ That my generation is pretending not to know
and believe everything they tell\ Wake up before the night if no steps to get
you and you will live well while you sleep\ Will you give your life in the hands of four
*** ask why 'wonder why all your will}