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\f0\fs24 \cf0 My name is Bull Daboi, born unique living lyricist. I'm from Chicago,
Illinois, west side. This song is about just a period of my life that I was going through
and things that I pretty much liked. I like money, drugs, and sex is awesome. Especially
when I'm in it. Money, Drugs, Sex. It took exactly 3 weeks for everything to get done.
I wrote the song one week previous of me arriving back to Chicago. And when I was there, I was
with Cheeks Dat Deal. He's part of the Infrared Team, that's my team and he was like "Let's
go record a mix tape". And so, when I came across Classics, he definitely produced what
I was looking for with my words and he put his passion for music with my passion. We
sat down and we recorded a couple of tracks and then he was like, "Y'all got anything
else?" I didn't have anything written at the time, but I had that song "Addicted" just
stuck to my head. I was like addicted to "Addicted". So, I was like, "Aye, yo, let's put this together."
So he listened to it and when he heard the hook alone he was like "Wow", he said "I feel
it, so let's keep going." So immediately after we created it, it was mastered, dubbed, as
we broke everything down. We instantly went to WGCI and cleared channels exactly two days
later. When they heard the song they were like "Wow, this is a hit, this is a hit right
here." They put it in play that night. Then, while they did that I was looking for producers.
And that's when I came across BSVP and that was Bruce. And I was like, "Wow, Blue Sky
Productions. I want to see what this is. And it was an Illinois, Chicago based production
company and I looked at a couple of their credentials of what he did and the main stream
artists that he did. And I was like "Wow". You had a vision yourself. And that vision,
it brought that song to life and that's what I wanted. When the music actually starts.
And that's when you say "I'm Bull Daboi and I'm addicted to. I'm Bull Daboi and I'm addicted
to..." My name is Bull Daboi, and I have addictions. I'm addicted to... Money, drugs, sex. Money,
drugs, sex. Money, drugs, sex. Money, drugs, sex. The most challenging thing as an artist
staying up to date and up to beat. You can come out with so many singles at so many joints
for the moment, but, finding that one thing that going to last that's the biggest challenge.
And that's pushing yourself. It's entitled "Addicted" and it's money, drugs, sex. It's
pretty much based on me and hopefully other people can relate to it. I'm addicted to all
of this $#!%, this is ridiculous. I'm afflicted with human nature. I can't resist it. Stay
tuned. I hope you all enjoy it.\ \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural
\f1 \cf0 Title : Addicted Artist: Bull Daboi Album: City of Daboi Label: GME (Gudda Mind
Ent.) Director: Bruce Himmelblau Post-Production: Blue Sky Video Productions Available on iTunes}