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I don't know if you read calvin and hobbes when you were younger I read
every single Calvin and Hobbes comic I still have all the books
and tomorrow there's a movie opening the documentary called dear mister waterson
referring to bill waterson who was the cartoon is that drew
Calvin and Hobbes it opens in some major cities but it will also be available for
streaming online starting tomorrow
I really think I'm gonna buy this its I'm I'm just fascinated by Calvin and
Hobbes when I see
sometimes on reddit people will post the Calvin and Hobbes that's particularly
relevant today
I think it incredible that bill waterson is only 55 now he's
I've been be a Calvin and Hobbes now was
it's been done for many years there have been new ones for I don't even
I don't even wanna say how long because I don't remember and bill waterson is
still only fifty-five meaning that it was a pretty young guy who drew this
comic strip Lewis
yeah I it has been around for a long time and i never really
really got into it I know you've been abandoned you have some %uh those books
arm its the on a sounds like an interesting documentary I guess yeah I
look forward to it send me your calendar top stories actually showed my sister
was over at my place a couple months ago and she's she's nine now
and she grabbed 10 min said what's this and just started reading it
and got instantly sucked in I think I was probably
I I think she was ate at the time I was probably around the same age when I
started reading Calvin Hobbes it's amazing because if I just paged through
them today
I there are a lot of things there's an eight-year-old you don't realize when
you're reading it there really jokes meant more
for adults and it's like reading a brand new comic when you start getting those
things that kinda happens with movies 2 that you might have seen as a kid
and a lot of those that children's cartoon shares to have a lot of
adult humor tossed in