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hi all, this is kitt again how you doing okay today i want to do this song by Imran Ajmain
and it's a new song
and uh... it's a very nice song actually i heard it but i want to check out the lyrics
by the way thank you so much for all your comments that you have posted
whether on my facebook or here on youtube or on twitter on my twitter
those who follow me thank you very much in fact this one guy who just
commented on my video the one that i did on "kisah hati" (story of heart) by alyah and he said that
he could not stop laughing
well you can you can stop laughing if you don't believe me
check out the song the video that i did on "cinta muka buku" (facebook love) by najwa
that is a very serious matter y'all check it out ok it's nothing to
laugh about
anyway today's about imran ajmain
and this song is called uh... "dikalung kasihan"
right okay and so here we go these are the lyrics
"tiada suara penantian tak bersudah" (no voice, endless waiting)
you're waiting for some voice and its
what's going on with you
"sesalan ku pun bermula" (i start to regret)
we only on the second line of the song and youre already regretting regretting
stuff what is
wrong with you
"sepadannya usia" (appropriate to age)
what do you mean "sepadannya usia"
imran youre like i dont know sixteen years old and youre sound like youre nineteen
what's wrong with you
"tiada cara membiaskan mu cahaya" (no way to .. the light)
yes there is have you heard of crystal
"puisi tak berlagu" (poem with no song)
ok you know what its a poem it doesn't need to be sung you know you just need to deliver it
"beza dia ketara tanpamu" (the difference is obvious without you)
"beza" what?
I dont know what youre talking about
"menitis air mata" (tears drop) ok now suddenly youre sad
suddenly youre cring just now you just
i dont know
we're on the
third verse and on the first verse you were regretting stuff and and on the third
verse you're
"dikalung kasihan padamu"
i dont know what kind of necklace you have people use
diamond necklace or gold necklace or if youre cheapskate it can be just
be beads or rhinestone but you have these
"kasihan" necklace i dont what kind of necklace where did you get it from
"berbisik dengan hati" (whisper with heart)
no "berbisik dengan mulut" (whisper with mouth) like pssst psst psst...
do i need to tell you that seriously
"apa erti cintaku" (what does my love mean)
i don't know youre asking me i have no idea i dont even understand what youre talking about
"memilih kata-kata" (choosing words)
"berselindungkan yang ternyata" (hiding behind reality)
ok this is very deep i don't know whatyoure talking about imran ajmain
"lelahku pun terbela"
"terlerai kepedihan" (releaving hurt)
what is going on
oh my god "lama" (long)
okay how long
"tiada kata terkilan terbatas asa"
what ok i just about to say that f word because i didn't understand what you're
talking about here seriously
"detik pun kian berlalu" (time passes by)
"ku tahu luka itu perlu" (i know that hurt is necessary) what "luka itu perlu" no you don't have to why are
you talking about you don't need to be bleed you dont need to be hurt
are in some domestic violence
are you starting a fight with someone imran ajmain don't
oh my god
"menitis air mata dikalung kasihan padamu berbisik"
"dengan hati apa erti cintaku" I told you you dodn't have to "berbisik dengan hati"
you "berbisik dengan mulut"
i don't know what's going on seriously
you're like just rambling
maybe when you sing it it sounds nice but when you read the lyrics like this going to read the resided
youre just like rambling ......
you have issues
"memilih kata-kata berselindungkan yang ternyata"
"terlerai kepedihan" ok
"lama kubertahan ku bersabar" (ive been patience for a long time)
"bertahan" what "bersabar" for what oh my god
are you having issues having problem imran you can talk to people you know
there are people who can help you you
you and anuar zain and yuna
you guys have issues
"menyimpan rahsia yang sebenar" (keeping the real secret)
why do you keep secrets in the first place
okay you don't have you-know-what this is the thing if you don't want to have
dont start one
an advice for you
"percuma saja berkorban" (my sacrifice meant nothing)
can you can you give a discount instead of "percuma"
"memilih kata kata" bla bla bla "berselindungkan yang ternyata"
"lelah ku oun terbela terlerai pedih lama"
i have no idea what youre talking about imran ajmain but i think
is that
uh... its an issue
that youre facing right now but if you do have
you just need to talk to someone ok there people who can help you
but you dont have to ramble rararara
"cakap biar terang"
ok youre not from "utara" so i dont know if you understand that but anyways
checkout the the song by imran ajmain i love him when he did that
when he had to
walk a thousand miles
wait a thousand years maybe i should have done that song
i dont know should i do that song
you let me know if i should do that song ok but i like that song very much
ok imran
go and see some psyc.. psyc..
go and see a shrink
bye y'all