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Hey everyone, Michael here with this week's video blog.
Today we have Dan Beckner here. He's one of our Finite Films actors.
He's been in a lot of our films, I'm sure you recognize him.
I thought this week it'd be good to get the most attractive, good-looking person I could find
to do the intro...but all I could find was Dan, so.
But it's...it's fine. So he's going to read the intro script for the video blog.
Hi, my name's Dan Beckner. Today we're talking about the music video
that we just posted on our page, brief Anamnesis updates, and at the end of this video
I'm going to take my shirt off and cuddle with Michael Tucker.
Michael: It's true. Dan: So stick around for that.
So first! The music video that we just posted.
A couple weeks ago Ryan shot a music video with Terrance
for his friends that are in the band The Parmesans
and it turned out really well. It's goofy and old-school and has a lot of personality to it.
So check that out.
I'm in it! So you should really check that out because I'm good in it.
I shaved my entire head for that. I have no hair, no eyebrows, no eyelashes, no nothing.
It's really, really bold and incredible acting so you should watch it.
Michael: That may or may not...be true.
Dan: Well, make up your own mind. Watch it and--
Michael: You decide. Dan: You decide.
And then this weekend we're going to be doing
some filming of some bonus content for Anamnesis.
Which is really exciting. That we want to release after after these first five episodes
It's a little tease of what comes next.
And lastly, we want to bring Dan back next week
and have Addie here as well, Adele Watkin.
So if you have any questions for Dan or Addie
feel free to leave them in the comments below and we will answer them next week.
Questions like: What's your favorite food?
Uh...how many times do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?
How did you manage to land the role of Waldo
in Steven Spielberg's upcoming blockbuster, "Where's Waldo?"
Things like that. Just ask away and I'll answer. Michael: Yeah.
It's true. So why don't you go ahead and ask any questions you have below.
We're going to have Dan take his shirt of right now
just so you guys can look at something while you ask your questions.
So, I'm going to cuddle with him while you write the comments.
[deep sigh]
♪ Oh, Danny boy... ♪
♪ The pipes, the pies are calling... ♪
[both together] ♪ From glen to glen... ♪
♪ And down the mountain side. ♪
Dan: [laughter] Michael: And we'll see you next week!