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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;}
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{\author MIchael Kristof} {\*\company Kristof Creative, Inc.}
{\*\copyright 2010}}\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10500\viewh9600\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural
\f0\fs28 \cf0 Hi everyone, this is Michael Kristof with TweetReports your advanced Twitter
search, brand monitoring service.\ \
Today I want to show you our in-network search feature. This is a feature a lot of people
been asking for in which they're able to search within certain parameters the network ---
such as their updates, people they're following, etc., without having to do a broad Twitter
search.\ \
I've already done a search for the word "social" and we've returned 18,091 results. Now if
you go to search.twitter you get 1500 results. What happens is when we do a search we get
the same 1500 live results but we conduct a search within our search archive which is
currently 5 million tweets. Ss we find more tweets matching those criteria, TweetReports
will update them into the search results.\ \
This is great because you get to see all updates from everybody matching word social but if
I go over here and click the "more options" I can search within "My updates", "People
I'm following" or "My lists".\ \
I have already logged into my Twitter account via OAuth so I'm securely logged.\
\ Now if I want to search for the word "social",
I can go ahead and do that using My updates".\ \
Before we do that, what you want to do is go into your TweetReports account; Admin
> Edit Profile and enter your Twitter username like I've done here for Kristof Creative.
That tells TweetReports to start saving and archive all your tweets. This allows you to
search within them later.\ \
I'll go back and click "Apply". Now I get to see all my personal updates that contains
the word "social". And we have 16 results -- the last one was an hour ago.\
\ Let's say I want to search for the word "social"
within people and following. Go ahead to click the "People I'm Following" radio button and
click "Apply". Now I get to see all the updates that contain the keyword "social" from the
people I'm following -- five minutes ago, six minutes ago from Kris Colvin and right
down the line. Now I get to see only the topics I want within the people I'm following. \
\ You can do the same thing with your Twitter
lists.\ \
What's nice about Twitter lists is that you're organizing groups of people by a topic. The
problem is that when monitoring them, you're going to see all updates from all people on
the list -- not just for the topic you added them to the list for\
\ Well, In-Network search allows you to remedy
that. Now I can go down here and select "social media thinkers" and show me just the tweets
that contain the word "social" from these people. Click "Apply" and now I get to see
only the tweets contain the word "social" from my lists. And there are 87 results; an
hour ago from Matt Collier, right down the list there's Mashable etc.\
\ Now I get to see topic updates from a Twitter
list. Now if you just want to see all updates from a list, just like you'd see on Twitter,
you select "My list", select the list you (we automatically populate the drop-down menu).
Delete the search terms - this basically tells TweetReports to show me all updates -- not
keyword specific -- and it will bring in the results. Here are 889 results.\
\ You can do the same thing with "People I'm
following". Go ahead and remove the search term, click "Apply" and now I get to see all
tweets from everybody I'm following. And there we are, there are 1858 results. And the great
thing about this is I get to see the topics people are most talking about. They're talking
about "social", "twitter", "Facebook", "marketing", "brandchat", "business" etc. And if I click
on one of these Related Conversations - let's say "business" -- it's going to show me just
the updates from people I'm following that contain the word "business".\
\ So there you have it - In-Network search.
A nice easy way to search within your updates, people I'm following and your Twitter lists.\
\ Thanks a lot for watching and don't forget
you can go ahead and sign up for free account. We also have a nice 14- free trial, no commitment,
where you get to try all the bells and whistles.}