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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\fs20 Hi. This is Christine Wilson. I'm your instructor gor GRD 153 and
I wanted to take a few minutes to welcome you to class and to show you how it's going
to be laid out.We're going to be doing this class in Moodle. So it's probably going to
be a little bit different than what you're used to if you've taken classes in Blackboard.
So I wanted to give you a feel for how this class is going to work and where to find things
and whatnot. So please take a few minutes with me to look through your course and get
familiar with it. If you have any questions once you've watch this video please feel free
to ask me. Summer can be a fast semester, and I know with this class in particular,
there is going to be a lot going on, but if you have questions as you go along, feel free
to call me, come by and visit me, I am in my office Monday through Thursday from say
7 to 5 or so 530 so I am here for you, so please come see me if you need to. Okay now
on to the Moodle class. This is how you should see our class and when you start out you'll
be here where you'll see all of your Moodle classes. So you want to go into GRD 153 and
then you'll see our class. Now, different from Blackboard, everything isn't in folders.
So as you scroll down you're going to see your work for the entire semester. Please
don't let this overwhelm you. Just stick with the current week, and you'll notice that,
and I'll try to keep this up all semester, but the current week is going to be a different
color blue then the other weeks and also each week you'll see your due date, so if you pay
attention to your due dates you should be fine. For each week, if you taken a Blackboard
class with me before, this will probably look familiar, you'll have your course work, what
part of the book your required to look at, and then what your assignments are and then
below the information about the due dates, you'll have everything for that particular
week, so if we look at week one, you'll see you have Introduction is your GRD 153. When
you see the little faces it's a discussion board so you'll click on that and add your
discussion board. You have the little hand is go to be in assignment, so you are going
to submit your academic integrity policy. And also keep a look out for links. Whenever
you see a link in text it's going to be a file that you're going to want to probably
download. And so going down, you've got another assignment for chapter 1. You've got a link
for Photoshop CS5 review and then you have a second link, it is going take you to the
same information, but this is going to show you all the videos within Moodle. It is going
to be basically the same information but all be in one place for you. So if you haven't
used Photoshop CS5, or you've not used Photoshop in a while, you probably want to take the
time to review these and then for each week in the Photoshop section, you are going to
have extra credit, and what the extra credit is going to be is to do the chapter that you
did in Photoshop again using Illustrator. One of the things were going to be learning
in this class this semester is that you don't have to have a photo to do things in Photoshop.
So I hope that you looked at the book, and you're going to find that interesting and
very useful. So anyway each week is going to have the same format. To doublecheck your
due date, up at the top right, you have a calendar. Orange dates are due dates for this
semester. So you have the semester starting on May 16th, you got what's due on May 24th,
and these are going to be assignments and quizzes and things. And I think for this class
we only have a midterm exam and a final exam. In the top area, you're always going to have
your announcements area, again this is going to look like a discussion board, but this
is where you get your news and information just like announcements in Blackboard, you've
got a link to your syllabus. There's a link to course information. All your instructor
information, how to get in touch with me, and the basic things that you see in your
course information. So you'll want go through review that you can look over here and you'll
get. . . You can go straight through to a certain area. So this is the course information.
Your required books. Starting the first of the class you need to have your Photoshop
book the illustrator book will start using him the middle the semester, but if you get
behind because you don't have your book, it'sgoing to be very difficult, if possible at all,
to catch up. Than you have Windows Live, you'll use your Windows live. If you don't currently
use your Windows live account that you have through Wake Tech, this might be a way to
save your files when you're working from place to place. If you're unfamiliar with Moodle
I've provided a link to the Moodle QuickStart guide, which will be helpful for you to get
around accessing your class that sort of thing. There is a help desk and this will be set
up for you to help each other. I will certainly help you guys as you need it, but if you can
help each other, even do little videos if there's a question somebody has on how to
do something, and I will be awarding credit based on how helpful people are,, and then
there's Adobe TV to learn Photoshop Adobe TV tp learn Illustrator. So again if you need
review that's all here. This will be here the entire semester. Essentially all of the
areas will be here throughout the semester begins either a leave all of them up or leave
only one up than I thought you guys would want to be able to work ahead if you want
or review what you have done before. Also if you go out of the weeks, you can go over
to the left and go to your assignments and you see all these times for the entire semester
and the due dates. You can click on the databases and this is basically the helpdesk is the
only database. You can go to your forums, which is basically your discussion boards,
you have them for each week. Lessons, which is basically the course information, quizzes
which are your midterm and final exams. Don't go in trying take a midterm exam or your final
exam ahead of time because you see it here. Just wait until you're in that part of the
class. And then resources, these are going to be links to all of the files that you have
access to throughout the class so if your not sure if you're trying look back and you
can't remember which week something was in, you can go into these activities areas and
get them from there. And to the left, you've also got your grades and this will show you
what your score is for each particular item, and these are arranged based on the category
that they are in, rather than when they're due. And your profile you want to make sure
that you set up your profile. You'll just come in to your profile, and edit profile.
If you're new to Moodle,you probably don't have one, so just go into edit profile and
put all of your information in. Then finally if you have all of your courses listed that
you've got in Moodle. Which at this point may only be the 153, which is fine. Over on
the right, like I said is the calendar. You can send messages and you can send messages
to me and you can send messages to other people that have Moodle classes. Latest news if there's
anything exciting happening or I've added something new, it'll be in the latest news.
Upcoming events is basically a brief version of your calendar and all of these things are
resources that I've left up here and put up here so that throughout the semester you will
be it won't get behind, you won't get lost, and like I said, if, as you go through, you
have any questions please feel free to contact me and I'll try to help to get you back in
the right direction. So this is Moodle. This is GRD 153, and hopefully you will find this
class challenging, but you'll also learn a lot, get a lot out of it, and be able to use
a lot of it as you begin your career as graphic designers. So to great semester!\par