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Facebook Timeline For Brands Engagement Tips A collaboration between Facebook and Buddy
Media produced results from a study on the Facebook timeline that focused on 200 large
brand Facebook clients as it related to the comments on their Facebook pages as well as
the likes that those comments attracted. This was studied over a two-week period and some
interesting patterns became evident. Of those patterns, simple but strategic posts helped
to increase awareness of the brands.
Facebook Timeline for Brand Pages findings: Increased engagement rates of 27% were from
post that contained 80 or less characters as opposed to longer posts.Of all the posts
that were analyzed, only 19% were less than 80 characters.Brands saw an increase of engagements
of 20% when posts were made after business hours.Only 40% of observed posts were done
after business hours.The highest rate of engagement for Facebook posts were on Thursdays and Fridays
as any other day of the week.A drop of 3.5% below average was observed on posts done Monday
through Wednesday. An even higher drop of 18% was observed on posts made on Saturday.Events
and winnings were more engaged than contests and promotions.When a post ended in a question,
the engagement rates were 15% higher than those posts that didn’t end with a question.Posts
that included where, when as well as would and should had higher engagement levels than
questions of why.
Another interesting aspect of the study found that posts which included full URLs enjoyed
engagement rates that were three times higher than posts that contained shortened or tiny
URL’s. Some have suggested that this is in part due to the clues that full-length
URLs give as opposed to shortened URLs that aren’t very effective as brand indicators.
It’s also important to note that the level of engagement weren’t across the board.
Engagement levels tended to vary by industry. The fashion industry was excellent on Thursdays
whereas business did well on Wednesdays and Thursdays and finances did well on Tuesdays
as well as Wednesdays. For food and beverage industries, Saturdays were the best days.
If you really want to get more ‘Likes’ then sometimes it’s best to be direct and
look for fans to like content. You can also post specific questions and simply ask for
an answer. The truth is that fans tend to follow instructions better than allowing them
to figure it out for themselves.