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[President Obama denies justice]
These are not opinions to be debated.
These are facts to be dealt with.
[president Obama told the truth]
[President GHW Bush surrenders America]
We have before us the opportunity to forge
for ourselves and for future generations
[whether you like it or not]
a New World Order (NWO - Novus ordo seclorum).
A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.
[except for those above the law]
When we are successful, and we will be,
[You took away our rights and our guns]
We have a real chance at this New World Order (NWO - Novus ordo seclorum)
[Who needs the U.S. constitution?]
An order in which a credible united nations
[What happened to defending the constitution?]
Can use its peace keeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders
[That would be the Rothschilds]
What is at stake is more than one small country
[I pledge allegiance.... What is at stake is the U.S.A.]
It is a big idea A New World Order (NWO - Novus ordo seclorum)
[Same big idea Hitler had. The Rothschilds still love it]
Where diverse nations
Are drawn together in common cause
[one world, one tyrant, one rfid card]
to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind:
[to serve a master involuntarily]
peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law
[except for those above the law]
[GHWB was joking when he said freedom]
Out of these troubled times,
[That GHWB and his employers created]
our fifth objective
[The fifth element]
a New World Order (NWO - Novus ordo seclorum)
[Hitler was keen on the same big idea]
can emerge
Now we can see a new world
Coming into view
[Scheduled Septemebr 11, 2001]
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a New World Order (NWO - Novus ordo seclorum)
[McCain makes and understatement]
I think that it is clear that the organization and magnitude of the attacks required more than a few people to perpetrate it.
A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle
[President Bush suggest a right action]
Let us never tolerate
outrageous conspiracy theories
[like the 911 commission report]
Concerning the attacks of September the eleventh (11th)
[September 11, 2001]
Malicious lies
[like the 911 commission report and everything that was ever said by Bush]
that attempt to shift the blame
Away from the terrorists
[bush, clinton, bush, obama, the supremes, the gang of 535 and their employer]
Away from the guilty
[bush, clinton, bush, obama, the supremes, the gang of 535 and their employer]
[Dubya lies again]
Waiting to go in
and I saw an air plane hit the tower
Never forget the images of planes vanishing into buildings
[On TV]
The plane went right through
[only on TV]
Never forget
Seems to be on purpose
Who continue to plot against us
Suggesting the U.S. Government was behind the 9/11 attack