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[Music Plays] [No Dialogue]
>>Kate Pleasant: Coming up
on this edition of the Paw
Report, we're talking
about snakes and other reptiles.
As you can see, I have my
friend Lil with me here.
And we're going to learn a
little bit more about
these creatures and what
you might need to know if
you're thinking about
getting one at your house.
So stay tuned, that's all coming
up next on the Paw Report.
[Music Plays]
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You deserve the Midas touch.
Hello and welcome to this
episode of the Paw Report.
I'm your host, Kate Pleasant.
And I'm joined today by
Kyle Thompson.
I guess he's the snake guy
at PetSmart in Mattoon, right?
>>Kyle Thompson: That's what
they call me.
>>Kate Pleasant: Alright,
and he has Cass.
What kind of snake is Cass?
>>Kyle Thompson: He is a
red tail boa constrictor.
However, he is a little
bit lighter shade than normal.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, is
that, is there any reason
for that, or is he just...?
>>Kyle Thompson: He's what
you would call a
kahl strain albino.
>>Kate: Okay, interesting.
So, he's a little bit different.
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
A little bit unique.
>>Kate Pleasant: Well, he's
joined us today, and we
have some other animals
we're going to talk about
here in a little bit.
But really, what we're
going to cover today is
just snakes, reptiles,
kind of exotic pets in
general, because we
haven't done that yet on
the show, so that's why
Kyle's here today.
So Kyle, first tell us, if
I wanted a snake, what
would I need to know.
>>Kyle Thompson: You definitely
need to know to
do your research.
There's a lot of snakes
out there on the captive
bred market that you're
not informed that are
either sprout out to be in
the neighborhood of
20 feet or so.
Some are known for having
really, really wild
temperaments. Definitely,
definitely helps to
know what your'e
getting into beforehand.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, so
recommend maybe looking on the
Internet, reading some books.
>>Kyle Thompson: Absolutely,
or even don't be
afraid to ask people at
stores, because anyone
worth their salt's going
to know what to tell you.
>>Kate Pleasant: Sure, and
maybe ask other snake
people or reptile people,
whatever the case might be.
You hear that a lot with
dogs and cats, too, you
know, ask other dog people.
>>Kyle Thompson: Exactly,
and there's a lot of
resources out there.
There's herpetological
societies in Illinois.
There's a herpetology program,
actually, here at Eastern.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, so
there are options.
>>Kyle: Lots of options.
>>Kate Pleasant: So, do
your homework first.
>>Kyle Thompson: Absolutely.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
And so, with snakes, you
mentioned, you know, some
have wild personalities,
so are they kind of like pets?
You know, like regular
cat/dog type things
and personalities?
>>Kyle Thompson: You'll notice
that they're driven basically
by like primal instinct,
more so than an attachment
or reliance on people.
But that being said,
you'll also notice that
they all do have sort of
their same personalities.
Lilith, our ball python
that we have, is very,
very calm and easy going.
We had a red tail boa
similar to this guy here,
except it was from
Nicaragua, and he didn't
have a very nice
personality, in that he
was pretty apt to strike,
hiss; he was pretty wild.
>>Kate: Okay, but some
of them are kind of
calm and laid back.
I mean, obviously,
like Cas here.
He's pretty okay with
whatever's going on.
So, are they hard to
take care of?
Is there a lot of maintenance?
>>Kyle Thompson: It's hard to
start up at first.
There's a lot you have to
do to set up an
environment, which is
essentially what you're
looking to do when you're
keeping your reptile is
you're trying to replicate
a natural environment for it.
And that's heat levels,
humidity levels, similar
types of substrates, and
stuff like that.
Once you get your
maintenance routine up
with that, they become
easy to take care of.
Very, very few and far
between on feedings,
especially for larger
bodied snakes like
pythons and boas.
Your'e looking at a good
sized meal once every
two weeks or so.
>>Kate Pleasant: Really,
that's it?
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
And what do they eat?
>>Kyle Thompson: Lots of
them will eat rodents.
The good thing is, is
there's a much more humane
way out on the market now
of feeding rats, mice,
and they actually
come pre-killed.
You can get frozen ones,
warm them up, and they'll
take them down just like normal.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
And so, you said that's
every couple of weeks.
So really, that's
obviously not very involved.
>>Kyle Thompson: Right.
>>Kate Pleasant: What about
maintenance, as far as,
like, habitat cleaning and
things like that?
>>Kyle Thompson: Habitat
cleaning's going to vary,
depending on the snake.
These guys here are tropical.
They prefer to have very,
very high humidity levels,
high heat temperatures.
Without that, they're
actually probably going to get
upper respiratory infections.
You'll notice them hiss,
cough, sometimes they'll
actually cough up fluids,
and stuff like that.
Mold is a big problem that
you'll run into when
you're looking at high
humidity levels in any
kind of enclosure.
So, as long as your'e
keeping that clean, you're
keeping your meals out of
there, you're changing the
water, you're looking
good with them.
>>Kate Pleasant: And is
that something you have
to do daily?
You kind of monitor that?
>>Kyle Thompson: I like to
spot clean.
I like to make sure
everything is kind of done well.
But it's usually about
once every week, two weeks
you can look at them.
Snakes just aren't very messy.
>>Kate: That's good to know.
So what is it like,
habitat wise, what should
you be getting for them?
I mean, you know,
different sizes I assume
require different sized
habitats, and so on.
>>Kyle Thompson: Absolutely.
A lot of the smaller
bodied snakes you're
looking at, like collier
breds, a lot of native
species, you can actually
get by with using an
actual aquarium.
Larger bodied ones, like
the boas here, you're
looking at, like the
reticulated burmese
pythons, real big snakes,
becomes real inefficient
to use glass and acrylic.
Your best bet, honestly,
is to look up designs for
a hand-built wooden enclosure.
>>Kate Pleasant: Really?
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
>>Kate Pleasant: So, wooden
enclosures; that's a thing, too.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yep.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, and
is there a reasons not to
use the, you know, like
you said, the plexi or
whatever else?
>>Kyle Thompson: Mostly,
it's going to be expensive
and hard to find one that will
fit a snake about that size.
Glass also seems to have a
harder problem actually
keeping humidity and heat
levels where you're going
to need them for those
larger snakes.
>>Kate Pleasant: Mmhmm.
And again, knowing what
heat and humidity levels, does
that come with your research?
>>Kyle Thompson: That'll
come with research, absolutely.
>>Kate: Okay. What are
good snakes for starters?
You know, maybe those of us
that have zero snake experience.
>>Kyle Thompson: I always
suggest corn snakes
and ball pythons.
Ball pythons seems to have
very shy personality, but
they're never really
prone to strike.
Same with corn snakes.
Adult corn snakes are
very, very easy going.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
And so, what is it, you
know, a lot of people have fear.
I don't personally have a
fear of snakes, but many,
many people do.
Why do you think people
are afraid of them?
>>Kyle Thompson: Lack of
education on them, I think.
Most snakes you're going
to find here, especially
in Coles County, are harmless.
More people actually
subscribe to the myth that
every snake in the water's
a water moccasin, anything
that rattles it's tail
is a rattlesnake,
and it's venomous.
And once you start finding
out what these species
are, you just start to
realize that's just not
true, and most of them
pose no more threat to you
than, you know, anything
else that you'd find
in your house.
>>Kate Pleasant: So, not
every snake out there that
we see is big and
scary and venomous,
and will kill you?
>>Kyle Thompson: Not at all,
not at all.
>>Kate Pleasant: Seems to be
some of the perception, though.
You know, I mean,
especially with people
that have fear, so.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah, and
when you look into it,
there's actually a lot of
benefit that comes from
having the snakes around.
When the farmers around
here start plowing fields,
you'll have an increase of
rodents, you'll have mice,
rats coming out to
people's houses.
A lot of times with that,
you're also going to see a
lot of species like the
black rat snake, you know,
your garters coming up
there; they're actually
taking out the pests
that carry all the
diseases and whatnot.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, and
that doesn't harm them,
you know, because some of
those carry disease;
that's just the chain of
events, I suppose.
Circle of life.
>>Kyle Thompson: Absolutely.
>>Kate Pleasant: So, they
do serve a purpose,
in that respect.
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
And so, what about
domesticated snakes?
You know, do you know any
of the history there?
Has that been, have we
domesticated snakes a long
time ago, or...?
>>Kyle: Domesticated may
be a bit of an
overstatement with them.
Taming them...
>>Kate Pleasant: They're still
wild, I suppose, right.
>>Kyle Thompson: Right.
And at the heart of it,
there's not really any way
to domesticate a reptile.
What we're doing is
essentially nullifying
their responses of fear of us.
And that comes with, as
soon as they're hatched,
the first thing they're a
lot of times going to
respond to is a human
there overseeing the
process of incubation.
Usually, they're
overseeing the whole
process of the breeding of
these animals, too.
Generations down the road,
they've just had no real
innate fear of humans.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, so
it's just like most
other animals.
The fear is bred and
taken out of them.
>>Kyle Thompson: You can
actually find that pattern
in the wild.
If you go down south and
start finding wild
iguanas, most iguanas
don't really have any fear
of people, because they
realize if I stick around
here long enough and stare
at them, they're going
to feed me.
>>Kate Pleasant: They're
going to give me something
to eat, okay.
That makes sense, I suppose.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah, and
the same kind of principle
applies to these captive snakes.
We feed Cas here, and he's never
had a problem with striking.
He's about as chill as you
see here now.
>>Kate Pleasant: I was going
to say, he doesn't seem to
be a problem.
He's pretty quiet, so.
Do you want to talk a
little bit about Cas,
maybe anatomy wise, you
know, for snakes?
What do they have?
I mean, obviously, it's
scales and things
like that, so.
>>Kyle Thompson: Right.
A lot of cool things
happen when you get up
into the heavy bodied snakes.
It's hard to see here, but
he's actually got spurs on
the back of here, which
are essentially leftovers
of when snakes used to
have back legs.
They've also got two
lungs, as opposed to most
collier breds and native
species will have lost,
essentially, an ill formed one.
He's kept it, but his
other lung is elongated to
fit to the shape of his body.
>>Kate Pleasant: Really?
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
>>Kate: That's interesting.
I didn't even know about
the two lung thing.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah.
They've also got thermal
seeking sensors in their
lips, and that's what
separates a lot of boas
from the python species,
is the pythons have it,
too, but they've developed
thermal pits along their
lips, and these guys just
have the sensors.
>>Kate Pleasant: Interesting.
Okay, so definitely a
little different from our
cats and dogs and fish.
>>Kyle: Yeah, absolutely.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
So, you know, what it is
that you like about snakes?
>>Kyle Thompson: I like the
same thing about snakes
that I like about reptiles
in general, and that's
that they're just so much
more different than
anything else you're going
to find out there.
Especially with the
snakes, is they are 100%
streamlined to be the
perfect predators of
their ecosystem.
And part of that I find
fascinating, as well as
I've got a great deal of
respect for it.
>>Kate Pleasant: Absolutely.
They're powerful, and
they're different.
And you know, I think the
different is what brings
on that fear a little bit, too.
Their body shapes are
different than anything
else we're familiar with, so.
>>Kyle Thompson: Absolutely.
Yeah, you look at that,
and you start to see, a
lot of people will see the
fangs in there, and they
start thinking that that's
obviously going to be
a venomous snake.
And like I said, that's
just not true.
You start to look at a lot
of the constrictors, and they've
got excellent personalities.
>>Kate Pleasant: Mmhmm.
So, is there, you know,
is there certain
personalities you should
match to your personality?
Or does it matter?
You just need to know how
to keep them, or...?
>>Kyle: That's debatable.
I like to say that there's
always a personality to
match yours, Cas being
probably a perfect fit for
me because he and I kind
of like to just sit here
and hang out.
>>Kate Pleasant: Just chilling.
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
And we've got another
snake, Lilith, she's
a ball python.
And she's actually my
girlfriend Sara's snake,
and Sara likes to do a lot
of photography, likes to
do a lot of things, and
Lilith will actually sit
still and just kind of pay
attention to what's going on.
>>Kate Pleasant: So, she fits
Sara perfectly in that respect.
>>Kyle Thompson: Exactly.
And she's also got a cat,
and the snake will get
nose to nose with the cat,
do nothing to intimidate
it, nothing to strike it.
>>Kate Pleasant: Unbelievable.
So, they can get along
with other animals, too,
in a way.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah,
although I still
wouldn't suggest it.
>>Kate Pleasant: Right, not
for the starters and
things like that; you
wouldn't want to just let
your snake out on the floor.
>>Kyle Thompson: Right.
Once you've learned to
kind of bond, and you know
the personality of the
snake, you can start to
kind of interact with
other things with them.
>>Kate Pleasant: Are they
good pets for children?
I mean, can you have them
around your kids?
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah.
That also goes along with
the education.
Definitely helps to let
your kid know what
they're in for.
Maybe not for younger
kids, because all reptiles
have the possibility to
carry salmonella.
And with younger kids
putting their hands in
their mouth, and all this
and that, it's probably
not the best thing for them.
But once you get up into
like the, you know, 6, 7,
8 years old, yeah, absolutely.
>>Kate Pleasant: Sure.
A little bit older when
they understand and can
respect the animal.
>>Kyle: Yeah, absolutely.
>>Kate Pleasant: And I
guess that's, like you
said, about education,
teaching them how to
respect the animal, and
you'll have no problems.
So, you brought some other
animals with you.
I know there's a guy in there.
I think he sounds angry.
>Kate: Do you want to talk about
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah,
we've actually brought in...
>>Kate Pleasant: .. Him a
little bit?
There's a couple of
different things going on
over there. I can...
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah.
We've got, actually, this
is a red-eared slider, and
these are turtles that
you're going to find all
over the U.S.
>>Kate Pleasant: Turtles, okay.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yep, and
these guys are actually
common enough that you can
find them all over the world.
>>Kate Pleasant: Really?
So, this is something
maybe in your backyard
woods or something, you
could go out and find
one of these?
>>Kyle Thompson: Yep.
Lake Charleston has a
pretty decent
population of them.
Lake Charleston, Lake
Mattoon, Lake Sara: all
the lakes around here you
can find these guys.
>>Kate Pleasant: And what
do they eat?
What do they do?
>>Kyle Thompson: Well, the
interesting thing about
them is that
they're omnivorous.
So, they're kind of
opportunistic feeders.
If they can find a fish
that they can catch,
they'll go for it.
In the wild, a lot of
times, you'll see them
chase down the crawfish.
They'll eat a lot of those
watercress, water grasses
that you'll find out in
the lakes and the ponds.
>>Kate Pleasant: And why
would someone like having
a turtle as a pet?
What's kind of the
advantages there maybe?
>>Kyle Thompson: They're
actually kind of cute.
>>Kate: They are cute.
>>Kyle Thompson: When they
swim, they're really,
really busy.
They're not much of a pet
you want to handle,
interact with hands-on.
And I think a large part
of the aquatic species is
it's kind of a nice way to
take nature and put it in
your home phone, give you
something to kind of
observe and take a look at.
>>Kate Pleasant: And are
they simple on the
maintenance side, too?
I mean, are these
something that are an easy
clean, or...?
>>Kyle: They actually
require a lot more work
than a lot of people
realize, because you're
looking at filtration for
water for them, you really
want to make sure that the
water levels are, you
know, clean, clear, not
full of a lot of junk that
could be toxic to them.
Definitely want to do a
lot of maintenance on them.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, so
they're a little maybe
more maintenance
intensive, so maybe not
for, maybe not a
great first pet.
>>Kyle Thompson: And that's
exactly right.
And that's the sad part,
is a lot of times, these
are a lot of people's
introduction to reptiles.
>>Kate Pleasant: And so, do
you see, do you hear from
a lot of people that they
had a turtle for a while,
and then maybe they got
rid of it; it was a lot
of work, or...
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
And a lot of people don't
realize that these guys
actually need quite a
bit of space.
>>Kate Pleasant: Mmhmm.
Well, I mean, they're
little, so you wouldn't
think so, but...
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah,
actually this one is a
pretty young one.
He's about 4 inches on his
shell here, which ties in,
there's actually a law
that you can't sell turtle
species under 3 inches.
>>Kate Pleasant: Really?
So, you can't have
little turtles?
>>Kyle Thompson: Right.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
Is that just because the
youngness of them, or...?
>>Kyle Thompson: They're
highly, highly adaptive,
and a lot of people get
them about this big and go
dump them off in lakes,
rivers, and stuff like
that, just because they
don't have the resources
at hand, I don't feel, to
actually find homes
for these things.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
So, what would you want
to consider before
getting a turtle?
>>Kyle Thompson: You want
to consider, you want to
definitely have a large
habitat for them.
Your'e looking at probably 40
gallons or more with filtration.
>>Kate Pleasant: Interesting.
>>Kyle Thompson: And you do
want to have land, and you
want to have water for
them to get in.
Land so they can bask,
water so they can eat.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, so
they have to have kind of both.
And you mentioned the
water filtration; that's
something I hadn't really
considered before.
I guess it would have to
be very clean water.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah, they
dirty their water up a lot.
They actually put a lot of
waste in the water through
their feeding process.
>>Kate Pleasant: So, you
have to clean more often, right?
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
And so, is this the kind
of thing you'd be better
off, you know, getting at
a pet store from an
expert, or can you pick
one up out of your backyard?
>>Kyle Thompson: I wouldn't
suggest just picking them
up out of your backyard.
Once they get used to
people interacting and
kind of providing for
them, it's really hard for
them to go back to the
wild instincts.
And a lot of times, people
pick them up, they bring
them in for their kids, or
just for themselves, feed
them, and they get real
reliant on people, then
they take them back, dump
them off into a river, and
the thing can't fare for itself.
>>Kate Pleasant: Right.
Is this what you consider
a box turtle?
I mean, I know around here
we call things box turtles.
Is that kind of a box turtle?
>>Kyle Thompson: Box turtles
actually have a
hinge on their plastron
down here, so that they
can pull themselves
entirely into their shell.
>>Kate Pleasant: Oh, okay.
So, he's not a box turtle.
>>Kyle Thompson: ope, he's
actually just a
little pond slider.
>>Kate: Okay, and turtles
can bite, as well, correct?
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
>>Kate Pleasant: So, that's
something you want to
be aware of.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yep.
If you look, he's actually
got pretty sharp little
teeth on the bottom of
his beak there.
>>Kate Pleasant: Yeah, I
can see that being a problem.
[Chuckles] He could get a
finger or something.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah.
>>Kate Pleasant: And what
about their shells?
Do you know about their shells?
Kind of, is there
structure in there, or is
it formed that way?
>>Kyle Thompson: Actually,
the back part of their
shell is their spinal cord.
>>Kate Pleasant: So, it's
like a backbone right
there, you can see it.
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
Yep, it's all attached
right into here, and it's
attached right between here.
This is actually the
carapace, and this is the
plastron on the bottom.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
Okay, yeah.
He's got nice colors, too,
looking there up close at it.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah, this is
actually a captive bred species.
A lot of the captive ones
will have really nice
coloration to them.
>>Kate Pleasant: Mmhmm. Okay.
And so, if we were going
to get a turtle, and then
we decided we didn't want
it anymore, what would
your recommendations be?
>>Kyle Thompson: I would
definitely look into
getting a look at the
rescue situations around here.
I know in Coles County I'm
one of the few, but there
are definitely people out
there willing to take them.
>>Kate Pleasant: Right.
So, you can find homes for them.
So, you recommend that,
other than turning them loose.
>>Kyle Thompson: Absolutely.
I would just know who you're
giving them, too. Research.
>>Kate Pleasant: Again,
research, research, research.
That's the theme of today's
show, is do your research.
How did you get
interested in
snakes and reptiles?
>>Kyle Thompson: I was
really into dinosaurs as a
kid, and my parents, or my
dad and his brother were
really, really outdoorsy types.
They like to hike, they
like to go out and just
see, you know, Fox Ridge,
all sorts of national
parks like that.
Well, their love for the
outdoors kind of got them
interested in the wildlife
that we can run into
around here.
And once they started to
really know their stuff,
they'd introduce it to me.
Like, do you know what
kind of frog this is?
Oh, it's, you know,
southern leopard frog.
And they'd start telling
me stuff like that.
They picked the right
time, being into
dinosaurs, because these
are like, you know, modern
dinosaurs to a young kid.
>>Kate Pleasant: I was going
to say, it's kind of the
closest you can get to a
little kid, so.
>>Kyle: Yeah, absolutely.
And it wasn't too much
longer after they started
teaching me that, that my
uncle got an iguana, and
he was about a 5 foot
iguana, and that was the
closest to a dinosaur
I'd ever seen.
And from then on,
it's all I liked.
>>Kate: That's interesting.
So, you kind of learned by
osmosis, by being there
and seeing things, and
kind of experience
it first hand.
So, would you, what would
you say to someone that
came in and said, you
know, I'm thinking about a
snake, but I'm
terrified of them.
You know, are there ways
to work on that fear?
>>Kyle Thompson: Just get
to be around them.
You don't have to touch
them, necessarily, but
even being as close as we
are and seeing that
there's no real danger at hand.
Being around somebody who
knows what they're doing
and is comfortable with it
kind of helps ease the
tension of somebody else
who's afraid of them.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
And what would you say are
like some of the best
things that people should
know about snakes, just as
we're kind of getting
towards the closing here?
>>Kyle Thompson: Honestly,
they just make good companions.
They're a real great pet
for people who don't
really want to put forth a
lot of effort, or if they
don't have time, especially
for people who travel.
As long as they've got
access to water, and
they're fed on a
consistent basis, you're
looking at a good pet.
>>Kate Pleasant: Mmhmm.
Is that something you can board?
I mean, you can board cats
and dogs; can you board a snake?
>>Kyle Thompson: I'm sure
there's actually people
out there who wouldn't
mind pet sitting, but as
far as an actual place
that will take that, I've
never heard of.
>>Kate Pleasant: What is
veterinary care like on
snakes and other reptiles?
>>Kyle Thompson: Veterinary
care can be kind of scary.
The prices on it,
especially if you don't
have an exotic reptile
vet, can be pretty potent.
That being said...
>>Kate Pleasant: Do they
require normal checkups?
>>Kyle Thompson: They
should, in my opinion,
just to make sure they're
not catching anything
unnoticed, especially
these heavy bodied snakes.
There's a disease called
IBD, which affects boas
more so than anything
else, but it's usually
once it sets itself in,
it turns fatal.
>>Kate Pleasant: Really?
So, that would be
something you want
to monitor, then.
>>Kyle Thompson: Especially
if you're attached to them.
>>Kate Pleasant: Mmhmm.
But it can be costly.
But do they need, like,
you know, with cats and
dogs there's grooming; do
they have anything, you
know, like any trimmings, or...?
>Kyle Thompson: They pretty much
do that all themselves.
The snakes will, they''ll
shed their skin on a
routine basis for you.
>>Kate Pleasant: I was going
to ask about that, mmhmm.
>>Kyle Thompson: It just
helps to kind of soak them
every so often to help
them out through that process.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, and what
is the purpose of the shedding?
>>Kyle Thompson: The
shedding actually will
take away all the old
dirt, anything that
they've accumulated on the
top layer of their scales.
And once they peel that
back, they're clean.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay, so
they do that on their own,
as well.
>>Kyle Thompson: As they grow.
>>Kate Pleasant: Right.
And you said the soaking;
is that just putting them
in water, or...?
>>Kyle Thompson: Mmhmm.
Lukewarm water.
You don't want to shock
them, because they
are coldblooded.
They're pretty much
whatever their environment
is, is their static body heat.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
And so, do they have to
have a certain temperature?
I mean, I assume there's
lights and things like
that they need in their
habitat to stay a
certain temperature.
>>Kyle Thompson: Absolutely,
That will all depend on
the various species of
reptile you'll come across.
These guys will need
probably a really, really
high level of heat.
You're looking at usually
a pretty powerful bulb for that.
>>Kate Pleasant: Mmhmm.
And you said that they're
not, most of them aren't
prone to striking.
You know, as a general rule.
But say you got bitten
by a snake.
What should you do?
>>Kyle Thompson: Definitely
treat it with peroxide.
>>Kate Pleasant: Okay.
>>Kyle Thompson: Run it
under some water, warm
water and peroxide, and
then just keep making sure
it's not infected.
>>Kate Pleasant: ave you
been bitten before?
>>Kyle Thompson: More times
than I can count.
>>Kate Pleasant: And so,
it's treatable.
And like you said, most of
them aren't venomous, so.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah, right.
>>Kate Pleasant: Do your
homework and do some
research, makes sure
you're not getting into
anything too bad there, but.
Well, Kyle Thompson from
PetSmart, we thank you for
coming on and introducing
us to the world of snakes,
reptiles, you know, things
that maybe we aren't as
familiar with.
So, thanks again.
>>Kyle Thompson: Yeah, it's
been a pleasure.
[Music Plays]
>>Betty Hargis: Hi, I'm
Betty Hargis
from the Dog
Training Club of Charleston.
Here to talk about the
basic commands that we use
in the advanced puppy and
basic classes for obedience.
And the first things that
we usually do are
sit/stays, and down/stays.
And those are just simply
exercises that are an
extension to what they
learn in puppy class,
which is the sit and the down.
And then, we just extend that.
So, if you need to have
your dog stay in a
position while you're
going through the door or
getting out of the car,
doing something where you
need, for instance, to
have your hands free, you
start teaching the stay.
This is Micah, he's my
little Australian shepherd
mix, who is 8 months,
almost 9 months old.
I've had him since a baby.
I got him from a local
rescue group, and he's
come along quite nicely.
The fact that he is a
herding breed helps
because he's willing to
please and work with us.
So, show you the sits first.
Sit, yes!
The 'yes' is your word for
the dog that says, oh, you
did that correctly; I like that.
And then, the treat
comes forward.
So, sit, yes!
Gradually work the treat
out of it, or randomize it
so they don't become
accustomed to it being
all the time.
Nice down.
[Chuckles] I didn't ask for
that yet. Micah.
There we go.
This is the down.
Our form of training is
positive reinforcement
based, which means they
either get some kind of
reward for doing the
behavior that you're
wanting, and in this case
it's food.
You can use a toy, your
voice, and you can mix it
up; you can have all three.
So, for the stay, stay,
it's, the verbal is
combined with the hand signal.
Micah, Micah.
You step off from the foot
that's away from the dog.
Returning, stay.
And I'm repeating the
command there so that he
knows I expect him to stay
in that position until
I get back.
And I gave him the reward
because he did as I asked.
So, we'll do the down.
It's the same thing.
One of the big things with
training: dogs learn our
body language.
And they're very attuned
to what we are saying
The nonverbal signals of
leaving on this foot when
your'e doing a stay, the
leg that's away from the
dog, opposed to when we do
heeling, and it's this one.
They learn very quickly
that those are things that
they can take and learn,
put in their little memory
bank, and know that that's
part of the exercise. So.
Because I expect to go
into some form of
competition with him, I
have expected him to give
me some pretty straight
sits, although that one is
a little crooked; it's
called a puppy sit.
And since he is a puppy,
he still does that.
Production for The Paw Report
is made possible by: Midas Auto
Service and Tire in
Charleston and Mattoon.
Midas repairs both cars
and light trucks.
Midas cares about our
community and thanks you
for being a
responsible pet owner.
You deserve the Midas touch.