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Dear sixteen-year-old me
Dear sixteen-year-old me
Dear sixteen-year-old me
Please don't get that perm,
it's not as awesome as you think it's gonna be
You have to actually practice in order to learn to play guitar
Whisky tastes even worse on the way up
Dear sixteen-year-old me, there's going to be a new set of Star Wars movies
Don't watch them, they ruin everything
Dear sixteen-year-old me
This is where they took the cancer out
It was something called melanoma
It's called malignant melanoma
Malignant melanoma
'Malignant,' that's not a very friendly word
You'll be diagnosed when you're twenty-eight
It's a tumour that starts in your skin cells,
the cells that give your hair and skin colour.
It's not just skin cancer
Well, it is
Well, it is
But not just
The cut it out and it'll be fine kind, unfortunately
It's the kind you have to catch before it spreads
Because it spreads so fast
So fast
To places like your liver
Your lungs
Your brain
Yours will be a really rare kind in your left eye
and that's when you'll find out
That melanoma can show up on your tongue, the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet.
Your doctors will tell you you're lucky that you caught it early
Yours will tell you that you need aggressive treatment
I'll have to tell you it might take a year of chemotherapy
And you'll need to do some of the injections yourself
Dear sixteen-year-old me
You're doing okay
You're strong
But there are some things I want you to know
I wish I'd known
That one bad sunburn before you turn eighteen
Doubles your chances of developing melanoma
That fair skin and red hair means that you're at a higher risk of getting it
As if ginger people didn't have enough problems
That you're at higher risk if you've got more than fifty moles
And if you have a weakened immune system or family history of skin cancer
I want you to know the outlook is very good if we can catch it early
But you have less than a ten percent chance of surviving more than five years if we don't
Dear sixteen-year-old me
Spend more time with family, they mean everything
If I had one piece of advice for you: don't start the tanning bed
I know you want a healthy glow
but it's going to double my chances of getting melanoma
Yes, I agree it's a huge pain in the ***, but so worth it.
Your skin's like an elephant. It never forgets
Dear sixteen-year-old me,
helping spread this message is how you'll honour Glenna's memory
At sixteen she's already an incredible lifeguard,
she loves the sun, and the beach, and tanning
but she just doesn't know
She'll be diagnosed when she's twenty-two
and will lose her battle when she's just twenty-six
I want you to know
because it's melanoma that's going to take the strongest man you know,
your best friend and the love of your life
Dear sixteen-year-old me
Don't be afraid, this isn't about being afraid
I want you to be aware
That melanoma is a young person's disease
It is the second most common cancer in children and teenagers
and one of the most common in young adults
And it can be deadly
I want you to know you're not helpless
This is a cancer that shows itself
Right there on the outside of you
Start checking your skin
Please check
Get to know your skin
Get to know your skin
Start checking your skin
If a new mole shows up
Or if one you have starts to change colour
Or size, or shape
Or feels different
If something seems out of place get your doctor to have a look as soon as possible
Know what to look for and get help,
these are all signs your skin could be developing cancer
You brush your teeth everyday, maybe even floss
Okay, we both know you don't floss
But just once a month I want you to check
It takes ten minutes
Ten minutes
Dear sixteen-year-old me,
I do realize that you're not actually going to see this
but someone else will and it'll make a difference to them
Dear someone else
Dear somebody else
If you're watching this
Send it to a sixteen-year-old you care about
Send it to anyone who was once sixteen
Or soon will be sixteen, send this
And check yourself, educate yourself
You can download tools and information about melanoma here
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