Highlight text to annotate it
AlH@right.H@ H@Stop!H@
H@All riH@ght! AH@ah!H@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
I'veH@ gottaH@ play H@i@
You'H@re gonH@na pl@
And H@I'm goH@ing toH@ stop@
StH@opped H@at $1,@
H@And, TH@roy, yH@ H@the wiH@nner oH@nce@
H@with $H@10,05@
H@but thH@ey'll H@haveH@ toH@ avoidH@ the WH@hammy,@
as tH@hey plH@ay theH@ m@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
And H@now, hH@ere's H@your @
PeH@ter ToH@markenH@!
Hey,H@ hey.H@ H@Thank H@you.H@
H@[audieH@nce chH@eeringH]
WeH@ll, I H@thank H@you, RH@od@ AnH@d hi, H@everybH@ody.H@
H@WelcomH@e to PH@ress YH@our@ whH@ere weH@'re goH@nna do@
soH@me serH@ious pH@ressinH, H@and hoH@pefullH@y,
I waH@nna...H@
Can H@we talH@k?
H@AlrighH@t. I wH@anna tH@elu H@we've H@got soH@me bigH@ news,
foH@r all H@of youH@ PrH@ess YoH@ur LucH@k viewH@
H@who woH@uld liH@ke to H@p@ the H@Big BoH@ard.H@
H@So, geH@t yourH@ pens H@and @ H@ready H@to takH@e downH@ an @
weH@'ll giH@ve youH@ H@in jusH@t a moH@ment.H@
Big H@Bucks H@at homH@e.
WeH@ won'tH@ give H@it to H@ righH@t now,H@ we'llH@ give H@i@
a H@littleH@ laterH@ in thH@e@ H@becausH@e righH@t now,H@
H@we havH@e to pH@lay thH@e ga@ thH@e threH@e playH@ers whH@o a@
H@Let's H@meet tH@hem riH@, H@startiH@ng witH@h TonyH@ Scor.
H@SoundsH@ like H@it's@
[aH@udiencH@e laugH@hing]@
ToH@ny, whH@ere arH@e you@
I'H@m origH@inallyH@ H@from MH@iami, H@FloridH@.
H@for abH@out a H@yearH@ and H@a halfH@ now.H@
AlH@right.H@ Now, H@since @ H@live hH@ere a H@year aH@nd@
you'H@re h.
ThanH@k you.H@
AlH@right,H@ let'sH@ H@to ourH@ seconH@d p@
H@LaurieH@ Ll. H@Hi, LaH@u@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
LaH@urie, H@wha. H@We're H@like tH@wins @
YeH@ah. NoH@w, Lau@ whatH@ do yoH@u@
H@I'm a H@tour gH@uide,H@
H@tour gH@uide fH@or a@ amH@usemenH@t parkH@ in An@
H@that cH@ould.
[aH@udiencH@e laugH@hing]@
H@We canH@'t sayH@ it onH@ th@ buH@t I haH@ve no H@idea...
[aH@udiencH@e laugH@hing]@
NoboH@dy undH@erstanH@d@ GoH@ aheadH@, LaurH@ie.H@
H@Oh, I H@give gH@uided H@t@ inH@ GermaH@n and H@EnglisH.
H@And I H@meet pH@eopleH@ H@from aH@ll oveH@r the H@wo@
H@Oh, I H@bet yoH@
WellH@, ths
YeahH@, I hoH@pe so.H@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
AlriH@ght. AH@lrightH@.
Now,H@ what H@have yH@ou@ toH@ do wiH@th theH@ ?
H@Hey, PH@eter,H@ H@you juH@st donH@'t knoH@.
[aH@udiencH@e laugH@hing]@
H@[audieH@nce laH@ughingH]
You H@got grH@eat @
H@some mH@ore mo@
YoH@u'll bH@e@ H@and haH@ve morH@e c@
anH@d moreH@ m@ H@and goH@ on foH@@
how H@it worH@ks, t@
H@We gotH@ four H@ques@
YourH@ correH@ct a@ willH@ earn H@you s@
inH@ the bg H@Press H@Your LH@uck GaH@m@
A H@correcH@t buzzH@-in @ giH@ves yoH@u threH@e .
A coH@r@
AnH@d the H@more s@ yoH@u haveH@, obviH@@
thH@e moreH@ moneyH@ you c@ beH@cause H@you knH@ow thaHd
isH@ loadeH@d withH@ tho@ of dH@ollarsH@ in c@
H@fabuloH@us pri@
H@You'llH@ make H@@
H@What yH@ou donH@'t wanHo H@is getH@ a Wh@
'cauH@se he H@take@ all H@your mH@o@
AccoH@rding H@to th@ H@"Home-H@Psy"
whH@at colH@or of H@@ H@show tH@hat yoH@u haveH?
ToH@ny sayH@s it'sH@ . H@Audre?
all H@of youH@ have@
is rH@i@
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
H@Tony pH@icks uH@p a@ LaH@urie gH@oes toH@ ,
H@and AuH@@ piH@cks upH@ a s.
at tH@he briH@@
H@Best mH@an.H@
BridH@al ta@
IsH@ the cH@orrectH@ r H@the beH@st manH@, the@
orH@ the bH@ride'sH@ f?
LaH@urie sH@ays itH@'s bes@ AuH@dre@
BestH@ @
ThH@e bridH@al tab@ toH@astmasH@ter isH@ the bH@.
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
H@MovingH@ rightH@ .
It'sH@ an anH@cient H@d@ thH@at's bH@ecome H@pr
in tH@his coH@u@ H@in theH@ last H@few @
H@And itH@ emploH@ys a bH@o@ poH@ints, H@block,H@ hits H@an@
H@What iH@s@
H@Is theH@ correH@ct @ backH@gammonH@, ParcH@heesi,H@ @
H@of theH@...H@
or cH@r@
I'H@ll sayH@ ParchH@eesi.@
LaurH@ie sas H@it's PH@arche@
H@Well, H@that pH@opularH@ d@ is, H@indeedH@, backH@g.
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
HereH@ we goH@ @ H@the foH@urth qH@ue:
WhilH@e educH@ators @
ifH@ you wH@anna lH@ive inH@ @ withH@ the hH@ighestH@ perc@
moveH@ to ChH@apel@
WhatH@ stateH@ is th@
H@Is theH@ correH@ct @ NortH@h CaroH@l@
LaurH@ie sas H@North H@Carol@ AudrH@e@
H@North H@Carol@
H@Those H@collegH@e-ed@ foH@lks lie
H@in ChaH@pel H@ NortH@h CaroH@l@
ToH@ny goeH@s to @ LaurH@ie to H@f@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
In jH@ust a H@momentH@, pla@ yoH@u'll gH@et a cH@hance@
intoH@ dollaH@rs.H@
SticH@k withH@ us.H@ WeH@'re coH@ming rH@ight bH@@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
H@AlrighH@t, plaH@yers, H@yo@ a whH@ole buH@nch ofH@ .
So, H@let's H@get r@ toH@ that H@Big B@
H@with $H@13@ H@and soH@me WhaH@@
SoH@, be cH@are.
to tH@he pl@
H@who haH@s the H@ H@numberH@ of sp@
And H@that mH@eans @ H@with fH@our sp@
ReH@memberH@, AudrH@ey, foH@ur @ H@put yoH@u out H@of the@
a feH@ar of H@the W@
go fH@i@
H@AlrighH@t. ComH@e on.H@
ComeH@ on noH@w. Big H@Bucks.H@
Big H@Bucks,H@ baby.H@ H@Big BuH@cks.H@
H@Big BuH@cks. SH@top.H@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
H@Still H@@ foH@ur spiH@ns, $@
BiH@g BuckH@s.
Big H@Bucks,H@ H@come oH@n.
H@Come oH@n. StoH@p!
StopH@ped atH@ a W@
H@(AudieH@nce)H@ AwH@.
I'H@m gonnH@a go.H@
ComeH@ on.H@
StopH@ped atH@@ H@Two spH@@
withH@ $300,H@ A?
ComeH@ on noH@w. ComeH@ on noH@w.
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
H@You'reH@ at $@ OnH@e spinH@ left,H@ A.
Let'H@s go fH@or it.H@ H@Come oH@n now.H@
ComeH@ on, BH@ig BucH@k@ BiH@g BuckH@s.
H@Big BuH@cks.H@ StH@op!H@
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
up tH@o $1,@
AuH@drey, H@first H@place H@. H@Let's H@go to H@L.
onH@ a touH@r of tH@he BigH.
H@Okay. H@Here wH@e go.H@
Big H@Bucks.H@ H@And stH@op!H@
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
HeH@re we H@go.H@ BiH@g BuckH@s. AndH@ stop!@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
ThatH@'s $1,@ thH@ree spH@@
H@press H@my lucH@k.
H@Let's H@go. LeH@t's goH.
H@And $4H@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
HereH@ we goH@. Big H@Bucks.H@
H@Big BuH@cks.H@ AnH@d stopH@!
SurfH@'s up.H@ H@Hang tH@en.H@
H@Aw, heH@ took H@your@ doH@wn witH@h him,H@ L.
YoH@u haveH@ one sH@pin@ WhH@at areH@ you gH@on?
H@Okay. H@Here wH@e go.H@
Big H@Bucks H@again.H@ CoH@me on.H@ Stop!H@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
BaH@ck in H@the moH@ney c@ H@We go H@to T.
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
PresH@s my lH@uck.H@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
Let'H@s go.H@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
Let'H@s go.H@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
Let'H@s go. H@Let's H@g@
LeH@t's goH@.
AnH@d it sH@tops a@ atH@ Move H@One S@
toH@ Palm H@Sprs H@or $30H@0 and H@a.
H@the PaH@lm SprH@ings.H@
PalmH@ Spri@
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
Let'H@s go.H@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
ValuH@ed at H@$@
ThatH@ bringH@s@ H@up to H@$4,.
ThreH@e sp, firsH@t pl.
GoH@nna paH@
H@They gH@o to yH@ou, A@
H@PlayerH@ with H@the neH@xt@ amH@ount oH@f mo.
ThH@re@ $1,5H@7@
H@I'm reH@ady.H@ CoH@me on H@now.H@
ComeH@ on.H@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
Let'H@s go.H@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
One H@more sH@pin, A@
CoH@me on H@now.H@ CoH@me on,H@ Big BH@ucks.@
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
AudrH@ey, thH@at br@ yoH@ur totH@al up H@to $@
H@LaurieH@ at $@
And,H@ Tony,H@ you @ thH@e advaH@ntage H@with $@
AnH@d we'lH@l be rH@ight bH@ wiH@th morH@e quesH@tions@
H@and a H@whole H@new roH@@ riH@ght afH@ter thH@is.H@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
AlH@right.H@.. H@Now, IH@ got fH@our moH@re qu.
H@No, I'H@m not H@gonna H@t@ thH@at fasH@t anymH@ore.H@
[aH@udiencH@e laugH@hing]@
TonyH@, realH@ly ju@ on tH@hat buH@z@
You H@did reH@ally@
I haH@ve fouH@r ques@
You H@know wH@hat thH@a@ AnH@swers H@and sp@
wortH@h as mH@uch asH@.
is gH@onna @
WeH@'re reH@ady.H@
H@SeveraH@l studH@ies haH@ve@ thatH@ weariH@ng a bH@rt
H@made oH@f a coH@mmon@ eaH@ses thH@e painH@ of arH@.
WhH@at ***@a@ H@Ton@
IsH@ i@
CoppH@er, saH@ys L@ AudrH@e@
WellH@, it sH@aid y@ H@ease tH@he n
wiH@th a bH@ract H@made oH@f cop@
ToH@ny goeH@s to tH@ H@LaurieH@ to ,
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
You H@k@
[audH@ience H@laughiH@n@
H@You'llH@ never@ anH@ywhereH@. @
OkH@ay. ThH@ink faH@st b@ itH@ may cH@hange H@any da@
H@How muH@ch doeH@s a fiH@r@ poH@stage H@stamp H@currenH@t@
Is tH@he corH@rect @
CaH@n I asH@k the@ thH@at's oH@n my h@
Uh, H@how muH@ch do@ thH@ink itH@@
[audH@ience H@laughiH@n@
$0H@.20?H@ WeH@ll, yoH@u're rH@ight.@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
H@AlrighH@t. ThaH@t mean@ goH@es to H@six, LH@aurie H,
H@and AuH@drey tH@@
H@[audieH@nce laH@ughingH]
AlriH@ght, hH@ere @
We, H@Americ@
H@aroundH@ Chris@ thanH@ in anH@y otheH@r.
H@What'sH@ the sH@econd H@busi@ H@for thH@e candH@y m@
Is tH@he corH@rect aH@nswer, ValeH@ntine'H@s Day H@or Ha?
H@I'll sH@ay HalH@loweenH.
LaurH@ie goeH@s withH@ Hall@ H@What dH@o you H@think,H@?
H@I'ma gH@o withH@ HalloH@w@
is tH@he rigH@ht thiH@o
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
anH@d AudrH@ey goeH@s to @
H@Here wH@e@
YoH@u brokH@e TonyH@'s @
H@He kepH@t buz@ anH@d he wH@as ri@
AlH@right,H@ here H@@
H@What hH@eight@ BrH@ookie H@baby tH@aper o@
Is tH@he corH@rect @ H@5'10",H@ 5'11"H@ or@
H@5'11" H@for LaH@ AuH@dre@
H@I'ma gH@o withH@ 5'10"H.
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
H@Tony sH@tays aH@@ H@LaurieH@ goes H@to,
and H@AudreyH@ staysH@ a@
H@And thH@e big H@timeH@ isH@ cominH@g up.H@
PlH@ayers,H@ you'rH@e gonnH@a@ H@those H@spins H@into bH@ig d@
SoH@, hangH@ in thH@ere.H@
riH@ght afH@ter thH@is.H@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
$5H@,000 fH@or@ H@of theH@ pri.
And H@stay @
AlH@right,H@ let'sH@ take @ H@at whoH@ has tH@he higH@hes@
H@ObviouH@sly, TH@ony, wH@ith@ H@You plH@ay lasH@t,.
H@LaurieH@, you @ thH@e leasH@t mo.
H@Are yoH@u re?
H@Yes, IH@'m reaH@dy.H@ HeH@re we H@go.H@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
ThreH@e sp.
ouH@r luckH@ againH@.
ComeH@ on, BH@ig BucH@k@ AnH@d stopH@!
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
LaurH@ie, wiH@th $@
ThatH@'s aboH@ut $1@ moreH@ than H@T@
HeH@re we H@
Let'H@s go.H@
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
H@And yoH@u @ H@one moH@re s.
H@What aH@re youH@ gon@
H@(AudieH@nce)H@ PlH@ay! PaH@ss!H@
CoH@me on.H@
yourH@ buck.
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
$6H@,900, H@Lau.
YoH@u stilH@l @ H@the onH@e s.
YoH@u're gH@@ goH@ againH@ or p@
YoH@u're gH@onna pH@a.
hiH@ghest H@amountH@ of @
H@It's yH@ours, H@ buH@t you'H@re notH@ gonnaH@ ta@
H@'causeH@ you pH@lay@
We'rH@e gonn@
H@with $H@4@ H@and thH@ree sp@
H@["BillH@ie JeaH@n" plaH@y@
InH@ any eH@ven.
H@AudreyH@, you @ snH@appingH@ your H@fi,
but H@there H@@
OhH@, yes.H@
let'H@s go fH@or it.H@
Big H@Bucks.H@ H@Big BuH@cks.H@
Big H@Bucks.H@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
$2,0H@00, thH@ird @
LookH@ing foH@r Big @
H@Come oH@n. BigH@ BucksH.
H@Big BuH@cks.H@ BiH@g BuckH@s. StoH@p.
StH@opped H@at $2@ BiH@g Buck.
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
H@We nowH@ go toH@ H@with $H@4,@
OnH@e spinH@ you @ toH@ take H@first,H@@
AnH@d he sH@@ atH@ $2,00.
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
H@Here wH@e@
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
$8,1H@8@ fiH@ve spiH@ns l.
H@First H@place H@byt H@$1,200H@, $1,@
GoH@nna g.
StH@opped H@at a SH@tereo,@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
YoH@u are H@at $9,@ fourH@ spin.
H@Press H@Your LH@uck or@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
H@That bH@rings H@@ H@to $11H@,233 aH@nd fouH@.
H@You haH@ve aboH@ut @ moH@re thaH@n Lau@
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
ThH@at's tH@hree s@ anH@d abouH@t $6,3H@00 m@
H@You'reH@ gonnaH@ pass@
H@And thH@e@ toH@ you, H@Lau.
H@a giftH@ or thH@e W@
H@Okay. H@Let's H@go.H@
H@Let meH@ see tH@hose BH@ig @ AnH@d stopH@!
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
in tH@he EarH@ned C@
twH@o you H@have tH@o.
Let'H@s see H@those H@Big B@ AnH@d stopH@!
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
YoH@u're uH@p to $H@@
OkayH@, we'rH@e gonnH@a go f@
BiH@g BuckH@s. AndH@ stop!@
[audH@ience H@applauH@di@
ThH@at triH@p to KH@ona, L@ H@is worH@th $1,@
LeH@t us tH@ake a @ atH@ what H@your tH@ot.
ItH@ is $1H@0,@
ThH@at is H@$2,300H@ approH@y H@less tH@han T@
YoH@u can H@elect H@to go @ H@with tH@hat laH@st.
And H@if youH@ t abovH@e thatH@ ,
H@you'llH@ win tH@he.
H@If youH@ want@ yoH@u can H@pass iH@t to@
H@If he H@whamm@ you'H@ll be H@the chH@a.
H@What dH@o you H@wan@
GoH@nna prH@@
I'H@m gonnH@a go fH@or it.@
OkayH@. ComeH@ on.H@
H@Let's H@go, plH@ease.H@
AnH@d stopH@!
H@StoppeH@d at $H@@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
OhH@, how H@cl@ H@How clH@@
22H@3-dollH@ar difH@fe.
AnH@d we'lH@l be rH@igh@ to sH@ee whaH@t you'H@ve wonH@,@
righH@t afteH@r.
[aH@udiencH@e applH@auding]
H@LaurieH@, withH@ $1@
LaH@urie, H@how woH@uld yo@ H@Rod RoH@ddy toH@ te@
H@I woulH@d.
H@Oh, wiH@th pleH@asure,H@ P.
You H@and yoH@ur comH@panio@ H@will fH@ly airH@ coachH@
H@from LH@os AngH@elesH@ to HH@onolulH@u via H@World H@A,
H@the aiH@rline H@withH@ wiH@de-bodH@y DC-1H@0s,H@
and H@first-H@run fiH@lm@
WoH@rld AiH@rways.H@
H@And yoH@u'll eH@njoyH@ a H@six-niH@ght stH@ay
H@at theH@ Kona H@Surf.H@
Set H@in troH@pical H@gard,
suH@rroundH@ed by H@bay,H@ ocH@ean anH@d golfH@ course
onH@ HawaiH@i's KoH@na coaH@
LuH@xury rH@ooms,H@ H@warm, H@traditH@ional H@hosp@
H@and isH@land eH@ntertaH@in@ frH@om KonH@a SurfH@.
in cH@ash yoH@u've wH@o@
H@gives H@you a H@grand H@t@ H@of $13H@,456.H@
H@[audieH@nce apH@plaudiH@@
Oh, H@Lauri, H@well dH@one wiH@th $1@
H@And yoH@u get H@to com@ H@and doH@ it ag@
H@AudreyH@ is leH@ H@with aH@ big s@
and H@9@
H@CongraH@tulatiH@ons, A@
H@Spend H@it wis@ NiH@ce havH@ing yoH@u wi@
H@It wasH@ closeH@.
I haH@d to dH@o it.H@
H@we eveH@r @
H@You plH@ayed iH@t brilH@, H@but thH@at's wH@hy it'H@s@
H@for beH@ing wiH@th us,@
H@I had H@a goodH@ time.H@
H@Thank H@you.H@
We'rH@e gonnH@a seeH@ H@LaurieH@ next H@time.H@
BuH@t untiH@l thenH@, hereH@ someH@ goodiH@es froH@m TaylH@o@
a loH@vely lH@adyH@
ArH@e you H@ready?H@
AhH@, yes,H@ but IH@'ll teH@l@ H@what tH@hey neH@ed nexH@t @
H@To offH@er an H@awardH@ H@for grH@eed anH@d thefHt
he'sH@ come H@and leH@ft
WhilH@e at yH@our prH@eciousH@ @ thH@at thiH@s guy'H@s after
WithH@ his gH@reedy H@gr@
SoH@, may H@I haveH@ H@the enH@velopeH@, pleaH@e
wholH@eheartH@edly aH@gr@
H@That nH@one isH@ more H@des@ thanH@ that H@money-H@grabbiH@n@
H@[audieH@nce laH@ughingH]