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Hey Podcaster I'm Tim Wohlberg your podcast performance
coach with another actionable tip so you can sound like a pro and gain more podcast fans.
Today’s tip is… more of a question.
I’m asking you why?
Why are you podcasting?
Can you honestly answer that question right now?
If you can without thinking about it you’re likely in a great place….like...it’s making
you money….or I get total satisfaction out of it...or it’s fun as hell!
The reason you need to keep asking yourself this questions is because all of your goals
and your success depends on it.
So just be honest with yourself when doing this little exercise.
The answer for a lot of you may be….
I started podcasting to promote my business….but keep going with the WHY question... like a 3
years old asks why, why, why?
Keep asking why until you get to the kernel of the reason.
Just like the layers of an onion...reason after reason.
You’ll be surprised at what you may uncover.
Why do you want to promote your product or services….
Because they’re great products Cuz I know they can change lives and ease
suffering Cuz I can empower and motivate others
And helping people is the reason I was put on this planet.
Keeping asking the why until you’ve gotten down to that nugget. Then ask yourself if
your podcast is serving that WHY.
If your answer was to promote your business and your podcast is not doing that then, maybe
you need to consider stopping your podcast.
Okay...pumps the brakes….I’m you podcast coach…..and I’m telling you to stop your
podcast….stay with me here.
Think about this.
As a business owner, If you were buying radio commercials to promote your business and it
wasn’t working for you...you’d probably consider not doing it anymore.
You also need to ask yourself if your podcast is still serving you.
If you said because you thought it would be fun to do a podcast, is it still fun or
has it become a burden?
What would it look like if you stopped podcasting?
All this isn’t to say everyone should quit their podcast because it got hard...it’s
to say, if it’s not serving your why...how can it?
Do I need to pivot? what can I do differently?
How can it be fun again? How can it bring me more customers?
How can this podcast do a better job of showing that I’m a thought leader in my industry?
This process is similar to what I do when working with a client.
We start here.
With the why.
And your goals.
This helps determine what needs to happen with their show.
I challenge you to ask yourself why…..why are you podcasting?
Ask yourself, at the end this podcast ends...in less than 30 seconds from now.
A successful podcast serves your audience and you.
Focusing the WHY can help you build a podcast that works.
And I hope that’s just the tip you need.
If you need help peeling back the layers of your why onion….let me help with my 30 days
to a better podcast program.
And I promise….no tears…...Okay….maybe a few….
Check it out at PodcastPerformanceCoach.com.
I'm Tim Wohlberg. See ya! Don’t forget to ask yourself why!!!