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Hello everyone, I am RADYTZ and today I want to talk with you about how you can create
a good champion pool. In this video I'll use mid lane as an example since it's
the one I have the most experience with, however, the idea is the same for any other position.
So, before getting to the important part I want you guys to know how important it is
to have a good champion pool. A good player isn't the one who can play
every single champion of his role decently, but the one who masters 3, 4 or even 5 champions
of that one role. To give you an idea on how important it is to learn
to play with the right champions I want you to think about a situation were you are against
a Kassadin mid and your main champion is something that
usually Kassadin does good against, like Brand for example. It will be of no use if the other
3 champions that you're good at also do poorly against him,
like Twisted Fate, Ahri or even Nidalee, this is why your champion pool must cover these
situations. I heard a lot of people asking questions like how they
should choose the champions that they will include on their champion pool and I hope
I can answer some of those questions with this video.
So first of all, let's assume that you main mid and that you don't know which champions
you should focus your time on. It is generally a good idea to pick
your best champion and create a champion pool around him. Having this in mind, let's
assume that Karthus is your main champion. Even though Karthus is known
to be able to farm from a safe distance against most matchups, it is common sense that he
does poorly against bursty mages like Veigar or LeBlanc, and assassins like
Zed or even Akali. Having this said, it is generally a good idea
to have weapons in your arsenal that can keep these threats in check. There are a lot of
options here like Galio, Mordekaiser or Morgana, which are champions
that can easily endure burst damage and have insane wave clear. However, my personal preference
goes to Kayle. Kayle may not be as good as the champions mentioned
before at wave clearing, but she is an extremely good fighter and when well timed, her ult
can negate the whole burst from most mages and assassins while still
pulling out a lot of damage of his own.
So, now that we covered Karthus counters by adding Kayle to our champion pool, we need
to do the same with champions that Kayle struggles against. Let's think about
it for a second. If Kayle is good against high bursters, what is she bad against?
The answear is champions that don't rely on big cooldowns or champions who have
lots of sustained damage. Champions like Diana, Ryze and Anivia come to mind since they have
their ults with a really low cooldown, which means that Kayle ult won't
help much against their burst. So, what would be a good pick against these champions?
In my honest opinion, Orianna is, by far, the best answer. Beside being a really
safe pick in any situation, Orianna has such a complete kit that gives
her all the damage, CC, and survavility she needs not only against these champions but
also against many others. Even though Orianna can sometimes have a bad
time against champions with high mobility, those matchups are usually more about skill
than anything else. It's all about not getting behind early game.
Now, like I said, Orianna can do very well against basically anything, but there is one
champion that I think she can't do much about, which is LeBlanc. Playing against
LeBlanc is probably one of the most annoying things in the game, even for Orianna.
She has an extremely high burst starting from lvl 2 and most of the times a good
LeBlanc won't even give you time to react with your shield before silencing and bursting
you, which makes this a very hard lane for Orianna.
So, since neither Karthus, Kayle or Orianna do good against LeBlanc, it would be a good
idea to add something to your champion pool who can atleast keep LeBlanc in
check, like Morgana. Morgana can safely push her lane and keep LeBlanc under tower.
Also, her black shield makes her difficult to kill and gives her immunity to CC
and in top of that, she has a great ganks and team fight potential, making her very
strong even if she's not ahead in the lane. This is why Morgana is a really safe
pick against pretty much any AP Carry, even LeBlanc.
Okay so, by adding three champions to our champion pool we've covered pretty much the
whole meta on mid lane. However, I think that it would be extremely beneficial
if you added an extra assassin to the party. something like Kassadin, Fizz or Zed which
are champions that can easily carry your way to victory in both solo queue
and team games when played well. These champions are less about utility and more about brute
force, and they can easily wreck easy matchups and snowball out of
control in your favour.
That's it guys for this video guide. I hope it was helpful for some of you.
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