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joining us is evangelist and author Ray Comfort he is also the producer
love the movie one eighty which has been seen by four million people including
three million views on YouTube
the movie is a its it's about abortion I don't think you would disagree that it
is an anti-abortion movie
I think I want to get right into it on this topic white why waste any time
a the movie compares abortion with
Hitler and the holocaust this is something which the anti-defamation
league has taken exception to
it's something I take exception to as a jew where do you think the comparison is
that makes
makes it a logical one leslie let me say I'm a Jew
I don't like being called Angeles the Casa summoning televangelists continue
money yes a legitimate comparison and couple different senses
what Hitler did as he dehumanized the Jews is it not schuman
and net gave unlicensed legalize the *** of the Jews
and that's what we've done with babies luv my whole life
a woman's having a baby when she's pregnant she's not much teachers
and a Happy begins at a two week so it's a baby in the womb
as a little comparison is legitimate I'm horrified
six million people might a 69 in my people were killed
up by Hitler but its $54 million Americans
ten times the amount almost have been killed through
legalized abortion in America ok excellence out there just briefly that
there's just like to know that i won unpack as much as we can and and its
fine points of agreement or disagreement
the azure that a heartbeat start the two weeks is that is unknown
misnomer so what happens at two weeks is that
cells in the heart area replicate what may appear to be a pulsing
in in conjunction with some people people who want to prevent
abortions from being legal say is a heartbeat the reality is
is that's not that that's not true also a very common is the idea you know we
see all these graphics to another time okay yes sleepyhead video of hot beating
and 180 movie and see if your cell the actual up
beating on a baby in the womb so its scientific the hot not unique to
she got up what anybody got called Jacob the SL
okay just medically that that that's not that's not because scientific
it's true okay for weeks five weeks six weeks yeah I know I wouldn't I want to
comment because I wanna misspeak I don't have been funny I just know that two
weeks is just
sympathetic pulse Asian a cells in the heart area so I think there's an
important addition stinks life is the girl
okay so let's talk about that idea of life has begun
because I think a lot of the times when we talk to people like you we hear this
idea that
when do you think human life begins first of all I guess let's clarify that
a concession inception okay
a slight again science tells us that the reality though is that
both this the the *** cells and the egg cells are already living things
even before conception so really life hasn't gone until
to list in Section when do you think life begins I think that life begins
when you have Sen shins and some level
love self-awareness I think that about twenty three weeks
so you wouldn't advocate abortions up twenty three weeks
I think that it's that late term abortions are horrible procedures and
you know I
he approached I'm sorry you anti-abortion you don't think they
should kill babies up to 20 weeks
I think there's nobody who is pro-abortion I think that term is a
misnomer I think the idea that
liberals are people who believe women should have the right to choose want to
increase the number of abortions
I think it it that the despicable attack I don't know anybody
who believes abortion should be legal think that it would be good to have more
abortions have you ever met people like that yet lost you think abortion is
wrong then
do I think about no I don't think so so it's not all along to kill baby in the
one 20 weeks I disagree that your that we're killing a baby but we're gonna get
into a semantic argument I want to avoid I
she so I think it's I think it's huge very often
you see graphic images and videos above late-term in third-trimester abortions
presented as if this is what abortion is at any point that's something I i
disagree with
the other thing also is that if the average person
were to see video I'll any number
a hundred medically ballad procedures they would be pretty freaked out and
grossed out
I don't think that that's a good barometer for figuring out what should
and shouldn't be legal
we take a completely different route I'm not abuses you doing a
you have people change their minds about abortion a matter of seconds let me know
one question tell me what the question is
I'm not tell you to tease you to watch at the SL no I do magic to kids applied
to adopt kids
I show them how do the site and they say i'll settle
I told you that one question al context you'd miss the magic you can see people
who adamantly
pro-bush the coming pro-life because they were see want
question that never heard before watch the whole thing up three million people
watched this award-winning
and people change their mind when they get this and information never got you
%uh you had it you change your mind about abortion let's what's that past
do you think abortion should just be illegal nationwide in the US
costs okay do you think that that will decrease the number of abortions
costs how people won't have abortions does not legalized Angela governments
and people are paid till half dozen dollars the 20 minutes work in abortion
i say more right I think you're very wrong we have evidence including a
brilliant example if this is actually an El Salvador
where abortion restrictions legally are
basically there is no abortion and you know what happens there still
people who want abortions get unsafe abortions we see this around the world
and you're actually putting both the mother and the child at risk when you do
it's very very dangerous it the hard way that cool before hitler legalize the
killing jews
shoulda done that shoulda done that because it's illegal to kill jews people
were done anyway it's dangerous procedure killing jews
when it's only got this craze you don't kill babies in the womb
it's a bass comparison rate it's a bad comparison in your selection and the
anti-defamation league
is is very clear that this is incredibly offensive combined with the fact that in
the *** and metro pcs what's up please let me get the question out racial
in the movie in the context of comparing the procedure abortion
to the Holocaust in Hitler you also call on viewers
to repent and accept Jesus do you understand when television at 1200
and nephews that phraseology and listless day
yes ma'am whole world says it's okay to kill a baby in the womb
it is not whether it be the anti-defamation league eat with the
present nine states
I will never ever get another children will not stand for that might children
and adults the whole world system or
just to get some context also christian science for example
doesn't believe in the use of antibiotics now if
there were to be a proposal to ban antibiotics based on that christian
science believe
and if Christian Science employers were to say you know we can't have something
as basic as antibiotics covered
because it goes against our police would that be acceptable to you
what's that got to do with john peyton is no one's Apple's this sorry just a
national I'm just trying to provide some
I i wanted interview you saw that she taped it i'm happy to jump
okay let me let me ask you a question you believe it's okay
you believe it's a baby a woman a certain point of time
okay ray I think we're I just wanted to get your thought on that question as to
what is it sets
legitimate analogy I don't think it's allergy I just that unlike
unlike Christian Scientist I can't speak for their
okay have a contraception
I'm not talking about contraception rate I think talking about killing babies not
okay and is a complete different compositions not issue
okay is the morning after pill an abortion I think it is apparently
I'm not sure okay but science indicate that actually prevents the fertilization
of the egg
ever from happening with that's the lowest that's the best actually what
happens then it's not an abortion but that's just a guess federalized like
this the gallon you don't
d'etats life the both the egg and the *** are alive before fertilization are
yeah bills notes non-human likes
we know that science tells us that is *** a sin is his master base is
an issue I dot
I'm not gonna address y wud is something like that must get a lot of Ian
and brothels in prostitution my last question to you ray and I hope you'll
answer honestly I think you
that I think you will answer this honestly if if
at the unfortunate situation came up where your wife
or your daughter or someone you knew his love to you I
was *** and was impregnated and the like it came down to only one of them
can survive unless you have an abortion a
what would you do that never happens
you're saying that never there's no such thing as a medically necessary abortions
now own house and the life is in danger you just have a caesarean section
as an illegitimate thing to say no that is everything okay let me finish
as I got up the woman the mount my
my wife my daughter has been right by some horrible ***
little is the baby by caesarean section my wife's healthy babies healthy
we raise that child is my