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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Architecture was going through a real transition from being kind of aristocratic
profession to something much more focused on community engagement, community involvement,
designed for people, design justice. Uh, it had a social agenda and the school had that
as well. We continue to hold that as one of the uh, values of architecture that it's supposed
to be engaged with the community at its' broadest sense. Don's been a real leader in our alum's
and in the quest to build excellence in the student body. He was one of a very small number
of graduates who established our star fund, which was an annual amount of money that we
could give to both attract the brightest and the best students around the country but also
to keep the very best here in Wisconsin. There was this, this sense the school inventing
itself ah and having to take responsibility for making a decision, moving forward, not
waiting for other people to tell you what to do. Congratulations Don. Well deserved.