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Hi, it's Allison Czarnecki from Petitelefant.com and today
I'm going to talk to you about seven things you should be doing
before you leave the house.
There are seven things you should be doing
before you leave the house.
You don't want to look tacky when you go to work.
You don't want to show up and have one of your coworkers
tell you that you have a *** line showing.
So make a list in your head, put it in your car,
and check it every so often to remind yourself.
Number one, check your teeth to see if you have any lipstick.
That's the tackiest thing ever, to smile really big
and have lipstick on your teeth.
Number two, check to see if you have a tag
sticking out somewhere.
You don't want somebody to stop you on the street
and tell you that you have a tag sticking out.
Number three, check your makeup.
Sometimes the makeup that looks amazing inside doesn't look
so great right when you're leaving the house.
Do any last-minute touch-ups you need to do
before you head out the door.
Number four, check to see if you have a bra strap sticking out --
tacky, totally tacky.
Number five, see if you have any stains anywhere on your clothes
before you leave.
Number six, see if you have any facial hair or pimples that
need to be taken care of before you leave the house.
And finally, number seven, don't forget to smile.
Smiling goes a long way to making you look pulled-together,
professional, and happy to be there.