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Okay, I'm now with Barack OBAMA.
Mister OBAMA, the US Presidential campaign has started...
Bro! I'm going to kick his ***, the ROMNEY,
He's just a f**ing chicken!
Chicken? How that?
Yesterday he cancelled his Republican Convention
cause of a basic gentle wind, bro!
Oh it's wasn't a gentle wind, it's a tropical storm threatening Florida.
Yeah, tha's what I say... Just wind!
This guy flew away in front of a fu**ing breeze.
Mitt ROMNEY is less courageous than a kite, bro!
Ok but today the tropical storm became an hurricane. It's dangerous!
It's dangerous if you're wearing a wig, bro!
Oh please...
American people would never want a President afraid of draft.
How he will react if he needs to attack Iran ?
"Hello folks, when cannot invade Iran, there's a few wind at Teheran..."
Ok, but we know that such a campaign is basically a question of budget...
and your opponent Mitt ROMNEY outmatch you by $60 millions.
I don't care of his millions.
I just need $20 to beat him.
Yeah bro. With that I'll buy a fan.
At the first debate, I'll put on the fan in his face...
he will run away from the studio, bro!
Oh please. He's not afraid by the wind.
Yeah bro!
Yesterday his Cadillac was highjacked with a hair blower!
But you can't based your election on that!
Hey, it's not my fault if he's a scaredy-cat, bro.
He's so afraid by the wind that he hadn't fart since 30 years!
Okay. Okay... So you're fully confident for your re-election?
It's a done deal, bro.
I 've got the same program as Georges BUSH.
WIND! And he had been elected twice!
It seems very light for a program...
but for America it's seems enough!
Okay, next!