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\f0\b\fs24 \cf2 BY JAMAL ANDRESS \b0 \
I\'92m sure you didn\'92t dunk the first time you picked up a basketball... most people
don\'92t. But this first time treasure hunter got lucky, making the second-largest discovery
ever of late Roman Gold coins.\ \
According to the {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.hemeltoday.co.uk/news/local/first-time-berkhamsted-metal-detector-finds-one-of-uk-s-largest-roman-coin-hoards-worth-100-000-1-4379649"}}{\fldrslt
\cf3 \ul \ulc3 Helmel Gazette}} the man whose name has not been released,
\b \'93is reported to have gone back with 40 of the \'91solidi\'92 coins, dating to
the last days of Roman rule in Britain, and asked: \'91What do I do with this?\'92\'94
\b0 \ \
But he wasn\'92t done yet \'97 a {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218640/Novice-treasure-hunter-bought-basic-metal-detector-40-Roman-coins-worth-100-000.html?ito=feeds-newsxml"}}{\fldrslt
\cf3 \ul \ulc3 Daily Mail}} article says the man who discovered the coins along with the
owners of the shop where he bought his metal detector went back to the site \'97\uc0\u8232
\u8232 \'97 {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Farmland_twixt_St_Albans_and_Harpenden_-_geograph.org.uk_-_87045.jpg"}}{\fldrslt \cf3 \ul \ulc3 St. Albans Field}}, a private
site where Roman treasures have been found before but not of this magnitude.\
\b "We went with them and took with us a couple of slightly more potent machines and we pulled
119 more coins out of the ground \'85 These are 22 carat gold, they haven't got any damage
and they came out of the ground looking like the day they were made."
\b0 \ \
According to the {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19986855"}}{\fldrslt
\cf3 \ul \ulc3 BBC\'92s}} Yvonne Hall, the man who found the coins is not releasing his
identity, hoping to keep things under wraps.\ \
\b \'93The fields around the city have been a great source of Roman Treasure over the
years but it has not been revealed exactly where the coins were found to stop the area
from being overrun by more treasure seekers with metal detectors.\'94
\b0 \ \
According to {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/10/first-time-treasure-hunter-discover-trove-of-roman-era-gold-coins/"}}{\fldrslt
\cf3 \ul \ulc3 ABC}} the owners of the shop, were a bit jealous of the find.\
\b "I've found bits and pieces but nothing like this. I've got immense satisfaction that
the guy came to us and bought the machine from us, but I would be lying if I said I
didn't wish it had been me." \b0 \
\ The coins will be on display at the Verulamium
Museum in St. Albans.\ }