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I hate these injections.
Give me piIIs. - Okay.
CaII from Narsing.
How are you, Narsing?
TeII me.
Is Goddesu feeIing very proud of himseIf?
He was Iike a dog to me.
Even now, he fears me.
I wiII taIk to him.
Send me some money for my treatment.
CaII Goddesu.
Come out, boss.
This is the game of fate.
You used to Iive a royaI Iife.
But now you Iive in this stinking house.
Forget it. Come to me.
I wiII provide you with Iiquor instead of this saIine.
And you were Iike a caIf
but now grown up Iike a bison.
Am I right, boss?
Aren't you a bison?
Looks Iike you are upset.
I heard that you are interfering in Narsing's area.
I got a deaI between you both that neither of you wiII enter other's area.
Don't you respect me?
Shut up.
Is this city your grandfather's to decide about the areas?
AII you need is God's bIessings.
Even a donkey can become a goon.
HooIiganism is Iike a sword.
It wiII be in the hands of the powerfuI.
And wouId pierce someone's heart when he Ioses power.
Now, the entire city is in my controI.
If I Iose my temper, I wiII kiII you too.
I couId say aII this.
But I won't.
You are my Guru in this business. I stiII respect you.
TeII Narsing not to step into my domain.
I think you have forgotten your past.
If I had, you wouId've been dead by now.
Stop staring at me.
I didn't come here just because you caIIed me.
I came here to show some respect to you.
One shouId safe guard his respect and his Iife.
If you Iose your Iife, you wiII never get it back.
Let's go.
OId man, I wiII send you money every month.
Eat and devote time to worship God.
I wiII sIit yourthroat.
You were a goon in the past.
How dare you threaten to sIit my boss's throat?
Oh God!
He is physicaIIy handicapped.
But mentaIIy very powerfuI.
He wiII sacrifice his Iife for me.
If someone shouts at me, he wiII kiII them.
Stop staring. His game is over.
Take him to the buriaI ground.
Krishna, come and wash your hands.
Look out for another patient.
Sister Shantha...
AtIast, your son has written a Ietter to you.
Sister Shantha...
Shantha went to the city in search of his son.
How wiII she find her son in that big city?
Oh my God! why did I Iand in this city?
How wiII I find my son in this big city?
Did you see my son? -who is your son?
He is 6 ft. taII. Very fair & handsome.
Do you have his address? - No.
He wrote many Ietters but never gave his address.
In this city, finding someone with the address is very difficuIt.
And without address, it is impossibIe.
After many years of marriage I gave birth to him.
He is God's gift.
He came to this city without informing me.
I must take him back to my viIIage.
PIease heIp me to find him.
Show me where my son is.
BIoody, you son of gun.
Idiot. who are you?
He rareIy gets into the act.
But you stopped that too.
Narsing is dead.
He promised to give me a fIat in Punjagutta.
HoId on.
How did he die?
He was kiIIed by just one man. He died on the spot.
Parking Paramesh...teII me.
what are you saying?
If he had kiIIed Narsing, I must see him once.
where is he?
In poIice custody. They wiII take him to jaiI tomorrow.
why are you pushing me? This is jaiI.
Do you know who I am?
Siva. 'AkuIa' Siva.
I am not an ordinary goon.
My scream can kiII someone.
'KiIIi' Seenu. - Okay. Go. - 'AkuIa' Siva.
I heard you got transferred from Vizag. when did you come?
Forget about me.
we can't find you even with an arrest warrant against you.
But why are you coming to jaiI on your own?
To see Yogi. -what?-Yes.
If he had kiIIed Narsing, we need to see him.
There is no one in the city. Everyone of them are here.
when wiII he come?
AII city goons are in jaiI now. ShaII I open the D-barracks?
why have they descended on jaiI enmasse?
If he had kiIIed Narsing in one punch,
we must see him. How Iong shouId we wait?
He wiII come. Even I am eager to see him.
Forget about him.
As soon as he enters the jaiI, I'II kiII him.
He wiII die today.
Forget it, boss.
why do you worry? we'II handIe it.
I am taking a huge risk.
If you commit any bIunder, I'II be in a soup.
Go. He wiII die.
Just because I took bribe from you, I Iook so cheap to you.
Let's go.
If Superintendent comes to know about this, there wiII be a big probIem.
Media wiII pIay its part.
PeopIe are used to the media peopIe.
If we are sincere in our duty,
we might get stars but ourfate wiII not change.
Don't make me tense. Order a cup of tea for me.
Yogi is nearing.
Lock aII the prisoners in barracks.
No one shouId stay outside.
Attention to security personneI, Iock up aII the prisoners.
You are too good.
I am Siva, 'AkuIa' Siva.
I wiII aIways be with you.
I am 'KiIIi' Seenu.
I am Iike your brother. Don't forget me.
The entire city is in my controI. Keep me with you.
Open the door.
Fire engine shouId come after the fire is extinguished.
PoIice shouId enterthe picture afterthe vioIence is over.
The power is cut.
we need to guard the prison.
The prisoners are Iocked up. Go.
Stop beating me.
I did this because they promised to give me a piece of Iand.
I won't repeat this.
It is because of peopIe Iike you,
criminaIs do business and run kangaroo courts in jaiI.
Even I am an officer. The court wiII take action against you.
Give him the prisoners cIothes and make him a prison inmate too.
Let's me face the consequences.
Bring Yogi.
AII the goons in the city have come to see you.
None of your reIatives have come.
Don't you have any reIatives?
Sorry madam.- It's aIright. - I didn't see you coming.
Here, both peopIe and vehicIes are very much aIike.
Oh my God!
JournaIism must be very innovative.
If my wife beats me, it is very usuaI.
If I beat my wife, that's news.
I've shot a sensationaI incident.
Take a Iook.
Narsing PeheIwan's brother is burning down the shop.
Burn down everything.
Hyderabad city must burn for my brother's death.
Burn down everything.
She went into Vivekananda coIIege.
You got a good subject for your practicaI.
I'm SaiduIu speaking. - I heard your name before.
I am very popuIar.
PeopIe caII me a goon.
A girI has come to you with a camera.
If that news gets printed, your coIIege and house wiII burn.
Don't get tensed. I wiII handIe it. Okay.
wiII I get 100% in practicaI?
wiII I become a reporter?
News must be sensationaI. But not the phone.
what do you mean? - I mean the TV. we see it everyday on TV.
There is nothing new in this.
Try something new.
You coward!
Your wife wiII burn your French beard.
Did you abuse the principaI?
why wouId I abuse the principaI? - Don't Iie.
You abused him.
Abuse him more.
There's nothing wrong in it.
Idiot! Stupid! ScoundreI!
Did you drink before coming to coIIege?
No. Never.
I drink after coming to coIIege.
I caIIed you today morning but you kept going.
The watchman isn't aIIowing me inside.
You have my son's photo.
Is your son's photo with me?
Yes. It wiII be in your books.
when I hit against you today morning,
I wouId've taken it by mistake.
were you waiting for me in this rain?
Is this the one? - Cover me.
He is my son.
where do you want to go?
what wiII this rain teII you if you ask its destiny?
I'm just Iike the rain.
This city is very confusing.
I've come here in search of my son.
Don't you know his address? - No.
I am stiII searching.
without any proper address, it is difficuIt to search for your son.
I wiII drop you in the bus stand. Go home.
I wiII never go back untiI I see my son. - Mother...stop.
where wiII you search for him without any address?
PeopIe said I can never have chiIdren.
I gave birth to him.
Now you aII say that I can never find him.
I wiII find him.
Start searching for him once the rain stops.
TiII then, stay with me.
where did he come from?
Our viIIage is BethamcherIa near KurnooI.
what's your son's name?
Prasad...Easwara Prasad.
HaiI Lord Shiva!
O Lord! You're an expert in beating drums...
I worship, sing and dance haiIing you...
Showeryour bIessing on me...
Make me a bIessed souI to touch yourfeet...
BIess me to dance in front of you everyday...
The three-eyed God. when you Iive in our homes, we'er bIessed.
Lord, make my heart your permanent abode...
what's on your head?
A moon...
what's on your neck?
BIue coIor...
The drums enIighten the souI of peopIe...
Your weapons destroy the fear in us...
Your eyes have fire. It wiII burn down anything in its way...
what wiII put off that fire?
It is HoIy Ganges in yourtresses...
You're the abode of both water and fire...
You want everyone to Iive in peace and harmony...
Protect and shower your bIessings on our viIIage.
Coming after my dance..? Come.
I wiII teach you a Iesson.
Prasad...stop. - I won't.
when everyone came to see me sing and dance ..you did not. Get Iost.
PIease stop, my son.
I can come afteryou but I can't cIimb trees. Get down.
Neither you have to cIimb up nor I have to get down.
Go away. - I went to buy yourfather's medicines.
He must be waiting for me.
Come, Iet's go. - ReaIIy..? Then, go home.
I know how to make you cIimb down.
Are you going to dance?
Do you think I wiII come down if you dance?
I know you from the day I carried you in my womb.
You can't cheat me.
Even I know you from my birth.
Your husband must be waiting for you. Go.
Come, my boy.
won't you come down?
C'mon dance.
I can't. - Okay. I wiII dance.
Mother, Iet's go home.
Father must be waiting for us.
Has your anger eased?
Anger on you?
I am mad about you.
You are my God.
where is KoIattam Ramamurthy's house?
Go straight. Turn Ieft. 3rd house.
How are you? - It's been very Iong time.
You can Ieave for today. Come tomorrow.
How is your heaIth?
No improvement.
when your heaIth isn't fine, why aII this?
I need to run the famiIy. -Your son is grown up, isn't he?
I stiII have to feed him.
He is stiII a chiId to his mother. - ChiId..?
He was dancing so weII at Lord Shiva's tempIe.
was he dancing?
I saw it whiIe coming here.
He is better than you.
why take up this?
Everyone knows about me. But of no use.
what's Ieft are these photos and cups.
So I advised him to take a job instead of dance.
Let him come. I wiII taIk to him.
Don't run, my boy. Stop.
what now?
You must somehow try to convince your father.
Let me think. - Okay.
You were a great actor yester year, weren't you? -why dig the past?
There are much better actors in my house.
I wiII show them. Come.
Look there.
CouIdn't get a good idea?
If he knows that you danced in the tempIe festivaI instead of finding a job,
..he wiII kiII you.
TeII him that you bought these medicines.
I got it.
You go. I wiII come.
Yes, you are briIIiant.
why is she coming aIone?
This is nothing.
The reaI drama wiII unfoId now.
Keep watching.
when did you come, brother?
How are you?
Did you see our son?
wasn't he with you?
with me?
I saw him Iast night.
I haven't seen him since morning.
why are you stiII standing? Sit.
I must teII you the truth.
He respects his father very much.
Now your pampered son must come. - Father...
Here comes He. -Yes.
Father... - Stop.
where were you since morning?
TeII me the truth. Or eIse I wiII break you Iegs. Idiot.
I went to the hospitaI.
To hospitaI..? For what?
I went earIy morning to buy medicines for my father.
But the doctor was not avaiIabIe. I waited for Iong.
And he came just a whiIe ago.
Here are the medicines.
My good son! You have done a great job.
You give it to your father.
Okay mother.
Oh my God!
Take it, father.
Shantamma, you went to buy medicines in the hospitaI
..but forgot to take your prescription. DoctortoId me to give it to you.
Your father's heaIth is not good.
why don't you find a job and heIp him?
what brought you here, brother?
You're making him a useIess feIIow. -As if everyone is usefuI.
Shut up.
Father... -what happened?
SIowIy...make him Iie down.
HoId him. SIowIy..
Stop shouting at us unnecessariIy.
Mother, go inside.
Go inside.
You aIso Ieave. - If I stay here, he'II shout again.
Father, drink this.
My son... -Yes, father.
I'm not asking you to find a job to Iive on your earnings.
Your mother is very innocent.
A mother wiII onIy bear her chiId for 9 months.
But your mother is bearing you for 22 Iong years.
If something happens to me,
you must Iook after her Iike a father and not Iike a son.
Don't say that. You wiII be fine.
I wiII take good care of you both.
A miII is opening in our viIIage next month.
I wiII work there.
This viIIage is stinking a Iot.
Untidy feIIows!
Prasad, what's aII this?
Count and teII me. - Eight.
what do you do in the city?
Business. -what business?
Cutting business.
what wiII God do when the pocket is fuIIy Ioaded?
Eat weII eIse it wiII faII down.
Her chain costs Rs. 10000.
But she is very careIess. Let me put it in safe.
where do you do your business? -wherever it is crowded.
For my business, I need crowds.
OnIy then it is easy.
My daughter's chain is missing.
I Iost my purse.
Oh! My bag!
I've them safe with me.
You'II find your photos onIy at home.
But not mine.
Basha, you are great.
when you stoIe your mother's goId chain, she feIt bad.
Later, she feIt happy.
why did she feeI bad and why did she feeI happy?
She feIt bad for Iosing goId chain.
But she was happy for getting rid of you.
Mother, if I knew this before,
I wouIdn't have bought this neckIace at aII.
Do you earn so much money in Hyderabad?
Come with me if you want to.
who wiII Iook after my parents if I come there?
Earn money and it wiII Iook after everyone.
You are my chiIdhood friend.
I'm teIIing you this because your mother is my mothertoo,
..come to Hyderabad.
Come to Lord Shiva TempIe
and inquire about Basha's house.
Basha's house. - They wiII guide you to my house.
You wiII get a job and money.
I wiII seek my mother's permission.
If she permits me, I wiII come.
An inauspicious sign on inviting you to Hyderabad!
OnIy 4 persons are taking it. who is the dead man?- Ranga Reddy.
He kiIIed peopIe when he was aIive.
Now that he is dead, no one is going to his funeraI.
Prasad... -what?
Saint who Iived nearthe tempIe has died.
He is not a good man. I won't go. - ShouIdn't say that.
we can skip marriages but not funeraIs.
PeopIe suffer a Iot when they are aIive.
But afterthey die, they are equaI to God.
when you see a dead man, pay yourtributes.
If possibIe, participate in his Iast procession with songs and music.
I'm Ieaving now.
I wiII aIso join you.
You have so much money.
Put a garIand or hire a band..
..so that we can sing and dance.
Lie down.
HoId on for a whiIe.
Ranga Reddy is dead.
No one came to his funeraI. But I went.
I saw priest on my way home.
He gave me waterfrom Ganges and toId me to give it to my father.
Open your mouth.
why are you sitting here? PeopIe are enforcing your mother to do widow's rituaIs.
Like an eIderIy woman, she used to heIp us in every function.
Are you humans?
She is bIeeding.- This is a custom. -what custom?
which God toId you to do aII this?
No, don't say that.
I can't see you in tears.
How can I see you bIeed?
Take this money & give those bangIes.
with this money? They are made out of goId.
So what. I need them for my mother.
I wiII give the rest of the money Iater.
Mother, show me your hands.
what are these? - BangIes.
They won't break.
where did you get them?
From me.
we wiII give him money Iater.
I made them for Rangiah's daughter-in-Iaw.
But he took them away.
Didn't I teII you that I wiII give you money?- Shut up.
Go inside.
I said go.
Don't mistake him.
He took them out of his Iove for me.
He didn't mean to steaI them.
Take them.
where are you taking the Ioad? - To Hyderabad. Give me a Beedi packet.
Did you see Prasad?
No, I didn't see him.
why are you sitting here?
Find some job.
Don't be idIe.
If you're in this viIIage, you have to sit idIe.
Come to the city.
You can buy goId bangIes for your mother.
I wonder what probIems my son is facing now.
Bye dear.
where wiII you go?
It's not so easy to find a man in Hyderabad.
It'II take atIeast an year.
PoIice don't care much about missing persons' compIaints.
I'II do something, I'II get you a coffee, pIease sit down.
Do you stay aIone in such a big house?
I and my uncIe Iive here.
where is he?
He's the most unIuckiest person.
He'II be Ioafing around.
why is it Iisting out aII my misfortunes?
what can it do? It says the truth.
Nobody with such horoscope can Iive on this earth.
BIoody machine...why does it say about danger in water?
You wouId be facing some danger from water.
Is it Vizag to face dangerfrom water?
Is there any sea here? wiII any Tsunami hit us?
This is Hyderabad. BIoody danger from water!
Sir money!
why wouId I try my Iuck if I had money?
Ask your machine if I'II pay or not? Come on pick it up!
with a senseIess machine and few buIbs and cassettes.
Come on, ask it!
It seems you can't pay.
It's not can't pay, it's I won't pay.
Yes sir, because your purse has aIready been picked.
I had Rs.1000 in my purse.
Forget it sir, you're most unIuckiest person.
Do you reaIIy feeI I'II have probIem with water?
I'm sure sir.
He said Rs. 1000 but Rs. 200 is short, bIoody Iiar.
what probIem wouId I face from water? Hyderabad Tsunami...
Danger from water means taking bath and drinking water, so danger from them.
Let me test it.
It's good!
No probIem.
Danger from you? No way, you'II have probIem from me.
why are you dancing in water?
It's road and water, why are you caIIing it as dance?
Is it your home? This is road.
Road? -what???
Look down! -water.
Look down man! - I saw...
I was wondering what might be the danger from water,
I never expected it to be so taII and huge.
My marriage is getting postponed for 3 years since I'm running bad time,
Now the time is Iooking good but you spoiIed it, bIoody idiot.
Yogi is coming out. Goddesu is baiIing him out.
Let him come out.
I'II hack him in the same pIace where he hacked my brother. Hack him!
Boss, stay away from him. He beats Iike a mad man.
Think of the condition of our men had been meted out by him in jaiI.
My Iife has meaning onIy if I kiII him.
I'II kiII him.
who is it?
Isn't aunty in home?
She's inside.
who are you chiIdren?
we'II teII you but first get us some thing to munch.
what's this hooIiganism? Take it.
who is she, aunty?
I'm your aunty and she's my aunty.
She'II stay here onIy, take care of her.
Now you may...
Okay, teII her to give our cut whether you're at home or not.
Give me your son's photo, I must give it for printing.
I'II give.
Dear, your uncIe is sitting in soiIed cIothes without taking bath.
See him.
what's this uncIe?
Danger from water. 7 feet height and 3 tons weight.
A gigantic wave hit me. Tsunami.
Did anyone beat you?
Not beat, but thrashed me.
He beat me bIack and bIue.
Okay, take bath.
Give me a scent if you've, I can't bear this stink.
This is my son's photo.
He's handsome.
wiII you make me your daughter-in-Iaw?
He won't suit you. -why?
He's not educated.
Education isn't a criteria for marriage, aunty.
Don't know where your son is now.
why did you bring us here?
A hero is getting freed from jaiI today. To see him.
I'm Nandhini, I want your interview
Is he a fiIm star or poIitician to interview? PIease go away.
OnIy one interview sir, pIease. - Don't taIk to her, come and sit.
I'II definiteIy interview you.
whose photo is this?
Mrs. Shant's son.
I must find him.
That's the onIy cIue I've to find him.
How can you find him with such a smaII cIue?
Even the biggest Iocks are opened with smaIIest keys onIy.
Okay, where are we going now?
Goddesu? who is he?
Hey Kistudu! Have you arranged for the feast?
Everything is ready boss. - Is it?
what about the nautch girI?
She's here boss.
Boss. -what?
Yogi is here.
weIcome brother.
I've arranged a grand feast in your honour for coming out of jaiI.
Stomach is upset.
Start the music.
O Yogi, bite me...
O Yogi, chew me...
O Yogi, shake me up...
O Yogi, make me a part of you...
Take my heart...take my Iife...
O Iady, may I ask you...
O Iady, may I caress you...
O Iady, may I squeeze you...
O Iady, may I drown myseIf in you...
Though I've a suitor...
And he's coming from CaIcutta...
He's no match to your manIiness...
There are many men in my pIace...
There are many macho men amongst them..
But no one can match your prowers...
You're praising me to the hiIt...
I'II make your dreams come true...
Come cIoserto me... fuIfiII my desires...
Crush my body with your passion...
I'm your unmarried wife...
More sweeterthan wife...
Open the Iatch and put the patch...
Day after tomorrow is inauspicious...
Tomorrow is a bad day...
OnIy today is fresh...
Now the time is good, this moment is auspicious...
why are you deIaying?
Put the aImanacs on back fire...
Strengthen the cot...
Take it.
why did you bring me here?
Brother, I'm tired sick of watching aIways these cattIe around me.
So, I want to keep a Iion with me.
I've ten famiIies IegaIIy and iIIegaIIy.
A house fuII of wives and a compound fuII of cattIe,
and hordes of henchmen.
Maintaining them has become a big probIem.
More over I'm physicaIIy handicapped.
At this juncture you entered this fieId Iike a Tiger.
Boy, be with me.
what shouId I do for you? - ReaI estate.
If Iand is occupied, we'II get it cIeared,
if Iand is vacant, we'II occupy it.
Boss, the girI wants to go. what shouId I teII her?
Nautch girI wants to Ieave, wouId he Iike to have her?
He's young, he hasn't yet taken to bad habits.
BIoody, everyone is innocent when entering any fieId.
Once you enter, you'II know everything.
I don't want him to start on my account, do one thing,
boy, forget it, my back isn't cooperative.
Ask her to go. - Okay.
what have you decided son?
I'II not work for anyone, I've onIy one job,
I must take good care of my mother, I must go back to home.
we've got you out on baiI,
you mustn't Ieave the city of Hyderabad tiII the case is cIosed.
Either I'II be with my mother or with my brother onIy.
I'II not stay here, come brother.
where are you going away?
when boss caIIs, you've to come
and Ieave onIy when the boss says, or eIse stay here onIy.
Are you any great warrior?
Give way. - ShouId I give you way?
Come brother.
Boss, he's dead!
Dead for one punch?
Greetings boss.
Greetings boss.
what happened to you?
what happened to them? They are caIIing me boss.
why won't they?
You were a servant here tiII recentIy,
but now you're a great hero to the entire city.
Craze, in poIitics you earn fame as years pass,
in fiIms you earn name after years of hits,
but goons get fame as their terror spreads.
Once branded as goon, you're a hero.
PeopIe may have never seen you, but use your name to make a Iiving.
I'm Ganesh speaking.
I soId off Shamshabad farm Iong back.
what's there in GachibowIi?
If you want I've some in Shadnagar.
what's going on here? - FIats construction.
You soId this Iand to me, right?
I soId the site to you, but soId the fIats to other customers.
Take the brochure.
Excuse sir, we need to taIk to you.
wait a minute, I'm taIking to the Iand owner.
Did you see? He said I own the Iand.
You own the Iand but fIats beIong to other customers.
No sir...
why are you interfering between ourtaIks?
I'm the reaI owner of this Iand site.
what's this?
wiII there be just one owner for a Iand site in Hyderabad?
There wiII be atIeast 4 or 5 peopIe. whoever is Iucky wiII get it.
Is it any big deaI?
Are you trying to cheat us? I'II hang you from Charminar.
Okay, cooI off, I'II settIe things in a second.
HeIIo boss, it's me Ganesh here, give the phone to boss Yogi.
who is Yogi? - I'II teII you.
HeIIo boss Yogi, it's me Ganesh.
It seems peopIe here don't know. Just a minute.
He's Yogi, who hacked down Narsing PeheIwan recentIy..
The site on which we soId the fIats, two peopIe are here cIaiming ownership.
Others haven't come, may be not aware of it.
Boss, a man here is chaIIenging to hang you from Charminar.
Just a minute boss.
Boss is on Iine, taIk to him.
wait nearJubiIee HiIIs bus stand, I'II be there in haIf an hour.
Let's catch a bus to Karimnagar.
we don't have any connection with this site.
what a fate! Goons are heIping reaI estate business to fIourish.
I'm Ganesh here.
Mr. Anjibabu, a great site, east facing with extension on east.
Come immediateIy to book.
why to a fiIm now? - Then suggest an aIternative.
Your brother has hired goons to bash up your Iover.
How dare you Iove my boss' sister!
Beat him, I don't mind whatever happens to him.
Come, Iet's stop him.
No, if my brother sees me in this dress, he'II kiII me.
Give me the dot.
Beat him.
why are you beating him?
It seems he Ioves my sister.
That's why.
She too Ioves me.
He's Iying, my sister hates Iove.
when I asked herto use Fair and LoveIy fairness cream,
she refused saying there's Iove in it.
Is he teIIing the truth? - True.
Didn't I teII you?
Not what my brother said, but what he said.
what's this? Your sister is taIking siIIy.
Enough of it, get out from here.
Do you know who I'm? I'm 'KiIIi' Seenu.
Do you know who I am? I'm Yogi's Iover.
why did you come out in sun? won't your skin get tanned?
TeII brother that I inquired about him in coIIege.
He's not your brother but brother-in-Iaw.
For goons, it's aIways brother not brother-in-Iaw.
For us sister is more important than his sister.
You saved Sony by Iying to them as Yogi's Iover.
why shouIdn't the Iie turn true?
what are you saying?
He's very handsome.
where's Nandu? - She's in the second fIoor.
Verandah isn't right pIace, toiIet is the right pIace.
BIoody PrincipaI doesn't aIIow me to drink openIy.
It's gone waste.
what are you doing in bathroom?
what wouId anyone do in bathroom otherthan *** and ***?
Not onIy that peopIe use it to cry if wife abuses or bashes them up.
My wife never beats me.
How can she beat if you're drunk aIways?
Come and take the car out.
I smeII beer here. Have they used beer as disinfectant?
what are you shrieking in hospitaI?
ShouIdn't I? Is it any Iibrary?
It's aII burnt.
what if burnt? -where's the doctor?
He'II come, why are you in a hurry?
Is he fire engine to come Iate? where is he?
He patted on my buttocks again, bIoody idiot.
why do you aIways pat a woman's buttocks?
I go mad on seeing buttocks.
why did you shriek now, boy?
why did you pat my back so hard, boy?
Doctor sir.
what's your probIem?
Fire accident.
Did you burn it yourseIf or someone eIse?- MyseIf.
LittIe or fuIIy burnt? - FuIIy burnt.
why did you burn your bums?
It was fate. -why fate?
why are you asking siIIy questions? Start the treatment.
why are you handIing me roughIy?
Did you use kerosene or petroI? - I don't know.
How can I treat without knowing it?
You're burning me more than it.
AppIy BurnoI and bandage it.
Can I go home after bandaging?
No, you've to stay here for a month. -why?
You must pay for the biII, mustn't you? - For burnoI?
How much ever big the hospitaI may be...
Don't pat again, I'm ready to stay for 2 months aIso.
How is it?
UnbearabIe pain.
Fire is aIways affective.
Now I got you.
Ordinary viraI fever, don't worry.
So expensive to teII this.
wait brother.
Use these medicines, you'II get better.
why does your uncIe aIways get into troubIe?
He can't stay out of troubIe.
PIease don't mind son, I mistook you for my son.- No probIem.
Aunty, pIease don't mistake any young man for your son.
It's not good.
what to do? A mother's Iove is mad.
Rs. 100 more pIease.
I think you're swindIing us for medication.
wait brother, money is nothing compared to heaIth.
No, may be he's someone eIse.
what aunty? Did you mistake someone eIse as your son?
Any young man Iooks Iike my son.
Don't get tensed, you'II sureIy find him.
I'm aIso on it.
How are you now?
How can I teII you?
How couId you sit on fire?
I didn't sit on fire, but it caught fire after I sat.
It was a big bIow.
where are you man?
Take it.
Take the pamphIet.
Oh Yogi!
Recognized me?
Nandhini, I met you outside the jaiI.
JournaIism student.
Didn't recognize me?
what are you writing so seriousIy?
To whom?
Mother, hou are you?''
I am fine here''
Eat properIy.
Don't you know to read TeIugu?
Are you writing TeIugu?
Is it? -Yes.
Okay, take this pamphIet.
My hands are not free.
I'II keep it in your pocket.
what's this?
Read it when your hands are free.
Son, I'm in Hyderabad staying with Nandhini, come and meet me, your mother.
Letter's addressed to which pIace? - BethamcherIa.
this is IocaI, put into that box.
I'II not Ieave you without taking your interview.
I didn't see you.
where do you come from? Are you bIind?
I'II cIean it.
PIease don't mind it.
where do such peopIe come from?
who are you scoIding?
That guy.
Do you know who he is?
who so ever it may be, I don't care.
He's Yogi.
why is he going aIone?
Aren't we foIIowing him?
Go and say sorry to him. - He has aIready Ieft.
where are you coming from? -A smaII hamIet near SrikakuIam.
Not from Hyderabad.
I don't know anything. I'm not him. - Come here.
You again?
why are you going aIone?
what if anyone attacks you?
Aren't you doing it now?
Then you must counter attack me.
why are you after me?
Go away.
why are you so angry?
Am I asking you to marry me?
Am I asking you to sIeep with me?
Am I asking you to give me chiIdren?
I'm asking just an interview.
Are you reaIIy a girI?
Are you reaIIy a boy?
Go away. - I said no.
Look, you're beautifuI and chubby.
why are you after me?
You say I'm beautifuI, why don't you date me?
You...you're shameIess.
How far can you go Ieaving me?
You're young, smart, and handsome...
You've taken over my heart...
You're young, chic, and beautifuI...
You've spoiIed my sIeep with your sweet kisses...
You're my goon...
You're my king...
You're my mischief...
You're my head ache...
I'm mad on you and I'm giving myseIf to you...
Don't pinch me with you rejection...
Don't Iet me go mad...
I'II pinch you...
I'II cure your madness...
You're six feet taII...
I can easiIy remember you...
Can any girI resist faIIing for you?
I see you in everyone...
You smiIe beautifuIIy...
Can any youngman remain sane?
It's your mistake and my mistake...
Let's commit sin together...
It starts from the girIs, so teII me what sin shaII we commit?
My eyes wink at you without my knowIedge...
My hands caress your hips without my knowIedge...
My shadow foIIows you without my knowIedge...
My sari end fIies on you without my knowIedge...
My finger scratches your dimpIe on cheek without my knowIedge...
I gave myseIf to you in dream without my knowIedge...
who are they?
SaiduIu wants to kiII you.
PeopIe need you.
I Iive for my mother and not for peopIe.
TiII now, peopIe feared goons.
But now, goons fear you.
Turn their fear into a weapon and protect the poor.
I don't need this vioIence and weapons.
I'm going back to my viIIage.
My mother must be waiting for me.
Yogi, your mother is not in the viIIage.
what do you mean? -Yes.
Seeing your Iove for your mother,
I sent my men to bring your mother here.
But your mother wasn't there.
She came here Iooking for you.
The Ietters you wrote to your mother have returned undeIivered.
what's happening?
why did you keep your whereabouts a secret to your mother?
I feared that she might take me back.
Now I wrote my address, but the Ietters have returned.
Poor Iady!
She hasn't crossed the viIIage tiII now.
I wonder how she came here
and the troubIes she is facing now.
I wiII find my mother at any cost.
Don't go aIone.
Your Iife wiII be in danger if SaiduIu knows.
who the heII is SaiduIu?
what's the probIem between us?
You shouIdn't have picked the sword.
Once you take it, you can't Ieave it.
You mean to say that to Iive, shouId I kiII someone?- Don't kiII.
But Iive.
HeIp others Iive.
A middIe cIass man struggIes hard for 30 years to buy a piece of Iand.
But they encroach his Iand.
Footpath dweIIers struggIe to earn Rs. 100 a day.
But they take Rs. 50 from them.
They are the most affected Iot.
You shouId not onIy Iive for your mother.
But aIso for poor peopIe Iike us.
If something happens to you,
it is your mother who wiII become an orphan.
Don't say that.
I wiII be fine.
Even my mother wiII be fine.
I wiII some how find my mother.
Come, Iet's go.
Oh! Prasad!
Are you going out to find your mother?
Go sIowIy.
Looks Iike someone has come.
Now the time is 1 am.
MaIIesh wiII kiII Yogi in another 30 minutes.
MaIIesh...what happened?
what happened?
You onIy know to hoId a knife.
But I know even to kiII.
Come. As soon as I open the door, chop him into pieces.
You stand here. I wiII open the door and you kiII him.
It's we.
Yogi, don't part with this knife.
It wiII heIp the poor.
Prasad... - Mother..
where shouId I keep Iooking for you?
Do you know how hard I am Iooking for you?
why did you Ieave me?
Don't say that.
That's it!
I think he's thinking about his mother.
It's a reaI Iife story fiImed... when wiII the mother and son meet?
I've booked everything. Even Videocon fridge.
Videocon is the company's name.
In ''Mysore Bajji'' you won't find Mysore in it.
SimiIarIy, you won't find Video in Videocon.
we need buy a new video pIayer if we want one.
I've Ioaded everything.
Do you want it? - No.
Anything eIse? - Nothing.
Take it. -what is it?
I toId you that I need nothing. -You must settIe this biII amount.
SettIement...? I must do it.
Excuse me.
HeIIo, brother Yogi.
Someone wants to settIe the biII here.
He said that he is coming here to settIe the biII.
I didn't pack Home theatre foryou. Do you want one?
No thanks.
He wiII come & wiII take what he wants.
This is your Iegs not hands. - I have Iegs.
Don't worry. - Come here.
Me? -Yes.
He must be caIIing you.
I caIIed you.
why me?
Do you know Yogi?
He wiII kiII you aII.
Get down. - GentIy.
How much did you make? -Just 2 Iakhs.
TeII the truth.- 6 Iakhs. - Take it out.
Take this money.
I have invested the rest in Margadarsi chit funds.
I wiII give it next month.
Remove your cIothes.
From which area?
Very posh. JubiIee HiIIs. And you?
Punjagutta. -Your profession?- ReaI estate.
And you? - Me too.
How many of you are in reaI estate?
One says Hi-tech city. Another one says FAB city.
One says Kokapet. And another says Gandipet.
One says Car company. Another one says roads wiII be Iaid.
Since everyone has entered into reaI estate,
we are struggIing for our IiveIihood. BIoody you...brother!
what is the probIem?
It's aII my anxiety.
Even pickpocketers Iike him are into reaI estate.
My Iegs are aching sitting here.
PIease show us Yogi once.
There he is. Look.
Brother, I beg you. PIease Ieave us.
what everyou have swindIed from the poor
shouId be returned back to them in 2 days.
If you faiI to do so...
we wiII return the money back.
we are mere puppets.
But SaiduIu & Goddesu Ioot us & the city. - Keep them under controI.
Do you need this pIace worth miIIions foryou to Iive?
These Iabourers were once farmers.
They came here to seek a IiveIihood. But you guys don't even aIIow them to Iive.
why is he after us?
Hereafter, no one shouId give money to anyone.
If anyone Iays his hand on your hard earned money,
chase him & beat him Iike a dog.
Let it be anyone...anyone.
Fear none.
I'm scared of him.
Perform operation & save my chiId.
Doesn't she know that she wiII give birth to a chiId whiIe having sex.
She must have made the money and then had sex with her husband.
Doctor is a step above God.
Don't do everything for money.
Forgive me for hitting you.
This girI's name is Shanthamma.
You are a very good guy.
May your house turn into goId...
O my angeI!
I'II imprison myseIf on your Iap...
May you become my pIeasures...
O my handsome!
I wiII Iive in your arms for 100 years...
I'm the parrot and you're the sugarcane...
when I bite don't refuse...
I'm the sIate and you are the chaIk...
when we unite, write our Iove story on it...
If you can't cherish my beauty, my beauty means nothing...
If I can't pIay the Iove games with you, it isn't a game at aII...
without you, there is no earth...
If I don't Iive in you, I don't exist...
You are a Ieader! I wiII sureIy win overyou...
You are Iike a story. I wiII finish reading you...
Nosepin said it wiII never hinder us whiIe kissing...
AnkIets promised not to make noise...
Shyness said it wiII hide the secret...
Your upper cIoth said it wiII never sIip...
I met a reaI man in you and I'II not Iet you off the marriage hook...
I met a hot sexy siren and I'II not Iet her go without having her...
Sir, reIax for 5 minutes.
I wiII caII you when everything is ready.
Sandhya, show him the room. - Okay.
Yogi is here. Arrange forthe Iive teIecast.
what was my sin?
why my Iife has become Iike this?
I used to Iive happiIy in my viIIage.
why shouId my mother get separated from me?
ShaII I teII you something.
Good & bad deeds of our previous birth
are the happiness & sorrows of this birth.
My son was kiIIed in an accident whiIe I watched.
Did he faII underthe Iorry intentionaIIy?
Did the Iorry driver intentionaIIy kiIIed him?
It's a game of fate.
You don't worry.
There is no pIace without a TV set nowadays.
Your mother wiII see this program.
A speciaI guest has come to our program today.
Everyone knows about me.
Aunty... -what?
Yogi whom I mentioned is on a TV show.- ReaIIy?
Come. - I am coming.
why are you so upset?
Like aIways, the power went off.
There is a program on TV.
Can you fix it or not?
The probIem is not here. It must be in the transformer.
I've nobody otherthan my mother in this worId.
I Iive for my mother.
It's aII yours. Go.
why are you waIking Iike that?
Practicing Yoga.
It hasn't heaIed yet!
I must send him to toiIet.
who invented the steps?
If I get hit by that baII, I am finished.
I wiII go this side. I wiII take rest & come back Iater.
who wants to pIay cricket? It gives us nothing.
There is no air.
Can't you go on the other side?
You stopped a baII which was about to touch the boundary.
Mix water in miIk & not miIk in water.
My miIk has a good market vaIue.
Don't spoiI my reputation. Mix properIy. wash it properIy.
Boss, SaiduIu is coming.
Guys, take the knives.
He shouIdn't cross the gate.
Boss, Iet's kiII him.
Say yes.
CaIm down.
I knew he wouId come.
But I didn't expect him with you.
He feeIs bad for what he had done.
He was begging me for a month to compromise with you.
Forgive him.
He was once your man. -Yes.
But he & Narsing tried to kiII me.
They missed.
Narsing died & he Iost the power.
Now he wants my support.
So, he has come with the poIice recommendation.
Forget it.
It's good if you both unite. - Foryou?
I've no seIfish motives in this. Trust me.
To trust you is Iike cIimbing up a Iive eIectric poIe.
He is the same oId man. Come & faII at his feet.
It was my fauIt. PIease forgive me.
He has changed.
He wiII Iisten to you. I guarranty
Is it? -Yes boss.
I wiII do anything you say.
KiII him.
KiII him.
what is aII this?
A bridge between God and devotee.
You brought him to me.
And he is ready to kiII you. Don't you understand?
He is an idiot.
You scoundreI!
KiII him & bury him.
I'II ensure no case is fiIed. - Don't make noise.
The buffaIoes might get scared. I even miIk a buII.
This idiot is nothing.
You go to work. I wiII take care.
You scoundreI!
You're stiII the same.
Yogi, Iet me teII you some truth.
Past is past. Forget the past.
From today onwards, SaiduIu wiII not cross your path.
Forget him. He wiII do his business.
what do you say?
Does business mean cheating poor,
..kiIIing innocents?
I won't accept. - That's common in our business.
Common foryou, not for me.
ActuaIIy... - No.
I said No.
How dare you threaten him?
Are you a big goon?
I wiII kiII you.
Shut up, you idiot! Make no noise
You are a new buffaIo in this compound.
what do you know about him? Move.
You can go, my son.
Give him way.
why did you stop me? One punch & he'II dead.
That's why I stopped you.
He is very Iucky today.
He has returned from the verge of death.-Yes.
why are you keeping quiet?
what does he think of himseIf?
You got him reIeased from jaiI. And you made him a big shot.-Yes.
He doesn't even respect you.
what shaII we do now?
He's very arrogant.
Let's kiII him.
You rascaI!
what's wrong with you? - I don't Iike it.
I don't want Yogi to be kiIIed.
Traitors! Cheats!
we Iive on peopIe's bIood.
He is heIping peopIe to Iive.
For us to Iive, he must die.
No more second thoughts.
I want to meet Yogi. - He doesn't speak to girIs.
why is it so?
Didn't he teII you not to come after him?
why did you come again?
To get his interview. - That's impossibIe. You can Ieave.
Go. He asked you to come in.
Did he reaIIy teII you?
No. I sent her inside. -why?
Nobody comes to see ourfaces.
when she has come for him, why to send her away?
How many times to teII you?
what do you want to know about me?
I want peopIe to know.
Many Iike you forthe good work you do. - So what?
If I do a news articIe about you,
I wiII pass the practicaI and wiII become a journaIist.
TeII me about yourseIf to get my degree.
There is nothing much to teII you.
Thousands come to this city everyday searching for a job.
And even I came forthat.
where to find Basha here?
Lord Shiva, I must get a job soon.
I must buy goId bangIes for my mother very soon.
And I must go back to my viIIage soon. Got it?
where is Basha bhai's house?
which Basha?
Don't you know Basha?
BethamcherIa Basha.
I've found someone to sponsor my food.
He said that everyone knows him. - Did you come for Basha?
Do you know Basha?
I got him a job. -You are great.
Take me to Basha.
Let's go. - See you.
TeII my inquiries to SI. - Okay.
3 chappati, 3 idIy, 3 dosa.
He caught an innocent scapegoat.
we are just 2 of us. why order 3?
I ordered for me aIone.
So much?
No. Very IittIe. I am very busy.
I have no time to eat.
So, I eat aII 3 square meaIs in one shot.
Chotu, how are you? - Fine.
You have a machine in your stomach.
How couId you digest so much food every time?
He is very busy.
He has no time to eat.
He eats aII 3 square meaIs in one shot. -Yes. He is very busy.
That's why he eats aII 3 square meaIs in one shot.
Idiot! UseIess feIIow. Get Iost.
we both said the same thing, right? -Yes.
This idiot wiII confuse everyone. Don't taIk for sometime.
They are getting coId. - Eat.
Make chappatis softer. It takes Iot of time to digest.
Don't you've any work other than eating & digesting it?
No work? He is very busy.
He eat aII 3 square meaIs in one shot, right?
You shouIdn't teII that here. And don't teII him aII that.
How much? - Rs. 85.
Do you have change for Rs. 500?
I've change for Rs. 1000. Give me the note.
How wiII you manage if you give me aII the change?
Do you have any change?
Yes, I have.
Give it.
Poor boy!
what is yourfriend's name? - Basha.
what does he do?
You said you know everything about him.
I remember everything before food.
I forget everything afterfood.
Do one thing. Sit here.
I wiII go & bring him and find a job foryou.
Sit here tiII I come. - Okay.
How much is the bet?
Rs. 1000. - Rs. 1000?
we can even bet Rs. 10000 tiII peopIe are meek goats.
what? - Give the phone to SaiduIu.
Yes, teII me.
Goddesu is coming aIone in an Esteem car.
which road?
Durgamma Iake Road.
He is with that handicapped guy.
Car number?
who are you waiting for?
He won't come.
Take this spread & sIeep. Get up in the morning & go back to your viIIage.
This is not Iike your viIIage. Everyone is a cheat here.
Curse me but not this city.
This is such a good pIace.
I met him & he promised to get me a job.
where wiII you find a city Iike this? - It's aII yourfate.
I am teIIing you again.
Catch the first bus tomorrow morning and go back to your viIIage.
I won't Ieave this city untiI I get a job.
Let's sIeep. He wiII wake me up.
The song is great.
But the beer is not so coId.
what is happening?
Let's go.
Is there a hospitaI near by?
You are aIright.
You wiII be fine.
Just hoId your breath.
what happened? - They Iost a Iot of bIood.
Save them.
who admitted Goddesu?
I admitted them here.
You? -Yes, it is me.
How Iong are you working with Goddesu gang?
I neither know who Goddesu is northe guys who tried to kiII him.
Then, why did you admit them in the hospitaI?
Is it wrong to heIp someone?
TeII me.
SaiduIu has escaped.
Those who were caught are under inquiry.
The one who got them admitted is ignorant.
He knows nothing.
what city is this?
I heIped them but they're beating me to puIp.
TeII them to reIease me.
Greetings sir. -what is it?
He is no way connected to the Iast night's incident.
Yes. I swear. I am innocent.
Keep quiet. You are eating my brain since Iast night.
Is he in the crime Iist?
No sir.
He came to the city yesterday onIy.
He is innocent.
I wiII take responsibiIity for him.
PIease reIease him.
what is his name?
His name is Yogi.
I used my dead son's name to get you out.
Go back to your viIIage.
Just now you said I'm your son.
why are you asking me to Ieave then?
Give me some work.
No fragrance can match the smeII of money.
Yes, boss. It's mesmerizing.
Boss, Goddesu has survived.
He has fiIed a case on us.
Inspector is itching to take action on us.
TaIk to the DSP once. - DiaI his number.
Boss, sister's caII. -which sister?
KukatpaIIi DhanaIakshmi.
Greetings DSP. - I came there a day before yesterday onIy.
I'II come next week.
Boss, DSP is on Iine.
HoId the Iine.
HeIIo DSP sir, nothing to worry when you are here sir.
It seems our SaiduIu has been impIicated in Goddesu's *** case.
He's just a kid, sir.
You've caught 3 peopIe, make them as prime accused & add SaiduIu as co-accused.
I'II take care of baiI Iater.
Do you want tender? - Hey, DSP is on Iine.
Gag his mouth and beat him. - Shut your mouth.
A smaII settIement here.
I'II send your payment by month end.
BIoody. - Boss, sister.
whisky is not avaiIabIe in market, I'II send Brandy, drink it.
Have you got anyone on vigiI at her home?
MaIIesh and Venkat are on duty.
Don't use men, engage women.
She's not human if she drinks. - Gag his mouth.
what's his probIem?
It seems he wants highways toII gate tender.
Goddesu supports him. - Stop it.
You don't care for human Iife.
To kiII a man, you need a good reason to do it.
Ask the reason from him.
wiII you give up yourtender?
Leave him. - No, I'II not.
Look, we have a reason now, we can kiII him now.
6 months Iater...
How is my dress?
You Iook Iike a hero.
They are shining.
It wiII get more sheen on mother's hands.
You're smart, you achieved your aim.
How much you need to traveI?
Boss has come to the site, send teas immediateIy.- Okay.
Prepare speciaI teas for boss,
Yogi, have these teas deIivered on site.
Brother, my dress may get spoiIed.
Just now you said hero and want me to deIiverteas.
Chotu isn't here now. PIease deIiver it.
No brother, I'm getting Iate to the bus.
I must reach home fast and meet my mother.
PIease deIiver one Iast time. - Okay.
I'II not come back, I'II proceed to my pIace after deIivering tea.
Mad boy.
Brother, tea.
Boss, he's Goddesu's saviour.
Take it, brother.
Rip out his skin and send it to him.
Shivers wiII run down his spine.
Take it brother.
what bothers you if anyone dies on road?-who?
why did you take the dying man to the hospitaI?
Oh that man! How can I Ieave a dying man?
You must Ieave him, ***!
Abusing my mother? what did she do to you?
what did my mother do to you, you son of gun?
Come here. Come.
Are you fine? - I don't want aII this troubIe.
I'm going away to my pIace, pIease Ieave me aIone.
what's that? - BangIes.
For my mother.
Let me see it.
Is it foryour mother or for some street girI?
PIease don't taIk bad, it's wrong. Return it, I'II go away.
You can go. You're very proud.
That's why you dared to hoId my brother's shirt.
Those bangIes are my mother, don't pIay with it. Return them.
Is it your mother?
Oh no! I mustn't stay here.
Boss...where are you going?
He's bashing up everyone out there.
Come, Iet's go away.
Mother Goddess! PIease show my son to me.
BIoody ***!
How dare you stamp on my mother's bangIes!
Do you know what a mother is? ***!
Mother, I didn't kiII him wantonIy.
Let's take him to a hospitaI.
Take the vehicIes.
Search the ***.
who are you searching?
You know for whom I'm searching?
You know why aIso.
If anything happens to my peopIe, I'II not spare anyone.
who ever it may be!
Boss, we searched every pIace, he's not here.
warn SaiduIu,
my bIood is more hotter and my sword is more sharper.
For good I'm good, if he acts smart, I'II roII down his head.
warn him...warn him.
Hey! Did you hear his indirect threat?
He warned us using SaiduIu's name.
Did you get it? - I got it.
Sorry brother.
BIoody sorry, I made a fooI proof pIan.
You faiIed miserabIy in kiIIing him.
I missed the buIIet by inches.
His sword won't miss Iike your buIIet. Be aIert.
Boss. -what?
SaiduIu tried to kiII us, Yogi saved your Iife,
we committed a Iot of sins, don't add one more by kiIIing Yogi.
Can we Iet a HoIy BasiI pIant grow in *** pIantation?
we weed it out.
Same in our business too.
HaiI Lord Shiva!
Lord, if I steaI near my mosque, they'II make mince meat of me.
So I'm here at yourtempIe. PIease forgive for my sins.
Beggars are more here than devotees.
Oh sweet boy! How smart you are!
Sir, your son is repIica of you.
Hey, he's my son.
Is it? Then you're a repIica of your son.
SiIIy, you finish it quickIy.
when you grow big and come good in Iife, buy onIy goId.
Don't buy anything eIse.
There wiII be many uncIes Iike me, right?
why is he caIIing his mother?
BIack shirt uncIe... - So what?
ChocoIate. -AIways chocoIate.
Let's buy on the way back.
Thank God, danger passed away.
I'II return it sir... - It's me Prasad.
which area SI? - Turn back.
Prasad? You? when did you come here?
why didn't you meet me? -where am I to search foryou?
You gave this tempIe address and asked me to come here.
You were not here, where eIse do I've to search you?
A new open airtempIe was buiIt in ChanchaIguda,
I was forced to Iive there for 6 months.
There's a jaiI in ChanchaIguda not a tempIe.
There's a tempIe inside, priests offer prayers in khaki uniforms.
Do you know it?
How is your mother back in viIIage?
Mother is not in viIIage. - Then?
She's here onIy.
I've onIy him and he has onIy me, we don't have anyone eIse for us.
Lord, pIease unite us.
It's my responsibiIity to unite you both. I've a good network here.
You gave address, right? I'II bring your motherthere. Okay?
Hey...stop....you...stop.. - It's the same man, mummy.
O Lord Shiva...what sort of a game is this?
PIease unite mother and son once...
Show mercy...
why did you caII me urgentIy?
How did you get hurt? -A man beat me.
who is he?
He's going to marry the girI I Iove.
He beat me fortrying to stop him. -who is he?
He's a man with spIit personaIity.
SpIit personaIity? what does it mean?
He's Iike Vikram in fiIm 'Aparichithudu'.
If he's Vikram of the fiIm 'Aparichithudu', I'm Rajinikanth of the fiIm 'Chandramukhi'.
How Iong wiII you hang on to those fiIms?
PIease adjust for one Iast time.
Okay, go ahead.
where is he now?
what's your name?
Though name isn't new, yourface is.
what's that?- Bananas.
why are they not in bunches?
what's this? - SiIk sari.
where's siIk in this?
what's that? - Sweets.
why didn't you cover it?
Nobody is concerned about cIeanIiness, or have responsibiIity orfoIIow ruIes.
Nobody knows anything about quaIity.
It's irresponsibiIity everywhere.
Brother, someone is bashing up our peopIe.
Are you the groom? -Yes sir.
Either marry the girI you Iove orthe girI who Ioves you.
why are you marrying someone eIse's Iover?
My marriage got canceIIed for 37 times tiII date.
PIease don't spoiI this time too.
why are you begging, man?
It seems you've a spIit personaIity.
who is seeing the bride now? You orthe other man?
Ask him to come out.
what's the date today? -January 10th.
He won't get up before February 10th,
come, I'II get you married to the man you Iove.- BIoody fooI!
why did you change your voice? - Not me.
why did you beat him? -who?
why did you faII down sir? why did you faII beating me sir?
You don't know about me.
You don't know about me, what were you saying about Iove just now?
when did I taIk about Iove? -why are you shivering sir?
Stay in this mood, I'II escape.
TiII now 37 peopIe had spoiIed my chances of marriage.
I kiIIed aII the 37 peopIe.
If you spoiI it now. I'II kiII you aIso.
wiII you kiII for a siIIy mistake aIso?
If you spoiI one marriage, it's a smaII mistake.
If 10 peopIe spoiI 10 marriages 10 times? - It's a grave mistake.
If 37 peopIe spoiI 37 marriages 37 times? - It's mistake in a way.
If IittIe mistakes gather & become a mega mistake and pIay with a man's Iife,
how wiII he ever marry in Iife?
But peopIe say marriages are made in heaven.
why are you gesturing Iike this sir? -You're kiIIing me.
I saw in my Iife Brahmanandam, SuniI, MS Narayana, Venu Madhav.
But you're an actor par exceIIence.
I Iove you, not you but the other man.
I'm beating you Iike a hero, why are you comparing me with comedians?
Do you know my punishment for peopIe Iike you?
I don't know sir. - Louder pIease.
I don't know! I don't know sir.
If you spoiI engagement, crush to death.
If you spoiI marriage, boiI aIive.
If you spoiI honeymoon, insects wiII eat you aIive.
If anyone Iike you spoiIs bride seeing ceremony, spear piercing.
Spear piercing? what's that? GarIand of spears?
I can never understand this man.
why did you bring the Iamp here?
You...you brought it here sir.
Me? why?
Have you forgotten about spear punishment?
Leave me! - Sit man!
why are you sitting on the Iamp when there are chairs here?
Strange tastes!
Has it pierced deep? Are you great Rajinikanth?
I've aIso seen fiIms & Iearnt this trick.
I don't have any spIit personaIity disorder.
I'II marry you onIy.
what are you saying sir?
This is Shantamma's story and that's Yogi's story.
Her son is a simpIe innocent viIIager.
Yogi is a notorious goon.
How can they both be the same man?
Is there any ruIe barring innocents from becoming goons?
No sir. -Your research isn't upto the mark.
You're missing some detaiIs.
There's a son in her story.
There's a mother in his story.
why shouIdn't they be mother & son? -why shouId they?
If it turns true, your articIe wiII become a sensationaI hit.
why do you aIways find fauIt with my articIes sir?
AII you want is detaiIs about Yogi's parents, right?
Yes. - I'II get it right now.
Chotu, come here.
what's it uncIe?
why is she after Yogi despite my repeated warnings?
GirIs are Iike that, they foIIow when you refuse.
You're an oId man in young body. - I'm a chiId Iabourer, uncIe.
I'II be in troubIe if Govt. knows it.
Manage and send her away. - Okay.
what sister?
Isn't Yogi here? - No.
where ever I go I here the same answer, he just Ieft.
He himseIf doesn't know where he'II be. - Give me a cIue.
He might've run away to some desert fearing you.
Go boy.
I'II go.
Are you in desert?
what are you doing in desert?
Though you're doing penance in desert, I'II not Ieave you.
I'II ring the beIIs with you...
I'II rake up raging fire in you...
I'II caress you with my kisses...
I'II massage you with my Iips...
I'II Iaunch a Iove war...
I'II bIow the war bugIe right now...
I'II show you the garden of Iove...
I'II counter-attack you immediateIy...
I'II show my prowess...
I'II remove aII your doubts...
I'II make you forget sainthood...
I'II drown you in carnaI Iove...
I'II give up the Iife of ascetic foryou...
I'II perform the sacrifice of Iove... Spread aII overyou...
I'II give you what I've never given to any man and ceIebrate Iove...
I'II give rest to desires... I'II give you deIight every moment...
Come, Iet's unite fast...
A beauty is inviting you with arms open...
Touch my feet and sIowIy spread over me...
Kiss my knees, I Iike it...
I'II caress your waist and conqueryou sIowIy...
I'II stroke your neck IustiIy...
Beauty is mine but experiences are ours...
ExpIoring is my duty, worId of bIiss is ours...
what? why did you come here again?
why are you getting angry on me?
I searched you aII overthe pIace.
Okay, come to the point.
You didn't give yourfuII name, and detaiIs about your parents.
It's not I didn't give but you didn't ask.
My native pIace is BethamcherIa.
My native pIace is BethamcherIa near KurnooI.
Your mother's name?
YourfuII name?
Easwar Prasad.
what happened? why are you so excited?
Do you've a phone here?
Your doubt turned true.
Yogi is none otherthan Shantamma's son.
I can neverforget in my Iife for uniting mother and son.
what happened to brother?
TeII this to his mother immediateIy.
See how happy she wiII feeI.
Yogi...stop...your mother is in my house.
Brother, why here? MiddIe cIass peopIe, we'II not get much.
I'm Iike chit fund company.
My target is middIe cIass.
Though we rob any number of peopIe or any number of times,
not a souI wiII squeak.
As many middIe cIass peopIe, rob them as many times.
Banks orfinance companies,
Iand site orfIats,
aII middIe cIass gets is tears,
what does it mean?
I too don't know.
Ourtarget is middIe cIass.
So you go to GowIiguda bus stand.
Go away, don't show yourface to me.
Hey boy! what's your dad's name? -Janardhan?
what does he do? - SI
Are you SI Janardhan's son?
If you wear chain outside, peopIe may steaI it.
It was bought from money Iooted from us.
Take it into your hands and then put it safeIy into your pocket.
why did you take my chain?
I was pIaying hide and seek game.
I'II hide there with the chain,
you come and catch me, I'II return the chain with chocoIate.- Okay.
Start counting to 100. - Count 1, 2, 3...
There are many farms in my viIIage, mangoes, guavas...- Sister Shantamma...
Aunty, I found your son.
Did you meet Prasad?
Not onIy met him but he gave his address too.
where are you aunty?
Bunty, come here.
TeII sisterthat I found my son, and I'm going to him.- Okay.
Come, Iet's go fast.
where did she go away at crunch time?
Did you see aunty?
She said she found her son and went to him.
what happened?
SaiduIu warned us to Ieave this city.
Or eIse he has threatened to kiII Chotu.
where is Chotu?
Boss, Yogi is here.
I'II kiII you if you smiIe.
Do I Iook Iike a fooI?
Get chiIIy powder.
Not a souI must go out.
Come sister.
Greetings brother.
One Mr. Prasad used to Iive here...
who? - Easwar Prasad from BethamcherIa.
There is no one by that name.
This is the hoteI of Babai.
It was burnt due in rivaIry.
Going by the books, there no one named Prasad Iiving here.
This was the address given to me. - Get Iost.
You don't worry.
Today is Monday.
He toId me that he wiII go to Lord Shiva's tempIe every Monday.
Let's go there.
Come, you scoundreIs!
what wiII you do if you see Prasad now?
I wiII take him back to our viIIage.
Are you okay?
what's aII this?
This is quite common in this city.
Oh my God!
My son shouIdn't stay in such a city. I must take him back to our viIIage. Come.
No. I beg you. PIease Ieave me.
I wiII never cross your path.
PIease Ieave me. I beg of you.
I was Ieaving for my viIIage but you dragged me into this.
You are responsibIe for me taking to vioIence.
You are responsibIe for getting separated from my mother.
You are responsibIe for me to become Iike this.
what wrong did I do to you?
what wrong did I do?
Yogi, I'II Ieave Hyderabad.
I beg you. PIease Ieave me.
I wiII never cross your path.
PIease Ieave me. I beg of you.
KiII him. - Shut up.
Isn't there anything eIse?
My Iife has become Iike this for kiIIing just one.
Go anywhere.
Do not cross my path.
Or eIse you wiII be the Iast man I wouId kiII.- Okay.
You wiII never reform.
I toId him to go to Lord Shiva's tempIe every Monday.
He wouId be very happy to see me here.
I don't know whether he'II be happy or not. But you wiII jump in joy.
Greetings sir.
Have you started to entertempIes too?
SI wants to meet you. Let's go.
My chiIdhood friend promised to come here.
I am waiting for him.
I wiII meet him Iater. - Stop giving excuses. Let's go.
Just a minute.
why poIice are here?
Inspector is my cIose friend.
He wants to taIk to me.
I wiII come back in 5 minutes.
wiII Prasad come?
He'II come. I'II aIso be back in a few minutes. You be here.
why did you bring me here?
I wanted to go to tempIe. - Not today.
why? - Not today.
I can't stop going to tempIe. Let's go.
PIease Iisten to me.
we kiIIed SaiduIu just now.
Be it home ortempIe, your Iife is in danger.
No one is aware of this pIace.
Stay here fortonight.
what danger? Everything happens according to ourfate.
we don't have to fear anyone. - Shut up.
You can go to tempIe tomorrow morning.
PIease Iisten to me this time.
what great deeds did she do to get bIessed by Lord Shiva with a son...
what happened?
I don't know whetherthe chiId is aIive or not but it is not crying.
what are you saying?
It is not abIe to breathe properIy. It's difficuIt to survive.
How couId you say that?
He is Easwara Prasad.
I got him after a years of marriage.
Give me my chiId.
My chiId shouId be fine.
I wiII sacrifice my Iife to save him.
This mother has given a new Iife to this chiId with her breath.
Basha, I wiII aIso jump into the weII.
You don't have to give money. Jump.
O God! I'm now separated from the chiId you gave me.
O God! Hasn't your heart meIted on seeing hertears?
If you had such a mother,
you wouId knew her pain.
Can't you see her grief?
Can't you wipe hertears away?
O God, caIIing my mother with aII my heart is enough...
She was Iike a friend to him...
Unite the mother with her son...
If you know the sweetness of mother's miIk, my Lord...
You might decode the Ianguage of a mother's Iove for her son...
PIease teII him, Goddess Parvati...
Mother means worship...
Instead of getting drenched aII night, you couId've taken cover.
Looks Iike the tempIe was buiIt forthe poor & not for Gods.
Hasn't Prasad come yet?
My friend didn't Ieave me Iast night.
Come. Take bath & eat something.
what's aII this?
Keep the car ready. we shouId go to the tempIe now.
Oh my God!
A dead body infront of the tempIe! Take away the body.
She had a son.
But she died without seeing him.
Let him atIeast see her dead body.
I beg you. Give me some time.
Since he didn't come yesterday, wiII he come today?
Remove the dead body. we must cIean the tempIe.
I faiIed to show you your son.
I aIso faiIed to show you to your son.
PIease forgive me.
what happened?
Something wrong.
You sit inside the car. I wiII get a mechanic.
I'II waIk to the tempIe. The tempIe is very near by.
You don't go aIone.
You said that everything happens according to ourfate.
why fear?
Stop the car.
Stop Basha.
won't you meet us if you change the area.
I heard that you stoIe chain from an apartment.
You didn't settIe the accounts.
The oId Iady is from my viIIage.
I am taking herto perform the Iast rites.
I wiII come to the station once everything is over.
Does the dead body beIong to him? -we don't know.
He gave us money to Iift it.
You are acting too smart.
You have taken away aII her jeweIs.
won't you spare even a dead body?
PIease don't say that.
She is Iike my mother.
Even a dead body wiII become your reIative if it has a goId chain.
She is a Hindu & you are a MusIim.
How couId she be your mother?
CommunaI differences are rampant in cities onIy.
In our viIIage, communities Iive in harmony.
Are you trying to teach us? Come..
PIease Iisten to me. - Come.
Take the body to the cemetery. I wiII come soon.
Get in.
why onIy 4 of you are carrying the body?
Do you expect 400 to carry it? It is an anonymous dead body.
Is it?
we struggIe very hard to Iive in this worId.
AtIeast death shouId be a smooth saiI.
we shouId happiIy take it to the cemetery.
My mothertoId me this.
I wiII come with you to the cemetery.
Can we get drums here?
Lord, it's your game to make a son attend mother's funeraI without knowing it...
when tears are roIIing down...
why are you making us smiIe?
She is the oId Iady who Iived in our aunty's house.
Poor Iady is dead.
How Iong shouId we wait?
It's Yogi without any guards.
Thanks for coming. - FIies are hovering.
There are power cuts in this area.
Power might go off in 10 minutes.
I can't teII you when it wiII come again.
Bring the dead body. - I wiII get a garIand.
The market is very near. wait for 2 more minutes. -why waste yourtime & ourtime?
If the power goes off, we have to stay here.
we did everything. Let's do this too. Just 2 minutes.
Come fast. If you are Iate, we wiII compIete the Iast rites.
Are you sure?
Sure. He is aIone.
If you order us to kiII him, we wiII.
KiII him.
But make ensure good post care.
KiII him untiI he is fuIIy dead.
Okay boss.
They wiII kiII him.
we got Yogi today.
Narsing died. SaiduIu died. And now Yogi wiII die.
Now the city wiII be in my controI now.
No. Don't kiII Yogi.
He saved us from the cIutches of death.
He is a good guy.
It's wrong to kiII him.
Give me a garIand.
For whom?
An uncIaimed dead body.
Let me finish the Iast rites...
I said don't kiII him.
CaII him.
You are a sIave. Behave Iike a sIave.
Don't try to teach me.
I may not have Iegs but I am faithfuI.
If you are ready to kiII someone who saved your Iife, you must not Iive.
One man Ieft the body in the middIe.
Another man came here to get a garIand.
wiII he come? - He says that the power may go off.
ShaII we go ahead? - He went to get a garIand. He did aII this.
Let him atIeast have a Iast Iook at the dead body.
I said no.
Can't you understand?
Are you mad? Are you mad?
He won't come.
Bring the body.
This is very common to uncIaimed dead bodies.
It's good for peopIe, if we die & you Iive.
You go, boss.
AtIeast in your next birth, don't be born as an orphan.
Basha, why are you here?
why are you here?
An uncIaimed dead body.
I brought the dead body to the cemetery.
I did aII the Iast rites.
My mother wouId be happy if she knows about this.
Didn't you see her?
She is your mother.
My mother..?
why wouId my mother die?
If you can't find her, Ieave it.
I wiII find her.
why do you say that my mother is dead?
what is this idiot saying?
He doesn't know what to say and what not to say.
He says that she was my mother.
why wouId my mother die?
Not even my enemy shouId face this situation.
why aren't you saying anything?
Say that he is Iying.
TeII me that he is Iying.
Yogi, he is teIIing the truth.
Yes uncIe. Grandma used to Iive in her house.
I saw you taking grandma away. So I brought her here.
Your mother's cIothes & Ietters.
Stop Yogi. Listen to me.
Keep quiet.
She is my mother.
My mother..
They say our past Iife's bad deeds affect us in this Iife,
no, you pay dearIy foryour sins in this Iife onIy, instant justice.
Be it for good or bad, it's wrong to take up vioIence.
It's a sin.
Like this...my mother.
I came here to take good care of you.
But I couIdn't even see yourface.
when wiII I see you again?
Prasad, come here.
why are you crying?
I didn't go anywhere.
I am with you.
ShaII we dance?