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-We had been marching all night, I am terribly tired.
-Sanyi, could you sleep in the car at all?
Yes, almost half an hour.
-LG did you sleep well? It is a survey for the audience.
-Not too well, it was very uncomfortable.
-The usual. Millions of things to pack and we are very excited for leaving soon.
-Menkesz, how did you sleep? -Perfectly thanks.
-Pali could you sleep? -Yes I slept qiute long.
-Well this is how we look now, but our spirits are high!
-That's our goal. To reach the Johannisberg.
-We are getting closer to the house.
-This part with the tunnels sucks.
-Same happened in spring, was giving us ***.
-Now we are sucking because due to an avalanche the ceiling craved in.
-We are getting tired, it is hot and drains our energy.
-We will have a lunch break, the only problem is we split up.
-Sanyi is up in front, behind him is 'Pali bácsi'
and I am below the two of them in the middle of nowhere.
-LG and Menkesz cannot be seen at all.
-Actually everyone is climbing alone, this is not good.
-We will go in this direction.
-We have started out two and a half hours ago.
-We are just below of the glacier.
That is not very good, with the morena and the snow on its top. The worst possible combination.
-Here comes LG.
-In the distance the noise of a stone avalanche.
-Here I am.
-Sanyi's last few meters. -Juhu. . .
-We climbed a northern face!
The others went the longer route, us two did it solo.This is the top.
-Sanyi watch out,
I dropped my climbing irons on the top, because I was careless.
-What a story! It's been fun!
-Round panorama, sunset, Grossglokner north wall, happiness.
-Our destination tomorrow is the Johannisbert.
-We only need to clear a little outcrop and the house is there.
-And we did not have the compulsory helmets.
-Lots of rules should have been followed, which we did not keep.
-But we have done much else not recommended.
-Do not do this at home, but let me just show you.
-I was so glad to have reached the summit, that I kicked off the irons.
-Yeah, it's like that.
-Let me just add, don't do this either, that is wandering on treks not recommended.
-Because that is for us to like.
-We are kings!
-For this moment...
-We have taken the winter shelters.
-LG started up the furnace. He became its master.
-Can you hear the wood cracking? -We have Ropper. -I will show you Ropper.
-LG prepared it we are gonna stay here the following two nights.
-Beds, our little kitchen. -Server.
-The lads are shovelling the snow.
-We are awaken to this.
-Hey, we are reaching the top ridge of the Johannisberg.
-It is the top ice field and that is the summit over there.
-And this is the team, myself,
master LG, the greatest master of all
Menkes who has been trashing snow for 3 hours.
-Trashing machine.
-And we still need to go that way.
-We started out from there two days ago, where it is green.
-And that is our quarters just a little smudge in the distance.
-LG has already made it!
-We arrived, Johannisberg summit.
-This is our last morning in Hohe Tauern.
-I am doing okay, that's a camera sensitive face as people would say.
-I cannot say anything about that.
-Please show the scenery for our viewers.
-It is wonderful scenery everywhere, very nice.