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Hello! I'm Jacqueline on behalf of expertvillage.com. In this clip I will be talking about how to
be a parent working from home and also raising a family simultaneously. Being a mommy and
a CO is a huge undertaking and it is likely you will drop the bomb in one area or another
just for the simple fact that you are spreading yourself thin. But we would all love to avoid
that, wouldn't we? Getting a business started or keeping one growing and having children
is just like having two sets of children and neither one are going to let up needing your
attention. My advice, take good care of yourself. Eat right and sleep. Try to keep regular hours.
If you are able, have an exercise regime to keep your stress level at a minimum even if
its just a little Yoga. You will need all your faculties to be as sharp as possible
to deal with juggling your schedule. If you need help, ask for it. Be specific, don't
beat around the bush and don't assume that people are going to understand what you are
trying to do and how they can help. The best advice I can give you is to be totally honest
with that person in the mirror and also your support system from your spouse or whoever
it is that is helping you because you are going to need that person and if you are not
honest with them and up front in letting them know specifically that's going t to help you
in your business, then they are not going to know. An example: if your spouse thinks
that you are spending too much time working on your business and taking too much quality
time away from your family, don't get defensive. Just listen and try to create an effective