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schools in new mexico california illinois have admit a move to ban
flaming hot cheetos from their campuses now i remember what i was in school
flaming hot cheetos was very popular values for a flaming hot cheetos every
single day and i know that sounds disgusting but i remember we used to
depict in philadelphia cream cheese uh... and it was high turnout i thought
it is really good
let it be decided that it because it turns out that problem
it it's addictive it's not good for your help its high insults saas elder
undergraduate surprising who have begin opening up for science yeah exactly
uh... signing away not doctors art behind this ban
because they feel that uh... lending hodges is actually led to and increased
amount unnecessary emergency room visits
so what ends up happening is these kids will eve you know
just ary ticketless amount of the flaming hot cheetos and then they'll
realize that
there's still this red yeah
and don't think that there billy dee that they really don't their fecal
matter has that schindler yeah exactly sold their parents live free capital
rushing onto the emergency room in the media tests on the fecal matter and
realize that now you just had too many women are cheetahs yeah and i loved
i love the the possibilities here either have the parents being village vigilant
enough to actually pass the kidneys or color
the coming out
or the kid like what's that about them at the pants around a constant mo
what what happened
on until death
a lot of this and i don't directly at sears and i don't want to see any appeal
actually opens ido there's a song perhaps you've got to spend a rat tot he
was too recently i guess and candy
came is always done a pretty well
uh... i think that it's interesting though that
it doesn't
the the the parents aren't like driven to action by the kids having like a
b_m_i_ in the high twenties low thirties for meeting on the strength to hold a
the red set
got to take my hospital when you guys think about the hot cheetos ban
uh... in schools do you think achievements to send a letter of the
parents like don't russia kids in the hospital
well that's not the main reason why do think that they're not down because the
rest of their value because it's not healthy is contributing to childhood
obesity what if i'm generally someone favor schools controlling liked
that soft drinks and things like that i i don't think that it's going to compass
the mission by itself i think the problem is they go home and their
parents are shoveling terrible food in them
and that that trains them to think that the normal dot and that's why friends
and i hate the way do even it
sometime in favor
i feel like with
i would favor of kids eating healthier ab ek this is kind of a difficult thing
to achieve because first it was a soft drinks but the soft drinks aren't the
only you know if it isn't the only thing that's contributing to travel to obesity
i mean i remembered the cookies the young screen there's so many fatty foods
on campuses in a band for sticking to that she does and i said nothing
then when they came for my talkies there was no one left to defend me
anyway and by the way u
send your kid to be schools with the cheetos they will compensate anything
with like a little bit a late like orange dustin is let's get some rest
sections that packwood at the pentagon at the building