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\f0\fs24 \cf0 When Charlemont first arrived at the store I loved all the colors so much
I had to work with it. I love working with finer yarns, dk weight, sport, fingering,
and since Charlemont is a fingering weight yarn you can make really light-weight drapey
garments. The first project I did in Charlemont was based on the Amethyst Crochet blanket.
A friend of mine was turning 40 and I wanted to make her something extra special. Crocheted
fabric can tend to be a little bit heavier but it still made a really nice drapey garment.
It just knits so easily and looks great even before blocking but when you block it it's
even more gorgeous. I'm Dena Childs and I work at WEBS and I love knitting with Valley
Yarns Charlemont. }