No one wants to get eaten by a shark! But is there even anything you can do to escape this situation?! Find out how you are supposed to react if a shark attacks you in this video! Subscribe to Pablito’s Way! ****** New videos Monday through Friday! Follow me on Instagram here: ****** New to Pablito's Way? Start here! ****** Watch some of my favorite vids below….. Most Insane Mayweather Moments! ****** WEIRDEST Things Ever Found in Animals! ****** 9 of the WORST f the WORST diseases EVER! ****** The Hottest Female Athletes! ****** 11 Most Ridiculous Purchases by Floyd "Money" Mayweather! ****** Going to the beach? Here’s how not to get eaten by a shark! 11 - Don’t Go to……. So it’s summer and you wanna go out in the ocean but you’re not trying to get eaten. As with many things in life, when it comes to not getting attacked by something, that means to not be where they are. Sounds simple right? This means doing your research and staying up with the latest news on shark alerts before going to swim at a certain exotic beach. The mouth of rivers after a heavy rain is also a shark hot-spot. Fish and other animals are swept out to sea and sharks are all too willing to go fishing there. Avoid their natural habitats such as murky waters, harbor entrances, rocky underwater cliffs and other places where sharks may go feed. When in doubt, just ask the locals! They’ll probably be willing to help out and tell you about the frequence of sharks in the area. 10 - Bring the squad Sharks are known to have very poor eyesight, so you should do everything you can to avoid being confused with prey. In fact, sharks don’t particularly like the taste of humans, so most attacks are actually caused by sharks mistakenly biting a human believing it was a seal or other big prey. For example, a surfer on their board looks pretty much like a sea lion from below the water. What really helps is swimming with other people. Shark attacks are mainly committed against individuals, not groups. Try to always swim with a friend, and obviously if you’re with a group don’t stray away from the group! Keep yourself relatively close to your friends and everyone’s chances of being attacked if a shark is around will diminish greatly. Also, avoid swimming at dusk, dawn or at night. Sharks don’t have the best sight, so there’ll be a slightly higher chance of a shark mistaking you and your friends for a delicious meal. 9 - Bruises okay, Cuts, no This one might just be too simple, but it’s worth repeating: NO BLOOD NEAR SHARKS. This includes everything from fish blood, to a small cut or scrape. If you see yourself or others bleeding while in the water, just GET OUT. If for some reason you’re near a bleeding fish and you can actually see it, yeah, your day’s done. If there’s blood in the water, and there are sharks, they WILL get to you. Because sharks don’t see all that well, they have a fantastic sense of smell instead. Some of them can even smell blood even at one part per million! Moreso, shark’s senses are specially attracted to oils released by injured fish; some sharks can even detect one drop of fish oil at one part per 25 million! That’s about one drop in a regular Olympic-sized pool! Of course, as a human you don’t release those yummy oils, but if you find yourself near dead fish or fish bait, you should get out of the water ASAP. 8 - But I love seals! This should also be considered common sense, but it’s worth stating again: avoid being near shark food. This means large groups of fish, seals, sea lions, but also areas with fish bait in the water. You should also keep an eye out for bizarre movements in the water. For example, if you see large groups of dolphins and seabirds in the water, they’re probably feeding... and they’re attracted to the same kind of food sharks like. Don’t think that only because dolphins are present, then there won’t be any sharks around. Dolphins are also known to be a prey for large sharks and can attract them. This also applies to fishing boats: sharks are attracted to easy prey, and the confusion that fishing causes attracts shark lurking close by waters. The blood and fish oils will attract sharks quickly.