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the last class, we had given you a brief idea about how to go about choosing a specific
site for wind turbine installation.
The method was that first you would record the data which will yield a very ugly graph
something like this and from there you would obtain a relatively neater graph for the wind speed distribution characteristics.
That is your wind speed here and in this axis it would be what? There are two possibilities.
Either it could be the probability or it could be the number of hours in a year for which
this wind speed was prevailing. So, let us go ahead with the probability as the y-axis.
Now, from there where do we go? We go to the wind speed duration characteristic, which
would be like this and in this case, here it is wind speed and here it is number of
hours for which the wind speed is exceeded.
So, this is essentially how we had proceeded and we had also said that there are other
ways of circumventing this step, where we normally use the statistical distribution
characteristics that are known to be valid for wind speed distribution, the Rayleigh
distribution and the Weibull distribution, for which if you know the average velocity,
then you can obtain, you can draw at least approximately this characteristics and from
there you can obtain this. So, there are two possibilities, either from the actual that
you obtain this or from statistical distributions, mainly Weibull or Rayleigh.
So, we had come here and then we said that first we have this characteristics representing
the character of the site, this characteristic representing the character of the site. So,
this is the wind speed distribution characteristic and we have to add the characteristic of the
wind turbine. So, this is the site characteristics and this is the wind turbine generator characteristics.
So, the site characteristics would be represented by the wind speed duration curve. So, here
is the wind speed and here it is the, the time exceeded. Please settle down fast, please
settle down fast. So, this is the time exceeded and this is the wind speed. So, you have the
duration characteristics as representing the site and you have to have the wind turbine
generator characteristics represented by the wind speed versus power and this characteristic,
as I told you, starts from the cut-in speed goes up as a cube of the wind speed for some
range and then, when it reaches, this is the rated power of the turbine. This is the rated
power. When it reaches the rated power it is made flat till the furling wind speed.
So, this is the cut-in and this is the furling; this is the furling. Why don't you settle
fast? So, these are the two characteristics that we are trying to match.
I have to break for some time. See, this has to be eliminated from the video any way. Tou
have to be mature enough to understand while a recording is on, if you do come in, please
do come in and settle fast. Two, should not walk across the room. Three, you please go
to the toilet before coming in. I do not want in the middle of the class somebody asking
to go to the toilet; got it, is that clear and when you walk in there, please do not
talk, it gets recorded, you get it?
So, we have this characteristic representing the site and this characteristic representing
the generator.
These two have to be matched and that we said has to be done by obtaining the power duration
characteristics which would be, where you draw the power output here and in the y-axis you should draw, what will
be the y-axis? Again time exceeded. How do you draw this?
The power output for any value of the wind speed, wind speed was here, wind speed was
here, but the power output for any value of the wind speed would be given by this characteristic.
But then, let us first follow this cube characteristics. Then at this, at this time it is sometimes
K times the v cube, right. The K is essentially half rho A C p and all that, whatever it is,
there is a constant times v cube. So, this characteristic, if you want to put that here
what will you do? For every value of wind speed, the power output would be K times v
cube, right. So, you draw a characteristic similar to this.
But here the wind speed, this axis, will be replaced by K times v cube, which will lead
to a curve which is similar to this curve, similar. But remember, the difference is that
now the x-axis are all powers which means it has been, the velocity has been cubed to
plot each of these. So, it is actually elongated. What is this point? The total number of hours
in a year. Why? Because zero power is obviously exceeded for that power, for that time, 8760;
so, 8760 appears there and it goes to zero. Now, out of this whole time you would see
that the power generation is zero, really zero, below this wind speed, right. So, some
part will be chopped off, you will not get the power output and that is corresponding
to a low value of power output.
So, this is essentially the characteristic, where you have cubed the velocity, but a small
velocity when cubed will give you this particular point, below that you are generating nothing,
so just go up and here you are not generating anything. So, this part gets chopped off.
You are not generating in this part, then you are generating in this part and its characteristic
is cubically proportional to, so it continuous till what point? Till you obtain this rated
power. Even if the wind speed is larger, you do not really generate beyond the rated power,
right. So, that gets a hard chopping off, beyond that you are not generating. So, you
are not generating beyond this rated power output. So, it is a hard chopper. Then what?
So, you have represented this, you have represented that and you need to represent this and this
is essentially a very high wind speed at which you do not even generate this. So, it will
be represented by a very high power output level here say, but you are not generating
at that power. It is only, this point represents that value of the wind speed whose cube is
being plotted here. Then you draw the horizontal line and this part is also chopped off. So,
ultimately you would say that I will be able to generate power only for this range, this
area. The power generation or energy generation will be proportional to this area; the energy
generation will be proportional to this area.
So, what does this point represent? The power corresponding to V cut-in. Power means not
the power, electrical power output, the power contained in the wind that is represented
here. Here, it is the power corresponding to cut-out or furling and here is the rated
power, good. So, it will not be difficult for you to appreciate the fact that all these
points are different for the different wind turbines. Different wind turbines are manufactured
with different values of rated power, different values of the cut-out speed, different values
of the cut-in speed. As a result, this area that represents the amount of power that you
are getting, amount of energy that you generating out of that particular site, will be different
for different wind turbines and remember that a wind turbine can be big or small. A big
wind turbine will obviously produce more energy, all right and smaller wind turbine will obviously
produce less energy, all right. But then, if you simply say that which one is better,
which one is generating more power, obviously it is a bigger one. That should not be your
The criterion should be how much area am I being able to use in comparison to something.
In comparison to what? In comparison to the install capacity, right. So, the bigger the
wind turbine, there will be something in the denominator with which you compare. So, that
denominator is the energy that you would generate if ideally the wind turbine is operated at
its rated power for the whole year. Which area is this? It is this area, right.
It is this area for the whole year, 8760 hours, right. How much power? This is the rated power.
So, this box represents the amount of power you would have generated if you ran the wind
turbine at a full rating for the whole year. So, this is the area that goes as the denominator,
while this area that is the actual energy generation over the year goes as numerator
to keep some kind of a suitability estimate for that wind turbine, for that particular
site. So, it is not just this area, not just this area, because the larger the wind turbine,
the larger will be this area. Unless you compare with something, compare with the install capacity,
you will never know how good, how well is it performing in that particular site. So,
that leads us to some kind of a factor.
It is called capacity factor. The capacity factor is given by, it is a ratio of the annual
energy output to the rated power times ... So, it is a ratio between energy and energy power
times, times this energy. So, you have energy by energy and this is called the capacity
factor. You may have heard of the term load factor, in case of power plants. What is a
load factor? It is essentially the similar concept. Out of the whole capacity that is
available how much is being utilized? So, a thermal power plant, supposing it is rated
at 200 megawatts, so if you had produced power at this 200 megawatt level all through the
year, then you get some amount of energy. Now, that being in the denominator, in the
numerator is how much energy you have actually generated out that the plant that is the plant
load factor.
In case of the wind turbine, a more used definition is the capacity factor, which is similar in
concept to the load factor. But here, the difference is that a thermal power plant you
can ideally operate it at full load all through the year, at least theoretically. I mean you
just assume that the shutdown periods are at least theoretically brought down to zero,
maintenance is not required. If you assume that, you can theoretically, but you cannot
for a wind turbine. Why? Because wind is not coming, so while the difference between, conceptual
difference between a thermal power plant and the wind power plant is that ideally a thermal
power plant can be operated at full load all through the year, while a wind turbine cannot
be and that is exactly why this statistical distribution of wind speed in that particular
site is very important.
You would immediately realize that different large and small wind turbines will have different
capacity factor and the one that gives the maximum capacity factor for a particular site
is the right choice for the, right choice of wind turbine for that site. You got the
point? So, the wind turbines choice is site dependent. The wind turbine which will be
very suitable for say, the Eastern Ghats will may not be the most suitable for the Western
Ghats. Why? Because of this characteristic, clear. This is something that many people
do not understand. Simply they, when they talk about wind power availability or even
wind power installation, they talk about so many megawatts of wind powers are installed;
no, it does not really make sense, because it all depends on which site, how much is
the statistical distribution and ultimately out of that how much energy you are generating
all through the year.
Now, this it will not be difficult to see that the numerator, the average power that
is generated, so P average, will be the integral of, integral of power as a function of the
wind speed times the probability distribution of wind speed, right. This integral normally
is to be obtained graphically as I showed, but under the assumption that the characteristic
is exactly of this type.
That means below a certain thing there is no generation of power, after that it is exactly
cubic and after that it is exactly flat; if you assume that, then it can be somewhat analytically
obtained, because if you have this characteristic, if you have this characteristic, how much
will be the P as a function of v? You can easily see that that is, it will be half rho
area C p times small v cube, small v is two third of infinity. This is for which value
of wind speed? V cut-in. No, not the cut-out, rated and this will be two things, half rho
A C p what cube?
Yes, this is the amount of power at this value and that is being flat. So, for V rated, sorry,
V cut-out. Can you see or it got chopped off?
Yes; so, if you use these expressions, then it will not be difficult for you to analytically
express this.
So, analytically if you express this, your capacity factor expression will be CF, capacity
factor, it will have two components, one, you will have to once integrate over this
range and again integrate over this range and so, it will translate to 1 by V, let me
shorten the subscript, V rated cube integral V cut-in to V rated, remember, I am just shortening
this cut-in, it will be v cube fv dv plus V rated to, yeah, V, let me, let me give another
subscript furling, f, so this will be fv dv where fv is the statistical distribution of
the current. You can do it this way, good.
So, this can be integrated, but actually things are done mostly by graphical means, the reason
being that you will never have this characteristic exactly cubically proportional or this characteristic
exactly flat. That is given by the manufacturer's specifications and so, normally this job is
done graphically, clear. So, if you are having the task of installing a wind farm in a particular
spot and there are say, 20 different vendors coming to you trying to sell their wind turbines,
how will you do that choice? How will you go about it?
Number 1, first measure the characteristic there. From there, obtain the statistical
distribution, find out which characteristic is it most closely matching. That means in
the Weibull distribution, the variable parameters set them properly. Then, you can approximate
it by the Weibull distribution. From there, obtain the duration curve.
Ask the manufacturers for their wind speed versus power characteristics; match them to
obtain this for all the wind turbines. From there obtain the capacity factor for each
one and the one that gives the maximum capacity factor is the choice, clear. Unfortunately
nobody does it, but nevertheless you should know how to do it. So, you have learnt how
to construct, how to choose wind turbines from the mechanical side. What about the electrical
conversion? Electrical conversion means there is a mechanical energy coming in the shaft
and that has to be converted in electrical energy, has to be converted by some kind of
a generator.
The natural next question is what generator will you choose for this purpose? Now, you
have learnt in the first year the characteristic of some different types of electrical machines
and as you know, all motors are the same as the generator depending on which side is being
energized; magnetic side being energized it gives electrical power, electrical side being
energized there is mechanical power. So, there is no fundamental distinction between a motor
and generator but what are the different types of such rotating electrical machines you have
learnt of?
One, you have learnt of the DC machines. You have learnt of the synchronous machines and you have learnt of the induction machines.
Out of this, which one will you choose or what are the comparisons between the characteristics
of each one? DC machine, you have learnt about the DC machine in reasonable details I guess,
right. One thing you may have understood that the DC machine is a very cumbersome machine.
Why? Because, it has to have windings both in the stator and the rotor and the rotor
winding have to be energized. So, something, rotating steel you have to give connections.
So, you have to have brushes, so there has to be brushes and there has to
be carbon contacts; so, these are somewhat cumbersome and these are prone to difficulty.
There are flashings, sparking in the brushes, they have to be replaced, maintenance requirement.
Due to all these, unless you specifically require a DC machine nobody uses a DC machine
and where would you specifically require a DC machine? Where normally the AC machines,
I mean, are not used that is the traction machine. That means your railway trains, they
run on DC machines. Why? Because, they have certain very important desirable characteristics,
but other than that, DC machines we will never use, never as a generator. So, we will exclude
the DC machine from our discussion. So, let us not spend time on discussing and after
one hour decide that it is not good. Let us decide it is not good, so let us not discuss.
Synchronous machines, what is a synchronous machine?
Essentially a synchronous machine is where you have, when in the school you studied about
the generation of power, the kind of construction that you saw, like there would be North and
South poles and there would be a solenoid rotating and thereby it is exactly the same.
Only, then it was a school days representation, but now you would have to understand how it
is actually made and then it is worthwhile to tell you that the field is not really static
and the armature rotating; it is the opposite, the armature static, the field rotating. Why?
Because, the armature has to carry the bulk power and the current, so the conductors are
thick and so, it is far more convenient to put that in the stator and put the field in
the rotor.
So, nowadays the construction would be, you might imagine the stator. I am schematically
drawing. There would be windings like this, three phase always and they would be connected
in three phase and there would be the field that will be rotated. That is the normal structure
or construction of a synchronous machine. Here, I have shown it as sort of a solenoid.
It is not put as a solenoid of course. These are put in such slots; these are put as winding
that go into the slots. So, effectively they produce a solenoidal winding, clear. So, these
are windings that go like this through the slots and effectively they produce, such windings
that can be schematically represented by this.
Now, the specialty of this machine is that the voltage that will be generated in each
of these, they will be sinusoidal. Why? Because, the North Pole is rotating and it is passing
by. While it is just under this that it has the largest rate of change of flux. As a result,
it will produce and then when it comes in between then it sees the least. So, the whole
thing will vary sinusoidaly and after sometimes, this South pole goes there and does the same
thing. So, you will see a sinusoidal voltage generator. What will be the speed or frequency
of that sinusoidal voltage? It will be exactly proportional to the speed. So, it will have
to be rotated at a speed that will be able to generate for example our supply is 50 hertz,
it will be able generate 50 hertz. Now, there is no reason to assume that there
are exactly three windings. There can be windings here also, right. So, there can be 6 windings.
So, in that case, it will be having a larger number of poles. There is no reason to assume
that these have exactly two, there can be further poles here also. So, depending on
that you can say that the frequency is not exactly the same as the speed of rotation;
it is proportional to the speed of rotation. So, the actual relationship is that speed
is 120 f by P; P is the number of poles, but that is not our concern here.
What is the concern is, in that case, in order to generate a constant frequency I need to
rotate it at a constant speed and our supply is constant at 50 hertz. So, if anything is
to be hooked up to the power supply grid, then it must generate 50 hertz which means
the synchronous machine should, not should, must rotate at a single specific constant
speed, right. Let us see does this character match with the character or required character
of a wind turbine?
In a wind turbine you have seen that the tip speed ratio versus C p characteristics is
something like this. What means, what does it mean? You want to achieve the maximum power
coefficient, but for that you have to operate at a constant TSR, tip speed ratio. What does
it mean? As the wind speed changes you have to keep the rotation of speed proportional
to the wind speed at a value which corresponds to this maximum power point which means as
the wind speed changes, you have to change the rotational speed, else you cannot really
track this point, which means that this characteristic actually contradicts the requirement of the
wind turbine. A wind turbine should be a variable speed to constant frequency generation system.
Nevertheless, what happens in a thermal power plant? In a thermal power plant, the steam
is regulated, so that the turbine produces a certain amount of power and turbine rotates
at exactly 50 hertz or 3000 RPM. So, you may notice that if there are, the number of poles
is 2, then it will be 3000 RPM. So, in that case, if say the amount of wind, no, amount
of steam that is going into the turbine say it goes up, what happens? The turbine tries
to rotate faster, but it is connected to the grid that means to this. It itself does not
allow it to go away from synchronism that means it still continues to rotate at the
synchronous speed. So, what happens actually is something like this that it gets sort of
locked to the grid and its frequency and so long as the locking is maintained, it cannot
really rotate at a different speed. So, even if the amount of power that is going into
the turbine changes, it still remains locked till a critical point is reached when the
synchronism is lost and that is very undesirable for a normal power plant.
So, there is a question of this locking and the locking ensures that even if the power
input changes, this fellow will still continue to rotate at the same speed. You might argue
why not do the same thing for the wind turbine? Well, note that it cannot be done. The issue
is that suppose you have connected a wind turbine to such a synchronous machine which
is connected to the grid, yes, it will lock and after that it will keep on rotating at
the same speed, but in that case as the wind speed changes, it will be going up and down
this curve, because it is locked at single speed. So, it will not be a desirable way
of operating this wind turbine. But still, you might argue that supposing my objective
is not to supply the grid, rather my objective is to run it as a standalone system.
For example, there are islands in the Sunderbans, where you have such wind turbines just catering
to that island, not connected to the grid, because the grid cannot be brought in there,
it is so remote. In that case what? Yes, you can use that. In that case, you can use synchronous
machines, but nevertheless since you have to go back with some message, let me tell
you that synchronous machines are very seldom used with wind turbines, very seldom used.
So, what is actually used are, okay where they are used and how, I will come to that
later, are the induction machines.
So, I will dwell a little deeper into this issue of induction machines. Now, what is
an induction machine? Here, let us first understand it from the point of view of a motor and then
we will understand the generator, because generator is little more, comes a stage later
after understanding the motor. Here also you have the stator structure that is .... and imagine
that you have somehow produced the windings like this. Probably you have learnt, let us
not get into the details at the stage, probably you have learnt that if you have three phase
supply and three windings 180 degree out of phase that means there is a three phase supply,
where the three phases are 180 degree, 120 degree out of phase like this. So, from here
to here it is 120 degree, from here to here is 120 degree.
If the three phases are separated like this and if the windings are also separated physically
at 120 degree apart, then a rotating magnetic field is produced. So, there will be a magnetic
field that will actually go rotating like this at a speed 120 f by P. So, the speed
of rotation is called as synchronous speed is 120 f by P; P is number of poles. Now,
you have the rotor in this case as, let me draw in a different colour, it will be easier
to see; it has conductors like this and this conductors, I have shown that they go into the paper like that, so it is going
like this and at the two ends they are simply shorted. This is the structure of the squirrel
cage generator, the squirrel cage generator.
So, in case of squirrel cage machine, it is called a cage because these conductors are
made of not wires, they are simply aluminum bars that are shorted at the two ends and
the whole thing looks like a cage. That is why it is called a cage machine. So, what
I was saying, if you shorten, imagine that the field is rotating at the synchronous speed,
so each of these windings will see as if a North Pole is passing by, right, as if a North
Pole is passing by. When it is passing by, it will see a varying magnetic field. If it
sees a varying magnetic field, there would be voltage induced in that, each of these
wires and these wires are shorted. What does it mean?
The voltage will immediately induce current, right, if they are shorted. So, voltage being
induced means immediately current will flow and the current flowing means what? The moment
the current flows there is a magnetic field produced by that current. So, there was a
magnetic field which produced a voltage which produced a current which produced a magnetic
field. You might say then I am, I am finding it difficult to imagine what will be the direction
of that magnetic field. Yes, you might find it difficult and that is exactly where Lenz's
law comes into, comes very handy, because then you would say that Lenz's law says that
the effect will oppose the cause.
What was the cause? There was a rotating magnetic field and the cause was not only the rotating
magnetic field, cause was the relative velocity between the conductors and that magnetic field.
That is why the whole thing happened. The magnetic field that will be produced will
oppose that and therefore, therefore this fellow will, there will be a magnetic field
that will produce a torque which will make it rotate in the same direction as the original
magnetic field, so that the cause is opposed. The cause was the relative velocity; that
will reduce.
As a result, this fellow will start rotating and suppose it rotates at a speed n r, this
is synchronous speed, this is rotor speed, this n r will be less than the synchronous
speed. Why? Because, if it becomes equal to the synchronous speed, then the cause is gone.
No longer it will have the cause and therefore no longer there will be any magnetic field.
So, it will be slightly less than and that is why we define a factor called slip, which
is n s minus n r by ns and slip is normally a very small quantity something like 0.03,
0.04. So, actually the rotational speed is very close to the synchronous speed, but not
exactly the same. So, that is why this fellow starts rotating.
Your fan is like that, your motors are like that, your pump machines are like that, so
every machine that you see around you are all induction machines, because they are very
rugged. They are very simple to construct, they do not go out of order easily. So, all
these machines that you see around you are induction machines. There is no connection
to the rotor, can you see? There is no external connection to the rotor. Power goes into the
rotor through magnetic field and that is a major advantage of it, because you do not
have to give any electrical connection to the rotor and that is why they are so simple
and they are so rugged.
There are of course induction machines, where the rotors are also wound with wires and you
do give a supply. Those things are there, but presently let us understand this squirrel
cage induction machine. So, you have a squirrel cage induction machine constructed like this.
Now, if you, we are ultimately aiming at going into generators, so all the expositions should
be, should be aiming at later I have to understand the generators, while in normal induction
machine expositions in the books, we will find motor is treated mostly as motor and
generator is practically not discussed. So, there will be a little bit difference between
the way I am talking about it and the way you will find in text books.
As you know, whenever we electrical engineers encounter something, we always like to represent
that as an electrical equivalent circuit. While we were dealing with the photovoltaic
panels, we still brought it down to the level of the electrical equivalent circuit, because
that is why we are very comfortable. We can do anything we like; we can predict, we can,
we can analyze using the electrical equivalent circuit, so here also would like to obtain
an electrical equivalent circuit. Now in doing so, first realize, suppose this fellow is
static, suppose this fellow is not rotating. You are somehow holding it and you are energizing
the stator and there is a rotating magnetic field. What actually will happen?
What will happen is that, because of the varying magnetic field, there will be a voltage induced,
there will be a current and all that will happen and that is in no way different from
what happens in a transformer, right.
In a transformer we have, we have a ... Here, this fellow because of this current produces
a magnetic field that induces a voltage here and if you have some kind of a path here,
it pushes the current, right. So, that situation is in no way different from this situation.
If it is so, then in developing the equivalent circuit, we can easily take cue from the way
we understand the transformer. So, what was the equivalent circuit of a transformer? Probably
you have done that, right. So, in putting in the equivalent circuit of a transformer,
we simply say that I give the supply from this side and what will I see if I look it
from this end?
We will see first there is some kind of a resistance in this winding, there is some
kind of an inductance in this winding; in fact, this leakage inductance in this winding
and then, so we will have to start from this supply side. We will have to put in the resistance,
we will have to put in the inductance of the stator. So, R 1 X 1 and then there is a magnetic
circuit. What does the magnetic circuit do? The magnetic circuit, of course in order to
establish the magnetic field, you have to, you have to spend and in what way you should
spend? There has to be some kind of a, there has to be some kind of an impedance that is
seen by this stator side. It is represented here and it is like this. So, there is an
impedance that is seen through this. Whatever the current is flowing that is representative
of the component of the input current that produces the magnetic field.
Now, if you energize a magnetic circuit that will produce also some losses. Why? Because,
there will be some Eddy current loss, there will be hysteresis loss, you know that and
the losses will also have to be supplied by these two terminals. So, that is represented
by a resistance here and then would say that now it goes to the secondary side and then
we have represented all the known idealities and then we would say that here let there
be an ideal transformer now and in this side there would be, in this side there would be a resistance and there would
be an inductance to finally give the output. That is how we develop the equivalent circuit
of the transformer.
The only thing is that here it is R 2 X 2 and this is called, some books call it R n
and X m, magnetizing, some books call it R naught X naught, so let us, you can call them
any of these. Then, at the next stage, we say that we do not really need this ideal
transformer. We have extracted all the non-idealities and they are all here, so we do not need this.
But, just saying that will not suffice. Why? Because here there was a, there was a turns
ratio and because of the turns ratio, the current that was going in was not the same
as the current that was going here. As a result, if the current is different, then the amount
of power loss that was here will also be different. That has to be made the same if you want to
eliminate this.
Yes, in order to do that what we do is a simple trick. We say that let the same current flow
through this and as a result we will need to change these and since the power loss is
proportional to i square R, therefore what we do is we multiply by the turns ratio square
and by doing that, we say that now my equivalent circuit is something like this.
Resistance, inductance, then this side inductance and then there is a resistance and there is
a inductance, but then you say that here it is R 2 dash X 2 dash. The dash means that
it has already been multiplied by the turns ratio square. Here is R 1, here is X 1, X
naught R naught. So, this is the transformer, so here it is your supply voltage. Now, here
it is not really the secondary voltage, because we have eliminated the transformer. So, here
it is the secondary voltage as referred to the primary side. Now, we are not really trying
to understand the transformer, we are trying to understand the induction machine.
In what way will the induction machine be different from the transformer? One, if it
is held static, this is the same thing. But if is allowed to rotate, then something more
happens. What is that? One, the frequency, the speed seen by the rotor conductors will
not be the synchronous speed. So, whatever frequency was here, here it will see or induce
a different frequency and that frequency is the slip frequency that is this frequency
times the slip. It is a very low frequency that is ..... So, not only the voltage is
different like a transformer, but also the frequency is different. That is the only difference.
So, if you have, so if you have this representation, then in addition to that we will say that
this transformer is not only a voltage transformation device, but also a frequency transformation
device, clear. In the next step we try to eliminate this. In order to eliminate this,
oh, the other thing is that here the secondary side is shorted. There is nothing coming out
of secondary side. Unlike the transformer you are not connecting something else to the
secondary, it is shorted. So, this side will be shorted. So, let us take care of these
two things. One is a, that is, the conversion of the, because the turns ratio and this another
conversion because of the slip, there are two conversions here.
The first one is the same thing as this. You cannot take care of that by the same way you
did it for the transformer. All you say is that now I will not say R 2 and X 2, I will
say R 2 prime and X 2 prime meaning that I have already multiplied the R 2 and X 2 by
the tans ratio square. What about the frequency business? The rotor has a different frequency.
Now, there also we will go by the same kind of logic. Notice one thing. If there is a
coil with some inductance what will be the inductive reactance? It will be proportional
to the frequency, right. So, whatever this fellow's value was, whatever this fellows
value was if it is connected directly to the 50 hertz supply, it will not be the same value,
because now it is experiencing a far lower frequency.
So, this fellow will be X 2 times S, this fellow. But, R 2 will not be affected, because
it is a specialty of the inductance that the inductance value is proportional to the frequency.
So, it will see the frequency difference here. We have taken care of this one by writing
it like this. But now, we have to go by the same logic. What is it seen from the stator
terminals, seen from the input terminals, I should be able to make no difference. Whether
it is this equivalent circuit or that equivalent circuit that is the logic and because of that
logic, when we eliminated this transformer with the turns ratio a, we said that we will
multiply this, because then whatever is seen by the input side will remain the same.
So, in order to do that, what is done is that here there was supposing the voltage here
is E 1 and voltage here is, if you now do not consider the turns ratio, then it will
be SE 1. So, the SE 1 is the voltage that allows the current to flow, SE 1 is voltage
that allows the current to flow and how much is the current? How much is the current i?
This SE 1 divided by this. So, it is that amount of current.
Now, in order to keep the power dissipation seen by this one constant, what we can do
is we can say SE 1 by this or we can say then, no, no, it will be the same if you drop this,
but in that case we will divide these by S, same thing. The current with SE 1 as the voltage
and this as the impedance is the same as E 1 as the voltage and these as the impedance.
So, if you do this, then here is E 1, here is E 1, so I do not need the transformer anymore,
That makes it a very simple representation of the equivalent circuit, where the equivalent
circuit would be R 1 X 1, this is X naught R naught, this is the primary side and in
the secondary side you will have this is X 2 prime and then, sorry R 2 prime by S. That
is additional thing that is necessary, but this side is shorted. So, this is the equivalent
circuit of the induction machine, fine. From the next day, we will start form this point
and then we will develop an understanding about how the induction machine performs as
a generator.
Thank you very much.