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on today I wanted to talk to you about ten reasons you may want to consider
stopping the copy I have it really number one is the trail for teak
strong healthy adrenal allow you to have a wonderful life where you wake up
you're full of energy you just are ready to take on the day
but when you're trails are overtaxed by the excessive amounts of stress that
or put on them you're gonna wake up feeling like
absolute crap might I say excuse the language
and you're gonna need that coffee to give you a boost
drills are little things that are less than a size vietnam
and they produce nor pan-african an app in a friend which are really important
but if you have too much more but after an
an app in African then your body is going to be all outta whack
overstressed overtaxed couple the stressed that coffee
automatically induces in your body with the natural stressors I have
things like having overdue bill children running around
color on the walls are whatever I'll stresses you you have
compound at this strife here during all are exhausted when you're and level 3
adrenal fatigue which could very well happen from coffee abuse
then you don't feel like cooking you don't feel like going to work out it
just sucks your
energy alright out have you read the number two to stop drinking coffee is
that it raises your cortisol levels to an extremely high
pointless excess so pointless to sit at your desk
and have these cortisol levels stress hormones race through the roof
and just be sitting there and cortisol is also directly and positively
correlated with abdominal fat those who drink over three hundred milligrams of
caffeine per day
have a Rays scored us all level for 18
out at the 24 Hours real number three is that it's bad for your brain and for
your mood and for your psychological well-being
one of the main reasons for this is that it disrupts serotonin serotonin
regulates your mail id
regulate your sleep cycles and your appetite either way that coffee is bad
for your brain is by air being with added no see more sectors
at No same receptors receive different things different signals and when
they're blocked with Kathy and
than that can screw whole lot what are the main things I wanted to mention
at No seen being disrupted as Gabba
you are unable to Christie Gabba because you're added no scene is blocked by
Gabba is a calming soothing hi
as in-kind the neurotransmitter and you don't get that
me the number for is that women detoxify caffeine in coffee more slowly than man
and it also varies depending on the time the month you might have
a cuppa coffee coursing through your body at noon on
and you're thinking a like I'm tired I need more coffee but really you haven't
finished detoxifying the first cup you already had by the time the year at the
end of the day
you have a cumulative build-up evolves caffeine
can sleep your sleeve disrupted got increase p.m. ***
caffeine will exacerbate p.m. *** for many many women so keep that in mind if
you're having
careful p.m. *** and the only thing you think it makes it better if drinking a
lot a copy
maybe try not drinking allowed coffee at all
throughout the whole month and see if that makes it any better
reason number five is that it stresses your liver coffee
and caffeine are only detoxified buyer liver
so just keep that in mind your liver is very important and the function have
your metabolism
so where we're blocking up the liver with way too much caffeine
that's going to affect your metabolism your hormones all different types the
steps to keep that in mind
actually Rob your energy there's no such thing as a free lunch
essentially you're borrowing energy from your body an interest rate by people
think that when they drink coffee they are
getting energy from coffee but that's a misconception
coffee does not give you energy what it gives you
as a state have stew racks and that leaves me right into number seven which
will probably interest must have you quite a bit
is that coffee can actually prematurely age you
and it does this through reducing thta
dhea is a hormone that is associated with you
sex drive it's nice getting miss being young you'll have high DHEA levels
and a certain decline a little bit I when you're like
25 26 27 but if you really want to
decrease absolutely diminish sure DHEA levels
just think tons and tons of caffeine in coffee all the time
dhea is produced by your jail glanced
cell you can see how this is all one big circle
right if your drill lands are totally fit eat and shot
some people call it adrenal cause then that you're not going to be producing
optimal levels up thta reason number eight which
I feel tight very strongly with the last reason is that coffee can disrupt your
and reduce the quality of sleep so some people say
I can drink 10 cups coffee goal right to sleep and just feel totally fine coffee
doesn't affect me anymore
because I feel the tolerance to it well first of all that is a very bad sign
that you are
probably and some level the JLPT but secondly
I'm not talking about and Sonya I'm not talking about
your lack of ability to fall asleep if you have
at tolerance to caffeine you'll be able to fall asleep but the quality of your
sleep is probably diminish stop we can actually reduce that
deep sleep level at stage for sleep the rejuvenating sleep that makes you feel
wake when you wake up so you wake up
you're feeling yes they just had a beautiful night sleep reduce your coffee
art totally diminish our coffee intake if you want to have
more restful peaceful deep sleep River number nine
is that it increases your blood sugar and this also by the way increases
both these things are inflammatory for your body very bad for fat loss
and very bad for overall just hell those are you thinking wait a minute
I don't put sugar in my coffee at a compact you can still increase your
blood sugar because
your body is in a state of stress or fight or flight
so when your body is and fight or flight mode it's going to think logically wat
I brought many aunts friend in need some sugar we had a unload the show going to
our blood stream so she can run from that lie and or whatever
is chasing her whatever is causing her to feel this fight or flight
thing and then after a little bit you got this access server and your blood
yet the state of hyperglycemia so your body that response by releasing
insulin which is i fat storing hormone and
in Flint also cleans up access blood sugar
and then what happens is you have very low blood sugar from the insulin
and then you feel like crap you fill in that Dept then you go for another couple
this is that copy roller coaster ride massery then a reason everytime
is that it's a health robber and they can drive you I have
very important vital nutrients in your body like iron
I it interferes with the absorption of iron it also diminishes
B vitamins and I mean it through your urine and it also can reduce your body
magnesium potassium and other very important minerals and nutrients
I know US hated this video but it had to be made it had to be
that I am so sorry and then just a full disclosure I myself being a reformed
coffee addict I do you now want to endure this to be true
I wish with all my might that it wasn't true
that good good old cup a Joe could be in my hand right now I talk to you that
because I love coffee so dearly I really really do and I love the way that makes
me feel for about an hour but after that
forget it