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Project Homeless Connect.
It's an event where thousands will come, both as participants and as volunteers.
And we at Johns Hopkins medicine will field 80 to 100 volunteers to help today.
And the idea is to match those
experiencing homelessness with the resources available to them.
To help them achieve more stability in their lives.
>> Hopkins is the community, Hopkins is in
the community and is a part of the community.
By participating today I hope to encourage other people
in my department and within the institution to do that.
Johns Hopkins is so proud of it's support of United
Way and it's partnership with United Way of central Maryland.
We are very supportive of this event.
And what they try to do to help the people of Baltimore.
>> People are standing in line to be paired with a
volunteer guide who will share their experience of the event, help
them navigate services and, you know, help them when they get
to the tables, make their case and explain what they need.
>> A lot of people don't know what services are available to them.
So an event like this, it lets everybody know that
you know, the state of Maryland still cares about them.
>> We want to make an impact on people's lives.
Events like today where you help those that otherwise don't
have a lot of people who want to help them.
And on a one-on-one situation are able
to provide them with services they otherwise wouldn't
get, is one of those ways that in our lives we're able to make an impact.
>> It's just about getting the word out and help, helping hopefully
decrease and one day eliminate the homelessness issue here in Baltimore so.
We're trying one person at a time and I, I love to see it grow
to the point that we don't have to have this anymore, where people aren't in need.
>> So the importance of volunteering is, is just giving back and, and becoming
a steward of both organization, but also the city and the community that you serve.
So and this city has given me so much.
It's provided a lot of opportunities so for me to give
back, I just feel that it's it's a greater good for myself.
It just allows me to, to become a part of
the organization and affect change in multiple ways in my life.