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we told you about Bill Donohue he is the head of the Catholic League
that's an organization that has approximately three and have people in
it are complaining
that the Guinness pulled its sponsorship
the same Patrick's Day parade in New York and that he's a strike back
because gonna said poll did since the
parade organizers and now allow gay people to march in Saint Patrick's Day
he's gonna retaliate by marching in the gay rights parade
he said oh yeah I like a march in there by saying strain is great I'm never
signed just like that
now have course expected the organizes evaporate to be as close minded
as organize a saint patrick's parade who's truly disappointed
when they said the great we'd love to have you
and in fact there same it was his group's presence affirms the need for
this year's Pride theme
we had one when we are one straight is great
as long as there's no hate so those very clever way of responding and I certainly
meant that in this is absolutely welcome
to a walk with us now our sense here on the show was a bill Donahue
didn't really mean a walk in the parade he was hoping that they were
like I said as closed off to outsiders or people that they didn't necessarily
associate with this he is
but now the reality is of course gay groups are not like that they were
surrounded by Street Books
may never had problem was reported all they ever wanted was the same
not more the same rights Street citizens in this country have
so they said look it we're a collection of people that are gay bisexual
and if you want to be straight as for the group great grab at all
and as we suspected bill Donahue not only did not really in Penn
the participate in the parade want to just show
show them up but if his book was called would not actually participate in the
and of course thats announcement today so
bill Donahue says today I informed her digital pride officials
that I objected to the rule requiring me to attend a training sessions
or what they call information sessions
I don't agree with you rule I said they responded by saying that attendance was
see that turns out their n-terminal donahue gay
well he's not gonna go lower back care of course he's lying as always
he know what was mandatory for all groups participating at his bill
not gay training programs of course not who'd
see only bigoted people like don t he would think like that what what would we
do we will try to do brainwashing indoctrination to make everybody like us
right now
you know the actual purpose so they're mandatory meeting was safety
orientation meeting ok all-purpose up boris
if you're going to march in a parade you need to know where to go and how to be
safe in
not do the wrong things that we was indeed I created a there
they pair did your prior to purchase reflect
cable 14 wasn't talking about
mm I P reported it is he also
insisted the second reason he a would not march was because they're gonna make
him wear court
LGBT paraphernalia had
yet they're gonna make you wear I'm a bow pink triangle
granted no of course there were gonna make you wear anything it editor
predators like do we have to respond to this
up courts we were gonna make 'em where paraphernalia no he didn't have to wear
you have to wear the V we welcome them to the March
and of course he welcomed himself back and/or on Tuesday couch
where he's nice and safe and comfortable I with the two and a half other members
of the Catholic League