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\deftab720 \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardeftab720\pardirnatural
\f0\fs24 \cf0 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 Econ Rock\
Yeah\ Woah!\
Let's Go!\ US consumers in the house tonight\
Everybody just have a good time\ And we wanna spend our money tonight\
Everybody just consume tonight.\ US consumers in the house tonight\
Everybody just have a good time\ And we wanna spend our money tonight.\
We just wanna see ya,\ Spend moola! \
In the economy, we've hit rock bottom, we're in a recession\
We want out. Our national incomes' minimal.\ By that we mean it's really low.\
We need lower taxes\ Because money ain't flowin' how we need it
to flow. \ Goin' out not in, oh no.\
We need money, yeah bro.\ Yo! \
We want tax rates to decrease, right now.\ So government take action, fiscal policy is
the reaction\ We econ rock! Yeah! That's the message we
reppin'\ With a rise in government spending, we on
our way outta the recession. \ Hey!\
US consumers in the house tonight\ Everybody just have a good time \
And we wanna spend our money tonight\ Everybody just consume tonight.\
Let's go!\ US consumers in the house tonight\
Everybody just have a good time\ And we wanna spend our money tonight.\
We just wanna see ya\ Spend moola!\
Everyday we're con-su-su-ming\ Step up fast, we're currently in a negative,
GDP gap.\ Cut taxes, the tax multiplier will watch,
all our backs\ MPC over MPS\
Yeah!\ That's the tax multiplier\
Don't forget it now. \ Then the government spends more\
We spend it now\ Now the spending multiplier\
It's multiplyin\'92 now\ One over, MPS. That's the spendin' multiplier.
\ One over, MPS. That's the spendin' multiplier.\
One over, MPS. That's the spendin' multiplier. \
Lowering taxes\ Increasing gov spending\
And both\ Increase\
Our\ Aggregate\
Demand\ Pulling us\
Out of \ This bad\
Recession\ Just because\
Taxes were lowered\ Now we're spending\
Now we're spending\ Now we're spending\
Now we're spending\ US consumers in the house tonight\
Everybody just have a good time\ And we wanna spend our money tonight\
Everybody just consume goods and services tonight.\
Oh! Oh! (Lower tax rates)\ Oh! Oh! It's multiplied out\
Oh! Oh! (Now we spend)\ Oh! Oh! (It's multiplied out)\
Spend moola!\ Everyday we're con-su-su-ming\
Lower our tax rates\ Government spends more,\
Or do both\ Bringing us\
Out of\ The recession\
Bringing America\ Back to full output.}