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>> Hi, this is Julie Harland
and I'm YourMathGal.
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by topic.
This is Survey Problems
Part Five.
We're going to create
and use a venn diagram
to answer survey problem
where three sets are involved.
So here's our problem.
A survey about which
of the three beverages, tea,
coffee, milk,
people drink daily reveal
the following?
Seven drink only coffee,
so no coffee or--
I mean no tea or milk
for that set of people right?
21 drink coffee.
One drink only tea and milk.
Six drink all three,
four drink none of the three,
21 drink tea, 11 drink tea
and coffee,
nine drink neither coffee
nor tea.
So let's answer a couple
of questions.
How many people were surveyed?
And how many drink only milk?
if you've been watching my
videos, you know,
you can't just add those
numbers up.
Because there's some
intersections going
on et cetera.
So, since we're talking
about three different things,
tea, coffee, and milk,
let's do a venn diagram
with three sets.
[ Pause ]
So we've got the inverse,
so we've got tea,
coffee, and milk.
How about I let this be the
tea, this be the coffee,
and this be the milk.
Now remember, tea,
there's four regions here.
Like over here, people only
like tea that--
here's the intersection
of people who like both tea
and coffee.
And then up in this little
tiny piece here.
These are the people
who like tea and coffee
that they didn't
like milk et cetera.
So, there's a lot going
on here.
So let's see
if we can fill in.
Seven drink only coffee.
All right, so.
Is there, it's not just one
region here.
Here's the coffee region,
all four pieces.
But where is the piece
of region where they only
drink coffee.
Now I just need this part
here, they're not part
of the tea or milk.
So I could fill that in
and I've just used that to use
that information.
Next, we've got the
second clue.
21 drink coffee.
Well, the coffee is made
up of four pieces
and I've only got one piece
so far.
So I'm not going to--
I know that all together,
these four numbers have
to add up to 21.
So I'm not sure what I'm going
to put here.
I know that it gives--
these three numbers will add
up to 14, right?
'Cause they're only added
to seven, I'll get 21.
But, I can't get no anymore
than that quite yet.
How about the next one?
One drink only tea and milk.
All right.
So, let's look
at tea and milk.
Here's the intersection of tea
and milk but this has only tea
and milk.
So that means not
coffee right?
So this is only tea and milk.
I don't get it.
They don't get
to also drink coffee.
So I can actually use
that clue in when it's going
to go just
in that little region
right there.
Six drink all three.
All right.
So, what does that mean
if you drink all
three beverages?
That's the intersection
of all three
of these sets right
in the center.
Six goes right in the center.
So I've used this clue.
Four drink none of the three.
All right.
What does that mean
if you didn't, if you're not
in any of these sets,
it means they're
out here some place right?
So there are four people
that didn't drink any
of those beverages
on a daily basis.
So use I'll use that clue.
21 drink tea.
Okay, so let's see.
And here's my set of,
people that like tea.
I've got two regions filled in
but there's two regions left
to fill in.
So I can't fill that in.
I wonder how to split it
out so that all
of these add up to 21.
In fact if this is seven,
it's going to be again
with seven plus 14,
I think is [inaudible].
So these three numbers have
to add up to 14,
but I don't know how
to split it up.
How about the people that like
to drink tea and coffee?
11 drink tea and coffee.
Okay, so we've looked
at the intersection of tea
and coffee
which is right here.
There's two pieces
but one is filled in.
So I know that together,
this has to add up to 11.
So there's six here,
five has to be the piece
that goes up here.
So five and six, add up to 11
and I've just used that clue.
Right. The next one.
Nine drink neither coffee
nor tea.
All right,
what does that mean?
They are not
in this coffee circle
and they're not
in the tea circle either
right, at all.
So if you look at the coffee
or tea circle,
if we put them together,
you've got all these.
But notice,
there are two pieces
outside there.
The people that only like milk
and the people who didn't
like anything.
So be careful, all people want
to put nine right here,
that isn't going to work.
'Cause now you've got 13
that didn't
like coffee or tea.
So be careful,
that's not nine.
Together of these two pieces,
I have to add up to nine.
So if this is four,
it' s just then it would have
to be five, and I've just used
that clue.
All right.
I've gone through
and used all the clues I can
so far.
So let's go back up to see
if we didn't finish filling
the rest of this out.
I've got the 21
who drink coffee.
And notice, I filled in three
of the four pieces so far.
So I have 18, five, seven,
and six add up to 18,
and there's 21 total.
So what's left here are these
little piece.
It's got to be three,
now that adds up to 21.
So we've used that clue.
Also, 21 drink tea.
We're going
to do the same thing.
So we're looking at the set
of people who like tea,
we've got one, six,
and five already I
counted for.
So 12 people are counted for.
So 12 plus what?
Nine, it would add up to 21.
And now, I filled
in all eight regions.
So now, how are we going
to answer the question?
How may people were surveyed?
So I would add all eight
numbers you see here.
So let's see, I've got 10, 20,
30-- wait a minute, I see 10,
20-- I think I've got 40.
I see 40 but I'm going
to double check that
and you should too.
11, 14, 20--
yup I got 40 again.
How many drink only milk?
All right.
Where is that going to be?
Right in here.
This five people
who drink milk,
they don't get--
you kind of include these
people who also drink coffee
and or tea.
So we've got five.
Now, the last thing
to do is go back to--
with the, through all your
clues and make sure those
numbers still match
up correctly.
All right.
Seven drink only coffee.
All right.
So let's go over here.
Where is the people
that drink only coffee?
Right here.
I do have seven.
It looks good.
So I check that off, yup,
that work.
21 drink coffee.
So now, look at the circle
of the coffee,
make sure that adds up to 21.
And five, seven, six,
and nine, you add
up to 21, okay.
Check that one.
One drink only tea and milk.
Right. So, only tea and milk,
it means they both--
they like both tea and milk.
So I have to look at here.
But it says only, I don't get
to include the coffee people.
So that's the one, good.
Six drink all three.
That's the intersection
of all three drinks that's
in the center is six,
it looks good.
Four drink none of the three.
Well that would be out here.
And I've got four
so that looks good.
21 drink tea.
So you'll look in the set
of people that drink tea
and you add
up these four numbers
and that does add up to 21.
It looks good.
11 drink tea and coffee.
So now, we're going to look
at the intersection of tea
and coffee.
So that's right here
in the center.
Five and six add up to 11.
Good. And nine drink,
neither coffee nor tea.
Okay, so that includes the
people that only like milk
or didn't like any drink
and that is the five
plus four.
So all those done.
So our answer should be
correct if we go back up.
Let's check one more time,
how many people are surveyed?
You're going
to add eight numbers,
you should get 40.
How many drink only milk?
That's just these five people
right here.
And then you could, you know,
I could ask a whole bunch
of other questions as well.
You could make
up your own problems.
These aren't so easy
to make up.
I'm not going to go
over how I made them that,
but you could try it
on your own.
See if you can give
eight clues.
Usually, the trick is, that,
if you're going
to have eight regions,
usually, you're going to have
to give eight clues.
And we have to be kind
of careful so you could fill
in eventually, you know,
at the beginning of this,
at least, going
to be just one specific place
you could fill in,
and work up through there.
Right. So I suggest,
that you take this exact same
problem without the answer,
without the venn diagram all
on your own and try it,
and see if you could get
the answer.
And let's just ask one more
question just for fun.
How many did not drink milk?
What would that be?
I'm going to look
at the milk circle,
and look outside of that,
and I've got nine, five,
seven, and four.
So that is, let's see,
four and seven is 11,
plus to nine,
there's 25, I got 25.
[ Pause ]
Please visit my website
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where you can view all
of my videos
which are organized by topic.