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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Frank:\ \
"Hello and good evening my fellow Americans, I am Frank Amet."\
\ Frank (enthusiastically):\
\ "Tonight, for one night only, I present to
you, completely uncut, a most shocking and interesting specimen, live in the flesh in
our studio tonight, a man that will haunt you even in your dreams. Is he a monster walking
among us or just a man who can't cook? Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the man who
eats hands, the guy who'll deep fry your \ eyes, it's Haaaaaaarrrrryyyyy The Caaaannnnniibbaaaaaalllll!!!"\
\ Reggie:\
\ "Actually, My name's Reggie, Father Reggie
Green technically."\ \
Frank:\ \
"Who gives a ***?"\ \
Frank:\ \
"So, we're here live on camera. Why don't you tell us a little something about yourself,
Mothra?"\ \
Reggie:\ \
"It's Reggie, not Mothra."\ \
Frank:\ \
"Cut! Cut!...Pause!"\ \
Reggie Voice Over:\ \
"It's live, there is no cut....and who the hell says pause?"\
\ Frank:\
\ "So, Leonard, how does one get into eating
humans or how do you say it, Cannibalism? Are there some sort of online classes, meet
and greet groups or did you *** to "Soylent Green" one too many times?"\
\ Reggie:\
\ "Actually it occurred to me in church at first
communion and..."\ \
Frank Cut's him off and impersonates Charlton Heston:\
\ "Listen to me, Hatcher. You've gotta tell
them! Soylent Green is people!"\ \
Frank:\ \
"So how old are you now...in dog years?"\ \
Reggie:\ \
"Well, I guess 7 times 36 years would be..."\ \
Frank:\ \
"So, let's talk about this bread and wine business." \
\ Reggie:\
\ "Well I assume that you already know the wafer
or "host" represents the body of Christ and the wine his blood."\
\ Frank:\
\ "I'm going to have to apologize here, Larry.
My family raised me Christian, not satanic." \
\ Frank:\
\ "So tell me Harvey, are those host wafers
really gluten-free?"\ \
Reggie:\ \
"Well I never thought of..."\ \
Frank: \ \
"Certified Non-GMO? So how do you get blood out of your holy whites?"\
\ Reggie:\
\ "Bleach?"\
\ Frank:\
\ "Thank you Carlo for the helpful cleaning
tips, I'm sure your mother Maria taught you well."\
\ Frank :\
\ "So, you were talking about getting drunk
on wine and eating Jesus or something?"\ \
Reggie:\ \
"So anyway it just got me thinking about the consuming the body and blood of Christ, then
why not just consume everybody? It tasted so pure and clean, I think he was trying to
tell us something, a hidden message if you will."\
\ Frank:\
\ "If I will what, Andrew Bite-em?"\
\ Reggie: \
\ "If you would just open your mind and drink
the wine."\ \
Frank:\ \
"So you're kind of a Cannibal Vampire, interesting. I used to be in a band called "Greg's Lubed
***". We'd bend over backwards but we still couldn't get any play." \
\ Reggie:\
\ "I think you're missing the point, Frank."\
\ Frank:\
\ "Your point is like a vegan bukake video."\
\ Frank:\
\ "Let me liven up this *** of an interview
with a joke, ok?"\ \
Frank:\ \
"What do Vincent Van Gogh and Mike Tyson have in common?"\
\ Reggie: \
\ "They both give cannibals an EAR-ection."\
\ Cut to Frank staring at Reggie, clearly pissed
off that he didn't get to say the punchline\ \
"Get the hell off my set."}