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\f0\fs28 \cf0 Hey guys! Aside from the sunny spring weather we\'92ve been having, we\'92ve
got a few stories for you this week. First, it\'92s time to start buffing up security
on your Twitter accounts. \ And that means more than just changing your
password! \'85Even though that\'92s a good start.\
Yea seriously, if you have an obvious five-letter password without any numbers, it\'92s time
to start making some changes and beef up your personal security. The Twittersphere has been
up in arms after a few significant cyber attacks this week\'97the most damaging involved the
Associated Press. According to NPR, members of the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the AP
Twitter account.\ These hackers falsely tweeted that there had
been explosions at the White House and President Obama was injured. It started as an e-mail
phishing scam with a link containing a virus. If AP employees clicked to investigate the
link, their Twitter passwords could have been stolen. \
Again\'85 DON\'92T CLICK RANDOM LINKS! If it looks suspicious and it\'92s from an address
you don\'92t know, DON\'92T click on it! Associate Press staffers are supposed to be some of
the brightest minds in media. Haven\'92t they learned how to avoid viruses??\
Sometimes mistakes happen Gab, but it\'92s time to make cyber security a priority. Because
of the AP hack, the Dow actually dropped about 144 points. The market quickly recovered after
people realized the tweets were false, but this market debacle just solidifies how influential
social networks are in terms of the economy and society. Kaitlyn Gallagher, one of our
social account executives, says the bigger Twitter gets, the more appealing it becomes
for hackers.\ She says it\'92s becoming increasingly important
for big corporations to have \b online marketing companies
\b0 monitor these networks religiously to stop unwanted hacks. We don\'92t just make
posts for clients and promote engagement\'85 I mean, of course we do that, but we also
prevent media disasters like this from happening. \
Thankfully, Twitter is reacting quickly to these simultaneous hacks. It\'92s developing
a two-step verification process for all users. So basically, Twitter is going to ask for
two pieces of personal information to verify your identity when logging in. Not only will
you need a password, but you\'92ll need to provide additional information to authenticate
yourself as the true account administrator.\ And after all of this scandalous Twitter action,
you have to wonder, why on Earth would Bill Clinton want sign up for a Twitter account
now??? It\'92s probably because he was getting sick of Stephen Colbert tweeting for him and
because, well, I think Bill Clinton loves a good scandal.\
Almost as much as he loves interns!\ \'85 No comment\
In any case, welcome to Twitter Billy!\ Our last segment today is dedicated to the
final week of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. This whole month we highlighted
some apps that could prevent you from texting while driving. The last app we\'92re going
to share is Vlingo.\ Vlingo is a voice-to-text app that can use
your voice command to respond to a text message. You don\'92t even
have to touch your phone! With Vlingo you can turn your words into actions and reduce your chance
of getting into an accident. \ Preventing texting while driving is an extremely
important cause and we should all strive to decrease cell phone use in the car. To learn
more about how you can stop texting and driving, visit the Texting Awareness Foundation website.
\f1 \
\f0 That\'92s all that we have for today. If you would like more news on this story,
or additional stories, Please! Visit our website at fishbat.com, or if you want feel free to
tweet at us @fishbatsplash. Thank you for watching\'85. Catch you on the next wave\