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Cholesterol Myths and facts
My name is Vera Marcher I am the Chairman of LNS
Uffe Ravnskov have been here before
That was such a success, that he is here again
Uffe is a doctor, author and docent at Lund University
He has many good massages about cholesterol
What it is. That is has nothing to do with atherosclerosis.
That you can forget about blood lowering medicine.
and forget about measuring cholesterol level.
You should just live healthy
You can ask questions doing the lecture.
We are here until 13.30, where we have a surprise
You have the word Uffe
Thank you
What I am about to talk about is written up there
The Cholesterol Hypothesis
Hypothesis Saturated fat -> High Cholesterol -> atherosclerosis -> infarction
It is one of the biggest medical scandals in modern medicine
I am not just claiming this. I have studied this in more than 20 years
I have published more than 100 scientific articles in the largest Scandinavian and international magazines
I am no beginner. I know what I am talking about
The first time I hear about this idea, I was just out of medical school in Copenhagen in 1961.
There was an article from Framingham, where they said that the ones with elevated cholesterol, have a higher risk of infarction
I reacted immediately, because you cannot argue like that.
Just because it a little bit higher, should that cause infarction?
I use this example.
I a house is on fire, there is firefighter around the house
Saying that cholesterol causes infarction is just as stupid
as saying that the firefighters set the house on fire.
Just because there is a statistical connection between two things does not mean that one caused the other.
Yellow fingers does not lead to lung cancer.
It is the smoking the lead to yellow fingers and then…
I thought that someone quickly tell..
Smarter researcher would change that idea.
I was horrible wrong
This is a simplified version of the The Cholesterol Hypothesis
There is something in the food that makes the leads to high cholesterol, saturated fat.
The high cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis leads to infarction, strokes and other serious diseases
How are you going to prove that?
Let’s begin with the first one.
Do you get high cholesterol by eating saturated fat?
The first one to claimed that was an American professor in physiology
His name is Ancel Keys
He has probably never seen a patient.
I might explain some on his claims
His first idea was that all fat results in high cholesterol
As prove he published an article
He had collected data from 16 different populations
That is what this figure is showing
On the horizontal axis we have fat consumption
On the vertical is the cholesterol level
He said that it is clear. Eating lots of fat leads to high cholesterol level
That is the ones up here
Eating small volumes of fat results in low cholesterol
The problem is that he don’t tell the source
We can’t control the numbers
But to prove he is wrong is easy
I have put in some of the populations that he apparently “forgot”
The one is very incomplete. There is many more.
But you can see down here
It is very deviant
There is someone, how eat a lot of fat and have low cholesterol
It is the maasai people in Africa
60-70% of their calories come from saturated fat.
They have the lowest cholesterol measured for healthy people
If you include data from people worldwide,
you get a picture looking like a starry night
I also reacted to this because I had just study medicine
I still knew the chemistry and physiology.. More or less
I knew that cholesterol is one of the most important molecules the body
We use cholesterol for building cell walls
We use it for making hormones
Stress hormones, sex hormones
We have a cholesterol molecule that we change a little bit,
and then we have a hormone that is vital for us
We also use cholesterol molecules for making D-vitamin
Exposed to the sun, cholesterol molecule turns into D-vitamin
Cholesterol is a precursor to bile acid
Without bile acid we cannot absorb fat-soluble vitamins
The brain can’t function without cholesterol
The brain is the most cholesterol containing organ
Without a continuing supply of cholesterol, the brain will not work
Cholesterol is so important, that all cells can produce it
If the cells can’t produce enough themselves, they send a message to the liver.
Then the liver sends cholesterol for help
The Cholesterol we eat represents a fifth to a quarter of the cholesterol in the body
The liver produces 4-5 times more cholesterol than we eat
If we eat to little cholesterol, the liver increase the production
If we eat more cholesterol, the liver relaxes
You cannot use the cholesterol level to anything sensible
Some people are born with low cholesterol and live happily until they are 90
Some people are born with very high cholesterol, they also live until they are 90
If you have a group of people with very low cholesterol,
more of them die of cancer and infection diseases
In a group of people with high cholesterol more die of infarction,
but the has nothing to do with cholesterol
It is something completely different
I come back to that
This figure was published by Keys
Keys was a cheater
You will see this in a minut
After this he change his mind
Now is was not all fat that was dangerous
It was only saturated fat
He made some experiments on people
If he gave them more saturated fat, their cholesterol level increased
If he gave them less saturated fat, the cholesterol level decreased
When you study what he did, you find out that he actually did two things
When decreased the saturated fat, he also added polyunsaturated fat
We know that polyunsaturated fat can lower cholesterol slightly
Why that is, nobody knows
When he increased saturated fat, he reduced polyunsaturated fat
Hence, it is impossible to say, was it because of the saturated fat,
Or because of the polyunsaturated fat
It also turned out that they was not using real saturated fat
Egg, butter, cheese, meat
They used polyunsaturated fat from plants, chemical changed with oxygen
It is call trans fat
It was fat, but a lot of it was trans fat
And we know today that trans fat results in higher cholesterol.
I Denmark trans fat is now forbidden in food.
The same thing is happening in the rest of the world